List of the episodes - Japan  |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Shikeishū
02 - Gedokuzai (kyandi)
03 - Jī tō
04 - Kurō Kurō
05 - Shiniku matsuri (Kānibaru Kōpusu)
06 - Hamingu Bādo
07 - Genzai (Rechiddo Eggu)
08 - Jiyū no Kusari (Sukāchein)
09 - Sanka Sokushin-zai (Wāmu Ītā)
10 - Hakamori (Andāteikā)
11 - Zetsubō no GIG
12 - Kyūsai (Gureitofuru Deddo) |
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA  |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Death Row
02 - Antidote (Candy)
03 - G Block
04 - Crow Claw
05 - Carnival of Corpses (Carnival Corpse)
06 - Hummingbird
07 - Original Sin (Wretched Egg)
08 - Chains of Freedom (Scar Chain)
09 - Pro-oxidant (Worm Eater)
10 - Caretaker (Undertaker)
11 - Despair of GIG
12 - Relief (Grateful Dead) |
List of the episodes - France  |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Le Cadavre Ambulant
02 - Bonbon Antidote
03 - Le Bloc-G
04 - Cui-Cui
05 - Le Carnaval Cadavre
06 - Colibri
07 - Le Péché Originel
08 - Scar Chain
09 - Mangeur de Ver
10 - Undertaker
11 - Concert du désespoir
12 - Soulagement |
List of the episodes - Germany  |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Todeskandidat
02 - Gegengift (Candy)
03 - G-Block
04 - Crow - Krähe
05 - Karneval der Leichen
06 - Kolibri
07 - Ursprungssünde (Wretched Egg)
08 - Scar Chain
09 - Wurmfresser
10 - Undertaker
11 - Auftritt des Elends
12 - Erlösung |
List of the episodes - Spain  |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Corredor de la muerte
02 - Antidoto (Candy)
03 - Bloque G
04 - Cuervo, Cuervo
05 - Carnaval de Cadaveres (Carnival Corpses)
06 - Colibrí
07 - Pecado Original (Wretched Egg)
08 - Cadena libre (Scar Chein)
09 - Oxidante(Comedor de Gusanos)
10 - Portero (Undertaker)
11 - GIG de la desesperación
12 - Socorro (Agradecemos la muerte) |
List of the episodes - Portugal  |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Homem Morto Passando
02 - Antídoto (Candy)
03 - Bloco G
04 - Corvo Corvo
05 - Festival dos Corpos (Carnival Corpse)
06 - Beija-Flor
07 - O Pecado Original (Wretched Egg)
08 - Correntes da Liberdade (Scar Chain)
09 - Pró-oxidante (Worm Eater)
10 - Zelador (Undertaker)
11 - Espetáculo da Miséria
12 - Salvação (Grateful Dead) |