List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA  |
Number of episodes : 6 |
 | 01 - I'll Follow You
02 - We Leave A Magic Club
03 - Magic Is So Easy, Isn't It ?
04 - I Wish You... Wh... What ?
05 - I See We Are The Same
06 - Well, Believe Yourself | List of the episodes - Italy  |
Number of episodes : 6 |
 | 01 - La Campana, il senpai Takakura
02 - La Trottola Gigante, la signorina
03 - L’Elica Volante, Akane e la magia
04 - Il mare, la grotta e il party della magia
05 - Nanaka, il senpai Aburatsubo e la magia della dichiarazione ?
06 - Sae, Jeff e la grande magia | List of the episodes - Japan  |
Number of episodes : 6 |
 | 01 - Tsurigane to, Takakura-senpai to, sora tobu mahou
02 - Kyodai beegoma to, Mizuha-sama to, shippai mahou
03 - Taketonbo to, Akane-chan to, ikenai mahou
04 - Umi to, doukutsu to, magic party
05 - Nanaka to, Aburatsubo-senpai to, kokuhaku mahou ! ?
06 - Sae to, Jeff-kun to, dai mahou | List of the episodes - Spain  |
Number of episodes : 6 |
 | 01 - La nave nodriza, Takeo y la magia para volar
02 - La nave peonza, Mizuha y las magias
03 - Los robots hélice, Akane y la magia prohibida
04 - El mar, la cueva y una fiesta mágica
05 - Nanaka, Ayanojyo y la magia para leer la mente
06 - Sae, Jeff y la gran magia |