List of the episodes - France  |
Number of episodes : 1 |
01 - Ponyo sur la falaise |
List of the episodes - Spain  |
Number of episodes : 1 |
01 - Ponyo en el acantilado |
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA  |
Number of episodes : 1 |
01 - Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea |
List of the episodes - Japan  |
Number of episodes : 1 |
01 - Gake no ue no Ponyo |
List of the episodes - Italy  |
Number of episodes : 1 |
01 - Ponyo sulla scogliera |
List of the episodes - Portugal  |
Number of episodes : 1 |
01 - Ponyo à Beira-Mar |
List of the episodes - Germany  |
Number of episodes : 1 |
01 - Ponyo das große abenteuer am meer |
List of the episodes - Russia  |
Number of episodes : 1 |
01 - Рыбка Поньо на утёсе |
List of the episodes - Denmark  |
Number of episodes : 1 |
01 - Ponyo på klippen ved havet |
List of the episodes - Hungary  |
Number of episodes : 1 |
01 - Ponyo a tengerparti sziklán |
List of the episodes - Norway  |
Number of episodes : 1 |
01 - Ponyo på klippen ved havet |
List of the episodes - Brazil  |
Number of episodes : 1 |
01 - Ponyo : uma amizade que veio do mar |
List of the episodes - Finland  |
Number of episodes : 1 |
01 - Ponyo rantakalliolla |