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CARDFIGHT!! ヴァンガード

Editions (0)
Génériques (7)
Paroles (7)
Episodes (2)
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Liste des épisodes - Grande-Bretagne / USA Grande-Bretagne / USA Nombre d'épisodes : 65 Modifier
01 - Vanguard of Destiny !
02 - Ride to Victory
03 - Welcome to Card Capital
04 - Assault ! Twin Drive
05 - Whirlwind ! Kamui, the Grade-School Fighter
06 - The Mysterious Card Shop
07 - The Fearsone Soulblast
08 - The King of Knights Enters the Fray !
09 - The Shop Tournament Begins
10 - Enter the Ninja Fighter
11 - Ninja Master Withdraws
12 - Aichi vs. Kamui
13 - The End of the Shop Tournament
14 - The Fearsome Undead ! A Granblue Deck !
15 - Suspenseful ? ! Emi's First Fight
16 - Team Q4 Heads for the Regional Tournament !
17 - New Allies
18 - White Hot Tournament !
19 - Showdown ! Nova Grappler
20 - The Hidden Message
21 - Rematch in the Final Match !
22 - The Holy Dragon Descends
23 - Fateful Encounter
24 - The Indelible Memory
25 - Beyond Memories
26 - A Stormy Beginning ! The National Championship !
27 - Jurassic Army
28 - Agressive Advancement ! Tachikaze Deck !
29 - When the Moon Is Full
30 - The Strongest Team, AL4 !
31 - Beautiful Assasin
32 - Demon World General !
33 - Blaster of Darkness
34 - It's Summer ! It's Camp ! It's Vanguard !
35 - Results of the Training Camp
36 - The King of Underground Fights
37 - The Return of the Ninja Master
38 - Miwa's Ability
39 - Return to Regionals
40 - Dangerous Scent
41 - Kyou's Revenge
42 - Psyqualia
43 - The Black Bellwether
44 - Unexpected Visitor
45 - Shadow Paladin
46 - The Coiling Thread
47 - Another Foo Fighter
48 - Solitary Fight
49 - Kai's Battle
50 - At the End of the Battle...
51 - Golden Glow
52 - Songstress of the Sea
53 - The Battle Begins ! Tournament Finals
54 - Gladiator
55 - Caesar's Empress
56 - The Man They Call "The Emperor"
57 - Fateful Showdown
58 - Clash ! Overlord
59 - Fighting for the Top Spot
60 - Wall of the General
61 - Feelings Toward Foo Fighter
62 - Lord of the Fight
63 - Two Powers, Side-by-Side
64 - The Truth of Psyqualia
65 - Awakening of Twin Blades.
Liste des épisodes - Japon Japon Nombre d'épisodes : 65 Modifier
01 - unmei no sendou mono ! !
02 - shouri e no raido
03 - youkoso ! kaado kyapitaru e
04 - moukou ! tsuin doraibu
05 - tsujikaze ! shougakusei faitaa kamui
06 - nazo no kaado shoppu
07 - senritsu no souru burasuto
08 - kishi ou shutsujin !
09 - shoppu taikai kaimaku
10 - ninja faitaa sanjou
11 - ninja faitaa taijou
12 - aichi tsui kamui
13 - kecchaku ! shoppu taikai
14 - Fushi no Kyōfu ! Guranburūdekki
15 - Harahara ! ? Emi no hatsu faito
16 - Chīmu Q4, chiku taikai e
17 - Aratanaru Nakama-tachi
18 - Hakunetsu no Tōnamento !
19 - Kessen ! Novua Gurappurā !
20 - Himerareta Messēji
21 - Kesshō de no Saisen ! !
22 - Maiorita Hijiri Ryū
23 - Unmei no Deai
24 - Kesenai Kioku
25 - Kioku no Sakini
26 - Haran no Makuake ! Zenkoku Taikai ! !
27 - Jurashikku Āmī
28 - Mōshin ! Tachi Kaze Dekki ! !
29 - Tsuki, Michiru Toki
30 - Saikyō Chīmu, AL4 (Apekkusu Rimiteddo Fō) !
31 - Utsukushiki Asashin
32 - Makai no Shōgun
33 - Shikkoku no Burasutā
34 - Natsuda ! Gasshukuda ! Vu~angādoda !
35 - Gasshuku no Seika
36 - Ura Faito no Ō
37 - Kaette Kita Minja Masutā
38 - Miwa no Jitsuryoku
39 - Chiku Taikai, Futatabi
40 - Kiken'na nioi
41 - Fukushū no kyō
42 - PSY kuoria
43 - Kuroi sendō-sha
44 - Yoki senu raikyaku
45 - Shadou paradin
46 - Karamitsuku ito
47 - Mōhitotsu no fū faitā
48 - Kodoku na faito
49 - Kai no tatakai
50 - Tatakai no hate ni...
51 - Ōgon no kagayaki
52 - Yōjō no utahime
53 - Kaisen ! Kesshō Tōnamento
54 - Guradiētā
55 - Kaesaru no Jotei
56 - Kōtei to Yobareru Otoko
57 - Shukumei no Taiketsu
58 - Gekitotsu ! Ōbārōdo
59 - Chōten no Za o Kakete
60 - Shōgun no Kabe
61 - Fū Faitā e no Omoi
62 - Faito no Shihaisha
63 - Narabitatsu Nōryokusha
64 - Saikuoria no Shinjitsu
65 - Mezameshi Sōken


0 membre possède cette série 0 membre possède cette série


Sac tissu - Papillons
Sac tissu - Papillons


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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