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List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 12 Modify
01 - The Phantom Strawberry Panties / Mix-up or... misunderstanding ?
02 - Wavering Love Study Meeting / The Phantom Beauty Again !
03 - Second Button of Memories / Childhood Friend is a Spring Storm
04 - Troublesome High School Life / The Wrong Heart and Mind
05 - Panic in my room / Raging waves of the summer camp
06 - A Present With All One's Might / A Sensation Of Unknown Destination
07 - Eruption ! North/South War / A Christmas Alone
08 - Continuation of the Dream, Once Again / Hug Me in the Snow
09 - Valentine's Chance Encounter / Bittersweet Chocolate
10 - Going to Next Level of Gratitude / *Throb* *Throb* First Date ! ?
11 - A Dangerous Newcomer / Decision ! Birthday
12 - Reunion in the Rain / The Real Heroine
List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 12 Modify
01 - La vision des petites culottes en fraises
02 - Période scolaire des élans de l'amour
03 - Le second bouton pour souvenir
04 - Les hauts et bas de la vie au lycée !
05 - Panique dans ma chambre
06 - Un cadeau très désiré
07 - La guerre Nord-Sud est ouverte !
08 - Le rêve continue, encore une fois
09 - Une St Valentin chanceuse
10 - Montrer son niveau de gratitude
11 - Une nouvelle arrivante dangereuse
12 - Une autre rencontre sous la pluie
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 12 Modify
01 - The Phantom Strawberry Panties / Mix-up or,,, misunderstanding ?
02 - Wavering Love Study Meeting / The Phantom Beauty Again !
03 - 2nd Button of Memory / A spring storm is a childhood friend
04 - Torrid High School Life / Passing Hearts and Feelings
05 - Panic in My Room / Raging Waves of the Summer Camp
06 - A Present With All One's Might / A Sensation Of Unknown Destination
07 - Eruption ! North/South War / A Christmas Alone
08 - Continuation of the Dream, Once Again / Hug Me in the Snow
09 - Valentine's Chance Encounter / Bittersweet Chocolate
10 - Going to Next Level of Gratitude / *Throb* *Throb* First Date ! ?
11 - A Dangerous Newcomer / Decision ! Birthday
12 - Reunion in the Rain / The Real Heroine
List of the episodes - Spain Spain Number of episodes : 12 Modify
01 - La ropa interior de frutillas / Malentendido o elección equivocada ?
02 - Seccion de estudios tembloroso amor / La chica hermosa de nuevo
03 - El segundo botón de los recuerdos / La amiga de la infancia es una tormenta de primavera
04 - La problemática vida en la secundaria alta / Corazón y mentes equivocados
05 - Pánico en mi habitación / Olas furiosas del campamento de verano
06 - Un regalo con el esfuerzo de todos / Destino desconocido de los sentimientos
07 - Disturbio repentino ! Guerra Civil / Navidad solitaria
08 - El sueño continúa una vez más / Un abrazo en el medio de la nieve !
09 - El encuentro de San Valentín / Chocolate dulce y amargo
10 - Aumentando la gratitud / Latidos. Primera cita ? !
11 - El peligroso nuevo miembro / Determinación ! Cumpleaños
12 - Otro encuentro en la lluvia / Una verdadera protagonista
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 12 Modify
01 - Le mutandine con le fragole illusorie/Incomprensione o impressione sbagliata ?
02 - La passione scuote il gruppo di studio/Di nuovo la bellezza illusoria !
03 - Il secondo bottone dei ricordi/L'amicizia di vecchia data è una tempesta primaverile
04 - La problematica vita di liceo/Incomprensioni tra cuore e testa
05 - Panico nella mia stanza/Mareggiata al campo estivo
06 - Regalo fatto con tutto il cuore/La destinazione sconosciuta dei sentimenti
07 - Scoppia ! La guerra civile/Natale solitario
08 - Il sogno continua ancora/Abbraccio sotto la neve !
09 - San Valentino per caso/Cioccolato dolceamaro
10 - Il ringraziamento del level up/Un primo appuntamento da batticuore ! ?
11 - Un pericoloso nuovo arrivo/Decisione ! Compleanno
12 - Un altro incontro sotto la pioggia/Una vera eroina


5 members have this series 5 members have this series


Coque iPhone 5/5s - Mononoke
Coque iPhone 5/5s - Mononoke


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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