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01 - hiromi to o choo to oni koochi
02 - senshu to meiwaku to toodoo san
03 - kebyoo to ijiwaru to omoiyari
04 - shiai to kei ren to jitensha ni notte
05 - hiromi to netami shin to kie ta raketto
06 - tokkun to nebari to atsui manazashi
07 - o ran to soshitsu to shiroi kooto
08 - fuan to fuan to akai bara
09 - namida to shisa bu to koishii kooto
10 - kamubakku to joonetsu to o choo fujin
11 - nikushimi to o ran to fuyu no kaze
12 - hiromi to daburusu to koochi no himitsu
13 - ai to tooshi to munakata hitoshi
14 - akushu to hike me to watashi no tenisu
15 - koi to pawaa to karuizawa
16 - jishin to kahogo to reigai menbaa
17 - kyooteki to ni hai to ai no tsubasa
18 - ninki to medaru to nerawa reru onna
19 - konpa to hooyoo to itabasami
20 - hiromi to kaigai ensei to koochi no keikaku
21 - hiromi to katai kizuna to minamijuujisei
22 - koi to zasetsu to sai shuppatsu
23 - shoogeki to hamon to o choo fujin
24 - ai to jikaku to fukitsu na yokan
25 - kagayaku mirai to eien no wakare to munakata hitoshi (saishuu banashi)