List of the episodes - France  |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Chevalier
02 - Le pacte diabolique
03 - L'épée démoniaque
04 - Serment ~ Promesse
05 - Lien ~ Ensemble
06 - Princesse impériale
07 - Famille
08 - Départ - Résolution
09 - Vestige - Lisa
10 - Double Suicide -Tragédie
11 - Vérité
12 - Blacksmith |
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA  |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Chevalier -Knight-
02 - The Devil's Pact -Valbanill-
03 - Demon Blade -Sword-
04 - Vow -Promise-
05 - Bond -Together-
06 - Imperial Daughter -Princess-
07 - Clan -Family-
08 - Departure -Resolution-
09 - Vestige -Lisa-
10 - Double Suicide -Tragedy-
11 - Truth
12 - Blacksmith |
List of the episodes - Japan  |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - kishi -Knight-
02 - akuma keiyaku - Valbanill-
03 - maken -Sword-
04 - seiyaku -Promise-
05 - kizuna -Together-
06 - ōjo -Princess-
07 - kazoku -Family-
08 - shuttatsu - Resolution-
09 - omokage -Lisa-
10 - junjō - Tragedy-
11 - shinjitsu -Truth-
12 - katanakaji -Blacksmith- |
List of the episodes - Italy  |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Cavaliere -Knight-
02 - Il patto col diavolo -Valbanill-
03 - La spada demoniaca -Spada -
04 - Giuramento -Promessa-
05 - Legame -Insieme -
06 - La figlia dell'imperatore -Principessa -
07 - Clan -Famiglia -
08 - Partenza -Risoluzione-
09 - Tracce -Lisa -
10 - Doppio suicidio -Tragedia-
11 - Verità -Truth-
12 - Fabbro -Blacksmith- |
List of the episodes - Germany  |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Knight
02 - Der Teufelsvertrag -Valbanill -
03 - Teufelsschwert -Sword -
04 - Vertrag -Promise -
05 - Verpflichtung -Together -
06 - Kaiserlich -Prinzessin -
07 - Familie -Family -
08 - Abreise -Entschluss -
09 - Spuren -Lisa -
10 - Gestorben für die Liebe -Tragödie -
11 - Wahrheit -Truth -
12 - Schmied -Blacksmith - |
List of the episodes - Spain  |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Caballero
02 - El Contrato Con El Demonio - Valbanill
03 - Espada
04 - Promesa
05 - Lazos
06 - Princesa
07 - Familia
08 - Partida Resolución
09 - Lisa
10 - Tragedia
11 - Sinceridad
12 - Herrero |