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Liste des épisodes - Grande-Bretagne / USA Grande-Bretagne / USA Nombre d'épisodes : 52 Modifier
01 - A New School☆Aim For Making Friends With A Million People
02 - The Making Friends at the Academy Plan☆The Kigurumi Dance
03 - The Smiling Older Brother and Younger Sister☆Lemon and Melon
04 - Suddenly Dropping Out of School ! ?☆The First Lesson
05 - Academy News☆Rein's Becoming a Lady Strategy
06 - Club Activity☆Fine's Big Fart Experiment
07 - Mischevious Angels☆The Town's in an Uproar ! ?
08 - Small Solo's☆Huge Determination
09 - Crossing Over the Cosmos☆Field Trip Survival
10 - Cut Off Friendship☆Lione's Sincerity
11 - Heating Up !☆The Décor of First Love
12 - The Twins in a Pinch !☆Heart-Pounding Presentation to the Public Lesson
13 - The Angels and the Quarrel☆Pyupyu's Running Away From Home
14 - Mystery Tour☆The Puzzle of the Non-Opening Door
15 - Tooma's Conspiracy☆The Stage's Sweet Trap
16 - The Truth About Tooma☆True Companion
17 - More and More Summer Vacation !☆The Test's Big Panic ?
18 - It's Summer ! Take Care in Camp
19 - We're Home !☆The Mysterious Planet
20 - Rein, In a Pinch !☆The Uproar Over Empty Love
21 - Holidays at the Beach☆Fango and the Making Friends Plan
22 - It's Already the New School Term☆Chiffon is Targeted
23 - No Choice But to Do It !☆The Point Up Strategy
24 - Jump, Fine !☆The Sweat and Tears of Puribauaa
25 - Aim for Victory !☆The Dance Concert
26 - Congratulations !☆The Angels' Half Birthday
27 - Rescue the Angels !☆The Prince of Darkness
28 - The Evil Honor Student☆Bibin Appears
29 - Leave It to Rein☆The Heart-Pounding Love Letter
30 - Revival☆The Princess of Darkness
31 - The Heart With Sand☆Happy Date ! ?
32 - Pyupyu and Kyukyu☆First Time Using
33 - Great Detective Twin Princesses☆Who Is the Criminal ! ?
34 - Tooma's Patience♨Unreasonably Hot Water on the Field Trip
35 - Tooma's Kindness☆Memories of Protecting the Forest
36 - Who is the Bride ?☆The Super Celeb Princess Party
37 - What Will You Do, Bibin ! ?☆The Twins' Tea Party
38 - Do Your Best, Noche♪The New Melody
39 - Happy Christmas☆Bibin and the Making Friends Plan
40 - The New Year Cart Race☆Who Will Get Their Hands on the New Year's Present ! ?
41 - Pyupyu's First Love♥Bibin's Trap
42 - Fine is a Wife ?☆Noche's Pounding Heart
43 - Subtraction Paradise☆March's Recklessness
44 - Clash !☆Fango and Fingo
45 - Elizabeth in Love♥The Hand-Made Valentine
46 - Divided Tears☆Breakup ! ? Team Celeb
47 - The Three Samurai☆Do Your Best, Bright
48 - The Flower of Happiness☆Shade's Treasure
49 - The Twins VS Bibin☆The Final Confrontation !
50 - The Black Crystal King Appears☆The Academy's Crisis
51 - Reach For It !☆The Miracle of Prominence
52 - Ring Out the Sound !☆The Bell of Peace
Liste des épisodes - Japon Japon Nombre d'épisodes : 52 Modifier
01 - Atarashii gakkou☆Mezase tomodachi 100man jin
02 - Gakuen nakayoshi keikaku☆Kigurumi dance
03 - Onerai kyoudai☆Lemon to Melon
04 - Ikinari taigaku~ ! ?☆Hajimete no jugyou
05 - Gakuen news☆Rein no joshi ana daisakusen
06 - Club katsudou☆Fine no onara jikken
07 - Itazura tenshi☆Machi wa oosawagi ! ?
08 - Chiisana Solo no☆Dekkai ketsui
09 - Uchuu wo koete☆Ensoku survival
10 - Todaeta yuujou☆Lione no magokoro
11 - Atsuize !☆Hatsukoi no decor
12 - Futago pinch !☆Dokidoki no koukai jugyou
13 - Tenshi to kenka☆Pyupyu no iede
14 - Mystery tour☆Akazu no tobira no nazo
15 - Tooma no inbou☆Stage no amai wana
16 - Tooma no shinsou☆Hontou no nakama
17 - Iyoiyo natsuyasumi !☆Test de dai panic ?
18 - Natsu da ! Camp ni go youjin
19 - Tadaima !☆Fushigiboshi
20 - Rein, pinch !☆Koi no kara sawagi
21 - Umi de vacances☆Fango to nakayoshi keikaku
22 - Mou sugu shingakki☆Nerawareta Chiffon
23 - Yarukkyanai !☆Point up daisakusen
24 - Tobe Fine !☆Ase to namida no puribauaa
25 - Mezase yuushou !☆Dance concert
26 - Omedetou !☆Tenshi half birthday
27 - Tenshi wo sukue !☆Ankoku no princess
28 - Aku no yuutousei@Bibin toujou
29 - Rein ni omakase☆Dokidoki love letter
30 - Fukkatsu☆Ankoku no princess
31 - Heart no suna de☆Happy date ! ?
32 - Pyupyu to Kyukyu☆Hajimete no oi
33 - Meitantei futago hime☆Hannin wa dare da ! ?
34 - Tooma no shinbou♨Yuke muri shuugakuryokou
35 - Tooma no ninjou☆Omoide no mori wo mamore
36 - Hanayome wa dare ?☆Chou celeb na princess・party
37 - Dousuru Bibin ! ?☆Futago no ochakai
38 - Ganbare Noche♪Atarashii melody
39 - Happy Christmas☆Bibin to nakayoshi keikaku
40 - Shinshun cart race☆Otoshidama wa dare no te ni ! ?
41 - Pyupyu no hatsukoi♥Bibin no wana
42 - Fine ga okusan ?☆Dokidoki Noche
43 - Genten paradise☆Daibousou March
44 - Gekitotsu !☆Fango to Fango
45 - Koisuru Elizabert♥Tezukuri Valentine
46 - Namida no kakere☆Kaisan ! ? Team celeb
47 - Mittsu no samurai☆Ganbare Bright
48 - Happy no hana☆Shade no takaramono
49 - Futago VS Bibin☆Saigo no taiketsu !
50 - Black Crystal King toujou☆Gakuen no kiki
51 - Todoke !☆Kiseki no prominence
52 - Nari hibike !☆Heiwa no bell


0 membre possède cette série 0 membre possède cette série


Sweat à capuche - Papillons
Sweat à capuche - Papillons


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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