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01 - SF Program
02 - Enter the Comrades
03 - Latest Safe Model
04 - The Man who Returned
05 - Malfunction
06 - Work
07 - Lost Spaceship
08 - Within the Womb
09 - Legend
10 - Moon Solitaire
11 - Day before Bankruptcy
12 - First Dream
13 - Exterminate the Monsters
14 - Subway
15 - Justice of Former Times
16 - Palm of Reason
17 - Bed along the Borders
18 - Sanburu No. 1
19 - Fourth Dimension
20 - Abode in the Sky
21 - Theatre of Fate
22 - Hand Lag
23 - The Man who has Fallen
24 - The Forgotten Lands
Liste des épisodes - Japon
Nombre d'épisodes : 24
01 - SF bangumi
02 - o nakamairi
03 - shingata chokin bako
04 - kaette ki ta otoko
05 - koshou
06 - kouji
07 - ushinawa re ta uchuusen
08 - tainai meguri
09 - densetsu
10 - miduki fu
11 - tousan zenjitsu
12 - hatsuyume
13 - kaijuu gekimetsu
14 - chikatetsu
15 - mukashi no giri
16 - shaka no tenohira
17 - henkyou no nedoko
18 - san puru ichi gou
19 - yon jigen rakkyou
20 - kuuchuu juutaku
21 - unmei gekijou
22 - shu okure
23 - ochi te ki ta otoko
24 - wasure rare ta tochi