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List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 143 Modify
001 - karei naru sekai no ippikiookami
002 - gorufu ya hoo kongu ken
003 - tensai shoonen no choosen joo
004 - kyoofu ! ! jigogudani gorufu joo
005 - moku kakushi batto no iai uchi
006 - taiketsu ! masamune tai mura tadashi
007 - guriin no yoosei beni hachi
008 - atarashii doraibaa
009 - nigai shoori
010 - misutaa oogon kamen
011 - osoreru beki teki !
012 - ame no naka no kessen
013 - kyaputen.iiguru
014 - sutemi no koogeki
015 - wootaa.shotto !
016 - shoobu ! san jitsugetsu hoshi shiroo
017 - shin da hoo mozu otoshi
018 - choosen ! kyokuuchi da hoo
019 - ayaushi ! joshi puro choo karen
020 - taiketsu ! ! misu.suneeku
021 - gorufu tera.jigoku meguri
022 - taiyoo ni mukatte ute !
023 - kyoofu no suupaa gorufu mashin
024 - kyooteki ! robotto.tai tan
025 - sogeki shu wa hata o nerau !
026 - fuuji rare ta hata tsutsumi
027 - arata naru mokuhyoo
028 - nerawa re ta yon ban battaa
029 - misutaa X no wana
030 - shinigami gen waru ! !
031 - kaimaku ! amachua senshuken
032 - kesshoo e no semaki mon ! !
033 - hissatsu ! shinigami ya hoo
034 - patto
035 - taiketsu ! ! (yon kyoo)
036 - kie ta masamune ! !
037 - otoshiana
038 - saraba shinigami !
039 - taikai iin choo no ketsudan !
040 - saruya gorufu joo kikiippatsu !
041 - koori no ue no taiketsu
042 - yuki no hi no shoobu
043 - occhan dai funtoo
044 - shin koosu tanjoo
045 - gorufu kyooshi.saru ! ?
046 - shuunen no doraibingu kyoosoo
047 - terebi sutaa.saru ! ?
048 - yangu puro samu.foodo
049 - niapin kyoosoo
050 - nazo no kozure gorufaa
051 - fuu no naka no fushi
052 - biggu. miito booru
053 - nonsutoppu guriin
054 - shadoumasutaazu
055 - burakku.eipu
056 - hi no umi o koe te ute !
057 - sarumane shotto
058 - nazo no bishoojo
059 - reddo.sukorupio
060 - arijigoku to garagara hebi
061 - nin men iwa no tatakai !
062 - shaaku.kiraa
063 - howaito.debiru shutsugen
064 - kieru koosu ! ?
065 - tomahooku
066 - mitsurin no kyoofu
067 - yoake no shitoo
068 - yami no teioo kingu.shiizaa
069 - ban hooru kaseki no mori
070 - saru zettaizetsumei ! !
071 - shin da hoodai kazaguruma uchi !
072 - ikari no haimen gyakuten uchi !
073 - shitoo ! maguma. hooru
074 - honkon no saru shoo hi saru
075 - taiketsu ! saru tai saru
076 - uwasa no otoko doragon
077 - shinobiyoru kyooteki no kage
078 - saikyoo no teki
079 - fuuun ! ryuu ga mine koosu
080 - mikan no taiki raiden !
081 - ryuu no tsume
082 - yuuki aru ketsudan !
083 - yuki no hi no hoomon sha
084 - raiden tai ogamiuchi
085 - shitoo saikai ! ! ― chuugoku ryuuka hoo koosu ―
086 - ryuu no se
087 - ryuu no hara
088 - hozo kara no dasshutsu
089 - tenun wa izure ni ! ?
090 - saishuu hooru densetsu no shitoo
091 - arata naru densetsu
092 - raibaru to no saikai
093 - kage no gorufu
094 - nigai kecchaku
095 - misutaa X to kashima taizoo
096 - suppon numa no shoobu !
097 - kaette ki ta beni hachi
098 - kishikaisei no ichida !
099 - arata naru ketsui
100 - hasuraa jeronimo
101 - gorufu tokkun doojoo
102 - ikari no shinjin kangei kai
103 - iwa tetsutte dare ya ! ?
104 - hakunetsu no naitaa shoobu
105 - choosen ! mugen jigoku
106 - beni hachi san kara no tegami
107 - doojooyaburi gen waru !
108 - kuge da hoo mari da shotto
109 - gekitoo ! kyooto teien meguri
110 - hoo no su kantorii e isoge !
111 - benkei tai saru waka maru
112 - benkei no shootai
113 - hata tsutsumi tai dai funka uchi
114 - ichi kisee tai ni kisee
115 - ma no yon dan guriin
116 - dai san hooru unmei no ichi da
117 - rongu. doraibaa
118 - kageno kojiroo
119 - oobaa doraibu
120 - handikyappu
121 - kaachan no jogen
122 - raibaru no henshin
123 - masamune tai tora tooru
124 - kecchaku ! saru tai takasu
125 - daatijimii
126 - tsuki ni mihanasa re ta otoko
127 - tai tan Ⅲ
128 - mashin tai ningen
129 - beni hachi san no tegami
130 - Mr. donkihoote
131 - purotesuto zenya
132 - nippon arubatorosushiti
133 - raibaru tachi
134 - purotesuto yosen dai hi
135 - hi da ! abare goma
136 - kai shingeki !
137 - misutaa X to no keiyaku
138 - ryuu takashi shiroo
139 - arashi no naka no shitoo
140 - san nichi me IN koosu
141 - takashi yon roo no himitsu
142 - oobaa
143 - purotesuto saishuu bi ban hooru


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