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01 - Welcome Home
02 - Rub a Maiden's Hair
03 - The Skin is Dyed in the Cloud of Steam
04 - How Play Time Leads to Fighting and Rumors
05 - The Beating of This Heart
06 - True Colors of Okita ! ? Ryunosuke, Details of his Love ! ?
07 - Praying to the Gods to Find the Whereabouts of Love
08 - Dying to be a maiden
09 - The Feelings for One's Mother Are Reflected in the Moon
10 - How Losing One's Way Leads to Sorrow
11 - Hello From the Countries of the World
12 - Ghosts that Came from the Eastern Countries - Part One
13 - Ghosts that Came from the Eastern Countries - Part Two
Liste des épisodes - Japon
Nombre d'épisodes : 13
01 - okaerinasai
02 - otome no kami ni fure momi de
03 - hada o some ni shi yukemuri ni
04 - asobi o sen to ya umare kemu
05 - kono mune no tokimeki o
06 - yuubae ni haeru omoi
07 - koi no yukue wa kamidanomi
08 - otome no iro ni somari shi o
09 - tsuki ni utsuri shi haha e no omoi
10 - omoi mayoi te ui kemu
11 - chigiri ta ga wedowitazurani
12 - hore te abare te utsu muhite
13 - sayoonara