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List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 22 Modify
01 - Lo stimato Club Classico ha riaperto
02 - Le attività dello stimato Club Classico
03 - Gli eredi del Club Classico e le relative circostanze
04 - I giorni passati del Club Classico e le sue glorie
05 - La verità sul Club Classico e del suo passato
06 - Commettere un peccato
07 - Quando la nebbia si alza
08 - All'anteprima !
09 - Il caso d'omicidio del villaggio deserto Furuoka
10 - Ciò che nessuno ha notato
11 - Titoli di coda del folle
12 - Quasi accatastati fino al soffitto
13 - Un cadavere di sera
14 - Lampo
15 - L'incidente Juumonji
16 - L'ultimo obiettivo
17 - L'ordine kudryavka
18 - Splende il sole su quelle montagne ?
19 - Chiunque lo sappia
20 - Buon anno
21 - Il caso del cioccolato fatto in casa
22 - Ragazza su una deviazione
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 22 Modify
01 - The Revival of the Long-established Classic Literature Club
02 - The Activities of the Esteemed Classic Literature Club
03 - The Descendants of the Classic Literature Club with its Circumstances
04 - The Old Days of the Glorious Classic Literature Club
05 - The Truth of the Historic Classic Literature Club
06 - To Commit a Grave Sin"
07 - Have Found the Identity
08 - Let's Go to the Film Preview !
09 - The Furuoka Deserted Village Murder Case
10 - The Blind Spot of Everyone
11 - End Roll of the Fool
12 - The Thingies That are Piled up Without End
13 - A Corpse by Evening
14 - Wild Fire
15 - The Jūmonji Case
16 - The Last Target
17 - The Order of Kudryavka
18 - Is the Mountain Range Sunny ?
19 - Anyone Who Knows
20 - Sappy New Year
21 - The Homemade Chocolates Case
22 - The Doll that Took a Detour
List of the episodes - Portugal Portugal Number of episodes : 22 Modify
01 - O Clube de Literatura Clássica foi Restaurado
02 - Atividades do Clube de Literatura Clássica
03 - Descendentes do Clube de Literatura Clássica e suas Circunstancias
04 - Dias Passados do Clube de Literatura Clássica e sua Glória
05 - A verdade do Clube de Literatura Clássica e sua História
06 - Para Cometer um Pecado Grave
07 - Descobrindo a Verdadeira Identidade
08 - Vamos assistir ao Filme
09 - O Caso Furuoka do Assassinato da Vila Abandonada
10 - O que Ninguém Notou
11 - Créditos Finais do Tolo
12 - Praticamente Empilhados até o Teto
13 - Um Cadáver por Noite
14 - Incêndio
15 - O Incidente Jumonji
16 - O Último Alvo
17 - A Ordem dos Kudryavka
18 - As Montanhas são Ensolaradas ?
19 - Qualquer um que Saiba
20 - Sappy New Year !
21 - O Caso dos Chocolates Caseiros
22 - A Boneca que Pegou um Desvio
List of the episodes - Russia Russia Number of episodes : 22 Modify
01 - Восстановление почитаемого клуба классической литературы
02 - Деятельность почитаемого клуба классической литературы
03 - Преемники клуба классической литературы и их последствия
04 - Прошлое клуба классической литературы и его слава
05 - Правда клуба классической литературы и его прошлое
06 - Совершение смертного греха
07 - Выявление истины
08 - Пойдёмте на предпросмотр !
09 - Дело об убийстве в заброшенной деревне Фуруока
10 - Слепое пятно 10 000 человек
11 - Титры шута
12 - Дела, которые постоянно накапливаются
13 - Труп в сумерках
14 - Дикий огонь
15 - Дело Дзюмондзи
16 - Последняя цель
17 - Последовательность Кудрявки
18 - Светит ли солнце в горах ?
19 - Те, кто придерживается любых подсказок
20 - С новым открытием
21 - Дело о шоколаде ручной работы
22 - Кукла, пошедшая в обход
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 22 Modify
01 - Dentō Aru Koten-bu no Saisei
02 - Meiyo Aru Koten-bu no Katsudō
03 - Jijō Aru Koten-bu no Matsuei
04 - Eikō Aru Koten-bu no Sekijitsu
05 - Rekishi Aru Koten-bu no Shinjitsu
06 - Taizai o Okasu
07 - Shōtai Mitari
08 - Shishakai ni Ikō !
09 - Furuoka Haison Satsujin Jiken
10 - Ban'nin no Shikaku
11 - Gusha no Endorōru
12 - Kagiri Naku Tsumareta Rei no Are
13 - Yūbe niwa Mukuro ni
14 - Wairudo Faia
15 - Jūmonji Jiken
16 - Saigo no Hyōteki
17 - Kudoryafuka no Junban
18 - Renpō wa Hareteiru ka
19 - Kokoroatari no Aru Mono wa
20 - Akimashite Omedetō
21 - Tezukuri Chokorēto Jiken
22 - Tōmawari Suru Hina


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Tshirt contrast femme pseudo - Kiki
Tshirt contrast femme pseudo - Kiki


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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