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List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 39 Modify
01 - La petite aventurière
02 - Le trésor des pirates des Caraïbes
03 - Les braconniers de l'Atlantique
04 - Fuyons !
05 - Nuit blanche à Rio de Janeiro
06 - La baleine bleue
07 - Thomas dans la bulle
08 - La chasse aux trésors
09 - Le trésor et mon secret
10 - Tico prend la route
11 - Nanami princesse des océans
12 - Maggy
13 - Série noire
14 - Retour au pays
15 - Vols en tout genre
16 - Tico future maman
17 - Bienvenue à Junior
18 - Projet de mariage
19 - Marée noire
20 - Copain copain
21 - La baleine et le serpent
22 - Le secret de l'iceberg
23 - Adieu Tico
24 - Le chant de la baleine
25 - Souvenirs enfouis
26 - Le piano de maman
27 - Le bateau fantôme
28 - Ne me parlez pas de poulpes !
29 - L'île aux papillons
30 - L'œuf magique
31 - Cheryl et Scott, seuls sur une île
32 - Le cœlacanthe
33 - Le calamar géant
34 - Toutes voiles dehors
35 - La dernière chance
36 - La baleine lumineuse est en danger
37 - La forteresse de l'Atlantique
38 - La baleine nous éclaire
39 - Le cercle lumineux
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 39 Modify
01 - Lo squalo bianco
02 - I pirati dei caraibi
03 - I gangster dell'Atlantico
04 - L'inseguimento
05 - Avventure a Rio
06 - La balenottera azzura
07 - Avventure in fondo al mare
08 - Il tesoro
09 - La grotta segreta
10 - In viaggio sulla terraferma
11 - Principessa per una sera
12 - Una famiglia infelice
13 -Una giornataccia
14 - Bentorno a casa, Al !
15 - Un'isola da salvare
16 - Una grande notizia
17 - Tico diventa mamma
18 - Un fidanzato per Cheryl
19 - La piattaforma petrolifera
20 - La rotta verso il nord
21 - Il serpente e la balena
22 - Il mistero dell'iceberb
23 - Addio Tico
24 -Il canto della balena
25 - Visita in Giappone
26 - La zia di Nancy
27 - La nave fantasma
28 - Operazione piovra
29 - L'isola delle farfalle
30 - Avventura in Australia
31 - L'isola deserta
32 - Il mare delle latimerie
33 - Il mostro luminoso
34 - Issate le vele !
35 - L'ultima possibilità
36 - La balena luminosa è in pericolo !
37 - La fortezza dell'Antartico
38 - Liberiamo la balena !
39 - La balena luminosa
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 39 Modify
01 - The girl with the killer whale: Nanami the adventuress
02 - Caribbean pirates chasing after children ! ?
03 - The Atlantic ocean gang is coming ! ?
04 - Run, run, run ! !
05 - Rio de Janeiro never sleeps
06 - The day we met a sulphur-bottom whale
07 - Under the Atlantic: Thomas all alone
08 - Sunken boat on the Zaire river: Treasure mystery
09 - Boat of hope floating on a mysterious underground lake
10 - The Pepelonchino sails across land !
11 - Princess Nanami: Dream of the Aegean sea
12 - Another Nanami and a happy family
13 - Oh ! The worst day of Thomas's life
14 - Exciting ! A lady on the island of Sicily
15 - Wonderful unity ! Nanami dancing in the sky
16 - A new friend ! ! Tico's baby !
17 - Attaboy, Junior ! His first deep breath
18 - What ! ! Sheryl, engaged ! ?
19 - Big panic in the North sea oilfield: Protect the seabird !
20 - Does Junior hate Nanami ! ?
21 - Shining iceberg ! Legend of the North sea aurora
22 - Ice labyrinth ! Buried time
23 - Goodbye forever ! Tico's death
24 - They who give life: Whalesong sounding in the sea
25 - To Japan ! In search of memories of mother
26 - I met mom ! A distant summer's day
27 - Ghost story in the fog ! St Elmo's ghost-ship
28 - Squidball 2 goes into deep sea !
29 - Nanami's adventure: An island with butterflies !
30 - Miraculous egg which grants eternal beauty
31 - Sheryl and Scott: A night on a desert island
32 - To the Coelacanth sea: Mystery of the shining monster
33 - Scott isn't responding ! ! Sea that's a devil's lair
34 - Raise the sails ! ! Great chase of the blue whale
35 - Last chance ! Dad's prayer
36 - The light whale in danger: Devil's attack !
37 - Ambition awakened ! Castle of the southern continent
38 - The light whale's guidance: End of the iron castle
39 - Departures: The eternal ring of light
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 39 Modify
01 - shachi wo tsureta shōjo bōkensha nanami
02 - karibu no kaizoku wa kodomo wo nerau ! ?
03 - taiseiyō no gyangu ga yatte kuru ! ?
04 - nigete nigete nigemakure ! !
05 - riodejaneiro wa nemuranai
06 - shiro nagasu kujira ni atta hi
07 - taiseiyō no soko toomasu hitoribocchi
08 - zaiiru kawa no chinbotsusen hihō no nazo
09 - maboroshi no chitei mizuumi ni ukabu kibō no fune
10 - peperonchiino gō ga riku wo hashiru !
11 - purinsesu nanami eege kai no yume
12 - mō hitori no nanami to kōfuku na kazoku
13 - aa ! toomasu kun no jinsei saiaku no hi
14 - gōketsu ! shichiria shima no aru neechan
15 - subarashiki danketsu ! sora ni mau nanami
16 - atarashii nakama ! ! tiko no akachan !
17 - ganbare jyunia ! saisho no fukakokyû
18 - e ! ! sheriru san tsui ni kon'yaku ! ?
19 - hokkai yuta dai panikku kaichō wo mamore !
20 - jyunia wa nanami ga kirai nano ! ?
21 - hikaru hyōzan ! hokkyokukai no oorora densetsu
22 - kōri no meikyû ! umoreta mama no jikan
23 - sayōnara eien ni ! tiko no shi
24 - inochi wo tsugu mono umi ni hibiku kujira no uta
25 - nihon he ! kaasan no omoide wo tazunete
26 - okaasan ni aeta ! tooi natsu no hi
27 - kiri no kwaidan ! sentoerumo no yûreisen
28 - sukuidobooru 2gō shinkai wo yuku !
29 - nanami no bōken chō no mau shima !
30 - eien no utsukushisa ga te ni hairu kiseki no tamago
31 - sheriru to sukotto mujintō no ichiya
32 - shiirakansu no umi he hikaru kaibutsu no nazo
33 - sukotto ōdō sezu ! ! akuma no sumu umi
34 - ho wo agero ! ! daitsuiseki hikarikujira
35 - rasuto chansu ! tōsan no inori
36 - hikari kujira ga abunai akuma no shûgeki !
37 - ugoki hajimeta yabō ! nankyoku tairiku no shiro
38 - hikari kujira no michibiki tetsu no shiro no saigo
39 - sorezore no tabidachi eien no hikari no wa
List of the episodes - Germany Germany Number of episodes : 39 Modify
01 - Jagd auf den weißen Hai
02 - Der Piratenschatz
03 - Rettung in letzter Sekunde
04 - Volle Kraft voraus
05 - Nanami in Gefangenschaft
06 - Der Blauwal
07 - Thomas in großer Gefahr
08 - Al auf Schatzsuche
09 - Das Geheimnis des Schatzes
10 - Tico auf dem Landweg
11 - Die Kreuzfahrt
12 - Eine neue Familie für Nanami
13 - Ein harter Tag für Thomas
14 - Heimweh nach Sizilien
15 - Inselparadies in Not
16 - Tico wird Mutter
17 - Ein Baby namens Junior
18 - Ein Ehemann für Cheryl
19 - Panik auf der Bohrinsel
20 - Juniors Eifersucht
21 - Die Hilfe der Eskimos
22 - Der Leuchtwal
23 - Tico stirbt
24 - Trauer um Tico
25 - Abenteuer in Japan
26 - Die Erinnerung kommt wieder
27 - Das Geisterschiff
28 - Der Oktopus
29 - Insel der Schmetterlinge
30 - Das Wunder-Ei
31 - Zu zweit auf einer Insel
32 - Ein seltsamer Fisch
33 - Das leuchtende Ungeheuer
34 - Hißt die Segel
35 - Dem Ziel so nahe
36 - Jagd auf den Leuchtwal
37 - Kriminelle Forschung
38 - Kampf der Tiere
39 - Die Stimme des Lebens


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