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List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 101 Modify
001 - Les jumeaux
002 - L'équipe de base-ball
003 - L'élection de la miss
004 - Le journal de Debby
005 - La course de relais
006 - Kim et Valérie
007 - Mariage
008 - Des problèmes pour Théo
009 - Inédit en France
010 - L'adversaire
011 - L'inscription de Théo
012 - Les conseils d'Adrien
013 - Peines de cœur
014 - Un si beau couple
015 - La gifle
016 - Le baiser
017 - Le premier match de Théo
018 - Théo est sur son nuage
019 - Admiratif ou jaloux
020 - Le cadeau manqué
021 - Trop sensible
022 - Une partie décisive
023 - Tout n'est pas perdu
024 - Les rivaux
025 - L'accident
026 - La terrible vérité
027 - Tristes souvenirs
028 - Le manque
029 - La victoire
030 - Le débutant
031 - Courage Théo !
032 - La gymnastique artistique
033 - Le tournoi de gymnastique
034 - Debby la star
035 - La championne de gymnastique
036 - Tremblement de terre
037 - Les petits chiens
038 - Le camp d'été
039 - Le défi
040 - Égalité
041 - La déception
042 - Le nouveau capitaine
043 - L'interview
044 - La jalousie
045 - Une entorse à l'entraînement
046 - Changement de lanceur
047 - Changement de rôle
048 - Une amitié
049 - L'idole des filles
050 - Une nouvelle amitié
051 - Théo est jaloux
052 - L'intrigue
053 - La rencontre
054 - Théo et Guy
055 - Notre histoire
056 - Tant de souvenirs
057 - Changement au sommet
058 - Le nouvel entraîneur
059 - Zoé se sent à l'abri
060 - Debby, tu nous manques
061 - La plaisanterie de Théo
062 - L'entraîneur a un secret
063 - L'enquête de Théo et Debby
064 - Le match amical
065 - Un concours difficile
066 - La présidence
067 - La découverte du secret
068 - Un problème de vision
069 - Le secret
070 - Une bonne nouvelle
071 - Le cadeau
072 - Un entraînement éprouvant
073 - La recette
074 - Une étrange cuisine
075 - Les progrès de Zoé
076 - La médaille d'or
077 - Le tirage au sort
078 - Vicissitudes sportives
079 - Les difficultés de l'équipe
080 - Les éliminatoires
081 - La composition de l'équipe
082 - La rancune des deux frères
083 - Le handicap de Boris
084 - Un acte de courage
085 - Le retour de Stéphane
086 - Un affrontement décisif
087 - La rencontre
088 - Match de qualification pour la huitième de finale
089 - Théo est un gourmand
090 - La finale
091 - La défaite de Franck
092 - Une fête pour Théo
093 - Une rencontre importante
094 - Le record
095 - La réhabilitation de l'entraîneur
096 - Le dédoublement de personnalité
097 - Le dernier match des éliminatoires
098 - La transformation de l'entraîneur
099 - Les prolongations
100 - Théo prend des risques
101 - Le rêve se réalise
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 101 Modify
001 - No matter what everybody says, we're twins !
002 - Women's intuition ! Worried about Tatsuya's talent
003 - Unexpectedly pitching for the first time ! Kazuya's troublesome name ! ?
004 - Did you see ? Didn't you see ? ! Minami's diary !
005 - High fever rally race ! Such an accurate goal ! ?
006 - The rumour's true ! ? Minami & Kazuya's worried families
007 - Really ! Tatsuya and Minami's wedding clothes ! ?
008 - Tatsuya in a fight ! The truth at the Kyodai showdown
009 - Be careful of Tatsuya & Harada's friendship !
010 - Everyone in the High School is worried !
011 - Kitare baseball team ! A subtle shift in Tatsuya's heart !
012 - First practice ! Vigorous Kazuya & worn-out Tatsuya ! ?
013 - Kazuya worried ! Dear Koutaru's slump
014 - Discontent ? Minami & Kazuya are the best couple ! ?
015 - This is trouble ! Tatsuya slapped Minami !
016 - It's painful ! Kazuya's heart is lemon-colored !
017 - First kiss ! Too much love form Minami ! ?
018 - Tatsuya's feelings are a little complex !
019 - Forget, forget-me-not ! ? The important memories of two people
020 - What's that ? Tatsuya's tender chance encounter !
021 - Kat-chan wanted to make it to Koushien for Minami's sake
022 - Keep on playing ball ! Kazuya vs. Terashima !
023 - Minami registered ! She appeared ! ? Love's timely sudden change
024 - Almost Koushien of one person, Minami's dream of one person !
025 - Minami's longest day ! Kat-chan, hurry up and come !
026 - End of the match ! However, without you...
027 - A short summer ... Goodbye, Kat-chan !
028 - There's no ace for the baseball team...
029 - What ? Tender Tat-chan's boxer status ! ?
030 - The odd circumstances how the glory of #1 came to be on his back
031 - Tatsuya on the hill ! Control is another story
032 - Kazuya's dear wife, but the worry is about the stupid brother
033 - Birth of a rhythmic gymnastics star ! Minami has a natural gift ! ?
034 - Good luck, Tatsuya ! First game pitching makes the heart beat like a drum
035 - One way or another you're cornered ! ? Current rumours of Minami !
036 - A couple ! Minami & Tatsuya's dangerous night ! ?
037 - Aim for Koushien ! The baseball club is in the middle of camp !
038 - First round preliminaries ! Strategist Tat-chan enters ! ?
039 - Show of competence ! Cool Nitta and Tenacious Nishimura !
040 - Second round hot war ! Tat-chan vs. Tenacious Nishimura
041 -11th inning in the rain ! Bases loaded with 2 outs ! Batter Nishimura
042 - One more extra inning ! ? The four-sided love affair about Minami
043 - Shake up Tatsuya the ace ! Minami & Nitta's dangerous relationship ! ?
044 - Yuka's detective story ! Where did Minami & Tatsuya go ?
045 - Challenge to the ace ! I'm Uesugi's rival !
046 - Rival declaration ! Surpassing Uesugi Kazuya !
047 - Showdown with Sumiko ! What ? Pitcher Yoshida !
048 - Uesugi appears at last ! Nitta, I'll be victorious !
049 - Brother, don't give up the top spot ! Koushien's in sight !
050 - A date after school ! ? Minami & Nitta's dangerous relationship !
051 - Unacceptable ! ? Minami declares her love to Tatsuya !
052 - A love triangle ! You're a bother !
053 - Tatsuya's extracurricular lessons ... Thinking too much about love !
054 - Finally the last Koushien !
055 - Soushuuhen: Memories are too beautiful...
056 - Soushuuhen: Don't surrender the ace position to anyone !
057 - A puzzling new coach turns up !
058 - I'm Kashiwaba ! I won't forgive the spoiled children !
059 - Tempest at the Meisei baseball club ! Another problem after Minami leaves
060 - Hard-fighting new coach ! Minami's still number one
061 - Hey Kashiwaba ! Minami is the bet in the contest !
062 - Sepia-coloured couple ! Minami & Nitta's beach story
063 - The secret behind the sunglasses ! What kind of person is Kashiwaba ?
064 - No rules of the practice game ! We're watching the demon manager
065 - Go for it, Minami. It's not suitable to give up !
066 - Minami is the student council president ? An idol one way or another !
067 - Oh-oh, we're beginning to see ! Coach Kashiwaba's true character !
068 - Stop Tatsuya ! Yuka's forced dating strategy !
069 - The Koushien dream ! Don't rush your resignation !
070 - Summer is soon ! How many more dropout troubles
071 - Summer camp starts ! Evil coach is waiting !
072 - Scarier than the demon ? Lady Yuka's cooking camp !
073 - Chef Yuka ! It's a long hard road to be a gourmet chef !
074 - Finally ! Cooking battle between Minami & Yuka
075 - End of the cooking trouble ! ? Secret taste is from Minami's spice
076 - Thinking of the floor exercise ! Minami is waiting for Tatsuya ! ?
077 - First match of the competition ! Now summer is here !
078 - Combination 1: Asakura Minami is 18 ! Now is the time for youth !
079 - Combination 2: Fight Meisei ! Kashiwaba doesn't scare us
080 - First battle ! We're not going to lose !
081 - First battle is no problem ! The real enemy is Kashiwaba ! ?
082 - I can see ! Kashiwaba brother's secret
083 - What will Tatsuya do in the second battle ! Koutaro's big fix !
084 - Yuka-chan in danger ! Don't force the date so much
085 - Unforgettable showdown ? Now he's back !
086 - I'm not going to lose the third battle. Show you the ace battle !
087 - Surprise ! ? Kashiwaba romance ! Love this girl because she looks like Minami
088 - It's not revenge ! ? No sign of the fourth battle !
089 - Tatsuya's the ace ? Under lots of pressure ! ?
090 - Round before the semi-finals ! Meisei vs. 3 pitchers ! ?
091 - It's unexpected ! ? The game's not over yet !
092 - Distressing image pile up ! Tatsuya's more than Minami expected !
093 - Here it comes ! ? Coach's order ! Wounded heart, enduring Kashiwaba's program !
094 - In the middle of the semi-finals ! Tat-chan going for the big new record !
095 - Celebrate, victory of the finals ! Our fate lies in Kashiwaba's hand !
096 - One more to get to Koushien ! Hope ! Kazuya's promise
097 - Go go Meisei ! Play ball to victory !
098 - Finals for whom ! ? Tatsuya, show you can do it !
099 - No more chances ! ? It's coming ! The Kashiwaba sign !
100 - Let's win Meisei ! Koushien is waiting for us !
101 - New starting line, from Uesugi Tatsuya to Asakura Minami...
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 101 Modify
001 - Darega nanto iōto oretachi futago desu ! !
002 - Onnano chokkan ! Chotchi kininaru Tatsuya no sainō
003 - Omowazu hatsutouban ! Kazuya no namae de osawagase ! ?
004 - Mitaka ? Minaika ? Minami no nikki ! !
005 - Nekketsu baton tatchi ! Gōru wa seikaku ni ne ! ?
006 - Uwasa wa hontō ! ? Minami to Kazuya no kininaru kankei
007 - E honto ! ! Tatsuya to Minami ga kekkon shichau ! ?
008 - Tatsuya uchimasu ! ! Honki de kyoudai taiketsu
009 - Tatsuya to Harada-kun no abunai yūjō !
010 - Minna nayande kibun wa sukkari kōkōsei desu !
011 - Kitare yakyūbu ! Bimyō ni yureru Tatsuya no kokoro ! !
012 - Hatsu renshū ! Hatsuratsu Kazuya to yoreyore Tatsuya ! ?
013 - Kazuya shinpai desu ! Koino suranpu Kōtarō-kun
014 - Fuman desu ? Minami to Kazuya wa besuto kappuru ! ?
015 - Kore wa jiken desu ! Tatsuya ga Minami o hirateuchi ! !
016 - Setsunaine ! Kazuya no hāto wa remon iro !
017 - fāsuto kisu ! Minami yori ai o komete ! ?
018 - Tatsuya no kimochi wa chotto fukuzatsu desu !
019 - Wasuretai wasurenai ! ? Futari no daijina omoide
020 - Dōsuruno ? Tatsuya no yasashisa surechigai ! !
021 - Soredemo Katchan wa Minami no tame ni kōshien
022 - Iyoiyo purei bōru ! Kazuya vāsasu Terashima !
023 - Minami ni todoke ! Deruka ! ? Koino gyakuten taimurī
024 - Kōshien made ato hitotsu, Minami no yume mo ato hitotsu !
025 - Minami no ichiban nagai hi ! Hayaku kite Katchan ! !
026 - Shiai Shūryō ! Kimi ga inakereba...
027 - Dai ichibu kan: Mijikasugita natsu ... Katchan ni sayonara !
028 - Ēsu no inai yakyū-bu nante...
029 - Are ? Yasashī Tatchan bokusā shikkaku ! ?
030 - Eikō no sebangō 1 yatte yarenai wake wa nai
031 - Gōwan Tatsuya ! Demo kontorōru ga kadai desu
032 - Ore wa Kazuya no koinyōbō demo kininaru baka aniki
033 - Tanjō shintaisō no hoshi ! Minami wa yappari tensai ! ?
034 - Ganbare Tatsuya ! Hara hara doki doki hatsu tōban
035 - Nanikato shinpai ! ? Chikagoro uwasa no Minami-chan !
036 - Futari kiri ! Minami to Tatsuya no abunai yoru ! ?
037 - Mezase Kōshien ! Tadaima yakyū-bu gasshukuchū ! !
038 - Yosen ikkaisen ! Zunōha Tatchan tōjō ! ?
039 - Jitsuryoku haiken ! Kūru na Nitta to Gattsu Nishimura ! !
040 - Nettō nikaisen ! Tatchan vāsasu Gattsu Nishimura
041 - Ameno enchō 11 kai ! 2 shi manrui ! ! Battā Nishimura
042 - Mō hitotsu no enchōsen ! ? Minami o meguru shikaku kankei
043 - Yureru ēsu Tatsuya ! ! Nitta to Minami ga kyūsekkin ! ?
044 - Yuka no tantei monogatari ! Minami to Tatsuya wa doko e yuku
045 - Ēsu o nerae ! Boku ga Uesugi no raibaru da ! !
046 - Raibaru sengen ! Uesugi Kazuya o koetekure ! !
047 - Taiketsu Sumikō ! E ! ? Pitchā Yoshida ! !
048 - Tsui ni Uesugi tōjō ! Nitta, ore to shōbu da ! !
049 - Dame aniki henjō ! Kōshien ga mietekita ! !
050 - Hōkago dēto ! ? Minami to Nitta wa abunai kankei ! !
051 - Nattoku shinai ! ? Minami ga Tatsuya ni koibito sengen ! !
052 - Koi no 3 gen chūkei ! Jamamono wa omae da ! !
053 - Tatsuya no kagai jugyō ... Omoisugoshi mo koi no uchi !
054 - Dainibu kan: Iyoiyo saigo no Kōshien dazo ! !
055 - Soushūhen: Omoide wa utsukushi sugite...
056 - Soushūhen: Ēsu wa dare ni mo watasanai !
057 - Daisanbu kaishi: Nazo no shinkantoku ga yattekuru ! !
058 - Ore wa Kashiwaba ! Amattare wa yurusanai ! !
059 - Arashi no Meisei yakyū-bu ! Minami ga satte mata ichinan
060 - Shin manējā daikusen ! Yappari Minami ga ichiban
061 - Oi Kashiwaba ! Minami o kakete shōbu da ! !
062 - Sepia iro no futari ! Minami to Nitta no kaigan monogatari
063 - Sangurasu no oku no himitsu ! Kashiwaba wa nanimono ?
064 - Jingi naki renshū jiai ! Oni kantoku no otenami haiken
065 - Ganbare Minami. Gibu appu wa niawanai ! !
066 - Minami ga seito kaichō ? Aidoru wa nanikato taihen !
067 - Mumu mitekitazo ! Kashiwaba kantoku no shōtai ! !
068 - Sutoppu za Tatsuya ! Yuka no muriyari dēto sakusen ! !
069 - Yume wa Kōshien ! Taibu todoke wa awatezuni ! !
070 - Natsu majika ! Dokomade tsuzuku ochikobore sōdō
071 - Natsu gasshuku totsunyū ! Oni kantoku ga matteiru ! !
072 - Oni yori kowai ? Ojō-sama Yuka no gasshuku ryōri ! !
073 - Hōchōnin Yuka ! Gurume no michi wa kewashiku tōi ! !
074 - Tsui ni kita ! Minami to Yuka no Kukkingu dai sensō
075 - Oryōri sōdō kanketsu ! ? Kakushi aji wa Minami no supaisu
076 - Kinishite shintaisō ! Minami wa Tatsuya o matteiru ! ?
077 - Yosen kumiawase kettei ! Iyoiyo natsu honban ! !
078 - Sōshūhen I: Asakura Minami wa 18 sai ! Tadaima seishun shinkōkei ! !
079 - Soushuuhen II: Faito Meisei ! ! Kashiwaba nanka kowakunai
080 - Honjitsu yosen dai 1 kaisen ! Yaruki dake wa makenaize ! !
081 - Tondemonai 1 kaisen ! Hontō no teki wa Kashiwaba ! ?
082 - Mietazo ! Kashiwaba kyōdai no fukai nazo
083 - Dōsuru Tatsuya 2 kaisen ! Kōtarō dai pinchi ! !
084 - Yuka-chan kiki ippatsu ! ! Oshikake dēto mo hodohodo ni
085 - Shūnen no taiketsu ! ? Imagoro aitsuga kamu bakku !
086 - Makete tamaruka 3 kaisen ēsu no chikara o misete yaru !
087 - Igai ! ? Kashiwaba romansu ! Minami ni niteiru koigokoro
088 - Fukushū janai ! ? Nō sain de 4 kaisen !
089 - Tatsuya wa ēsu ? Senaka ni kanjiru puresshā ! ?
090 - Junjun kesshō ! Meisei vāsasu pitchā ga 3 nin ! ?
091 - Ban kuruwase ! ? Mada mada shōbu wa wakaranai !
092 - Setsunai imēji kasanarune ! Tatsuya wa Minami no yosō ijō !
093 - Deta ! ? Kantoku meirei ! Kokoro ni kizu motsu Kashiwaba saihai !
094 - Junkesshō massaichū ! Naruka Tatchan daikiroku !
095 - Shuku, kesshō shinshutsu ! Unmeiha Kashiwaba no te no naka ni !
096 - Ato hitotsu de kōshien ! Kanaetai ! Kazuya no yakusoku
097 - Gō Gō Meisei ! Shōrini mukatte purē bōru !
098 - Dare no tame no kesshōsen ! ? Hontō no Tatsuya o misete !
099 - Mō ato ga nai ! ? Deruka ! Kashiwaba sain !
100 - Katsuzo Meisei ! Kōshien wa oretachi o matteiru !
101 - Atarashii stāto rain, Uesugi Tatsuya wa Asakura Minami o...
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 101 Modify
001 - I due gemelli
002 - La squadra di baseball
003 - L'elezione della Miss
004 - La gara di staffetta
005 - Gli allenamenti per la gara
006 - Che cotta
007 - Kim e Vera
008 - Grossi problemi per Tom
009 - Una ragazza per Arada
010 - Un degno avversario
011 - L'iscrizione di Tom
012 - Un astro nascente
013 - C'è un altro rubacuori
014 - La coppia più bella
015 - Uno schiaffo per Minami
016 - L'abbraccio
017 - Primo match per Tom
018 - Tom è sulle nuvole
019 - Kim ce la farà
020 - Il guanto nuovo
021 - Una storia triste
022 - Una partita decisiva
023 - Non è tutto perduto
024 - La gara
025 - L'incidente
026 - La tremenda verità
027 - La tragica scomparsa
028 - Tom ha della stoffa
029 - La vittoria
030 - La zuffa
031 - Un po' di fiducia
032 - La ginnastica artistica
033 - Vittoria mancata
034 - Il successo di Minami
035 - La gara di ginnastica
036 - Il terremoto
037 - Il ritiro
038 - Il campionato estivo
039 - La sfida
040 - Parità
041 - Il migliore
042 - Il nuovo capitano
043 - Nello è bravissimo
044 - Sono fidanzati ?
045 - La corsa spericolata
046 - La scelta del lanciatore
047 - I ruoli si scambiano
048 - L'amichevole
049 - L'idolo delle ragazzine
050 - Una nuova amicizia
051 - Tom è geloso
052 - La domenica
053 - Il colloquio
054 - Chicca ce l'ha fatta
055 - La nostra storia
056 - Quanti ricordi
057 - Cambiamenti al vertice
058 - Il nuovo allenatore
059 - Chicca si sente al sicuro
060 - Minami ci manchi
061 - La beffa di Tom
062 - Il mistero dell'allenatore
063 - Le indagini di Tom e Minami
064 - Tom viene escluso
065 - Massimo impegno
066 - La presidentessa
067 - Il mistero svelato
068 - Problemi di vista
069 - L'interbase
070 - Una bella notizia
071 - Il regalo
072 - Allenamenti massacranti
073 - Le ricette
074 - Difficoltà ai fornelli
075 - Che diplomazia
076 - La medaglia d'oro
077 - Il sorteggio
078 - Vicissitudini sportive
079 - Le difficoltà della squadra
080 - Le eliminatorie
081 - La formazione per la partita
082 - Il risentimento dei due fratelli
083 - L'handicap di Giancarlo
084 - Un atto di coraggio
085 - Una vecchia conoscenza
086 - Il cambiamento
087 - Un incontro interessante
088 - Il falò
089 - Nervosismi
090 - Gioco in memoria di Kim
091 - Emanuele sconfitto
092 - Le ire di Minami
093 - Un incontro importante
094 - Il record
095 - Roccaforte si vendicherà ?
096 - È Kim a darmi la forza
097 - La finale delle eliminatorie
098 - Il cambiamento di Roccaforte
099 - Tempi supplementari
100 - Tom rischia
101 - Il sogno si avvera


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Coque galaxy S3 - Kiki


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