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01 - A Quickening Investigation
02 - A Large Isolated Place
03 - Full Moon
04 - Go for the Golden Dream
05 - The Troubles of Other People
06 - Wave of the Sea, Come forth
07 - Maybe this Is Justice
08 - Imprisoned
09 - Love of the Red Finger
10 - Storm Tunnel
11 - Only for You
12 - The Scent of Justice
13 - Through the Darkness, It Came
14 - The Light That Became Brighter
15 - Naked Logic
16 - Her and I
18 - Reversible Bonds
19 - Distorted Vision
20 - Absolute Inviter
21 - What's Next
22 - The Sign At Walpurgis
23 - Collecting Remains
24 - Yuu's Arms
Liste des épisodes - Japon
Nombre d'épisodes : 24
01 - Taido no shirabe
02 - Hedatari, tada takaku
03 - Michiru tsuki
04 - Ougon taru yume o tomo ni
05 - Zettaishi no tanin
06 - Kyoki no umi, kachuu e
07 - Arui wa seigi to
08 - Shujintachi
09 - Mederu yubi ni akaku
10 - Boufu kairo
11 - Kimi dake ni
12 - Imawashi no ibuki
13 - Yami ugatsu hoko, soshite
14 - Soshite shiroku kagayakeru
15 - neikiddo.rojikku
16 - Gakai to kochiku (Kanojo to watashi)
18 - Kagyaku no kizuna
19 - Yugamu shikai
20 - Zettai o maneku mono
21 - Tsugi ni aru mono
22 - WALPURGIS no michishirube
23 - Zansai, atsumete
24 - Yuu no ude[kaina]