List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA  |
Number of episodes : 13 |
 | 01 - Idiots and Tests and Summoning Wars
02 - Lillies and Roses and PE
03 - Food Expenses, Date and Stun Gun
04 - Love, Spice and Box Lunch
05 - Map, Treasure and Striker Sigma V
06 - Me and the Pool and the Swimsuit Paradise ..
07 - Me and Shouko and Kisaragi Grand Park
08 - Rampage and Maze and Beings Instrumentality Project
09 - Kiss and Bust and Ponytail
10 - Mock Exam and Thief and Love Letter
11 - Old Enemy and Love Letter and Blitzkrieg Tactics
12 - Love and Courage and Our Battle Has Only Just Begun !
13 - Idiots and Tests and Summoned Creatures | List of the episodes - Japan  |
Number of episodes : 13 |
 | 01 - Baka to Class to Shoukan Sensou
02 - Yuri to Bara to Hokentaiiku
03 - Shokuhi to Date to Stun Gun
04 - Ai to Spice to Obento
05 - Chizu to Takara to Striker Sigma
06 - Boku to Pool to Mizugi no Rakuen - - to
07 - Ore to Shouko to Kisaragi Grand Park
08 - Bousou to Meikyuu to Shoukanjuu Hokan Keikaku
09 - Kiss to Bust to Ponytail
10 - Moshi to Kaitou to Love Letter
11 - Shukuteki to Koibumi to Dengekisakusen
12 - Ai to Yuuki to Ore-tachi no Tatakai wa Korekara da !
13 - Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu | List of the episodes - France  |
Number of episodes : 13 |
 | 01 - Baka To Test To Shôkanjû
02 - Des lys, des Roses et la Santé
03 - Dépenses de nourriture, Rencards et Pistolets Paralysants
04 - Amour, Épices et Bentô
05 - Cartes, Trésors et Striker Sigma V
06 - Moi, Piscine et Paradis de maillots de bain
07 - Moi, Shôko et Kisaragi Grand Park
08 - Perte de contrôle, Labyrinthe et Plan d'instrumentalisation de Shôkanjû
09 - Baiser, Poitrine et Queue de cheval
10 - Examen Blanc, Voleur Fantôme et Lettre d'Amour
11 - Nemesis, Lettre d'Amour et Guerre Éclair
12 - Amour, Courage et Notre combat ne fait que commencer
13 - Baka To Test To Shôkanjû | List of the episodes - Portugal  |
Number of episodes : 13 |
 | 01 - Idiotas, Classes e Guerra de Invocação
02 - Lírios, Rosas e Educação Física
03 - Despesas com Refeições, Encontros e Armas de Choque
04 - Amor, Tempero e Obentō
05 - Mapa, Tesouro e Striker Sigma V
06 - Eu, Piscina e Paraíso dos Biquínis―― e
07 - Eu, Shōko e Kisaragi Grand Park
08 - Fugitivo, Labirinto e Projeto de Construção de Seres Invocados
09 - Beijo, Busto e Rabo de Cavalo
10 - Falso Exame, Ladrão Fantasma e Carta de Amor
11 - Rival, Carta de Amor e Ataque Relâmpago
12 - Amor, Coragem e Nossa Batalha Acabou de Começar (Provisório)
13 - Idiotas, Testes e Seres Invocados | List of the episodes - Germany  |
Number of episodes : 13 |
 | 01 - Idioten und Tests und beschworene Kriege
02 - Lilien, Rosen und Sporttheorie
03 - Essensgeld, Dates und Taser
04 - Liebe, Gewürze und Obento
05 - Karten, Schätze und Striker Sigma V
06 - Ich, das Schwimmbad, das Paradies der Badeanzüge und…
07 - Ich, Shouko und der Kisaragi Freizeitpark...
08 - Amok, Labyrinth und der Ergreifungsplan für beschworene Wesen...
09 - Küsse, Brüste und Pferdeschwänze
10 - Probetests, mysteriöse Diebe und Liebesbriefe
11 - Erzfeinde, Liebesbriefe und Blitzkriegtaktiken
12 - Liebe, Courage und unser Kampf hat erst begonnen ! (Vorläufig)
13 - Idioten,Tests und beschworene Wesen. | List of the episodes - Spain  |
Number of episodes : 13 |
 | 01 - Idiotas, exámenes y guerras de invocaciones
02 - Rosas, Lirios Y Educacion Fisica
03 - Gastos Alimenticios, Citas y Pistolas Paralizadas
04 - Pregunta por Amor, Aderezo y comida empaquetada
05 - Mapas, tesoros y Striker Sigma V
06 - Yo, la piscina y el paraíso de los trajes de baño
07 - Yo, Shouko y el Gran Parque Kisaragi
08 - Huir, Laberinto y convocó a la Instrumentalización de la Bestia del proyecto
09 - Beso, Busto y su coleta
10 - Simulacros de exámen, ladrón fantasma y carta de amor
11 - Archienemigo, Carta de amor y Guerra relampago
12 - Amor, Valor y ¡Nuestra batalla apenas ha comenzado !
13 - Idiotas, exámenes y Seres invocados | List of the episodes - Russia  |
Number of episodes : 13 |
 | 01 - Дурик, класс и объявление войны
02 - Лилии, розы и физкультура
03 - Расходы на питание, свидание и электрошокер
04 - Любовь, пряности и бэнто
05 - Карта, сокровища и нападающий Сигма V
06 - Я, бассейн, купальниковый рай… и…
07 - Я, Сёко и луна-парк Кисараги
08 - Гонка, лабиринт и дополнительный план для сёкандзю
09 - Поцелуй, грудь и конский хвост
10 - Контрольные, таинственный вор и любовное послание
11 - Заклятый соперник, любовная поэма и блицкриг
12 - Любовь, храбрость и наша битва только начинается ! (Пока что)
13 - Дурни, тесты и сёкандзю |