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List of the episodes - Germany Germany Number of episodes : 52 Modify
01 - Das Kitz kommt
02 - Bruchlandung
03 - Die junge Lehrerin
04 - Die Schule fängt an
05 - Der kluge Tausch
06 - Regentage und Sonnentage
07 - Unter Wölfen
08 - Die Baumschule
09 - Die Reitschule
10 - Freunde für einen Tag
11 - Wie ein kleiner Bruder
12 - Familienzuwachs
13 - Überraschender Besuch
14 - Traurige Ferien
15 - Freunde in der Not
16 - Der Ausreisser
17 - Die Einladung
18 - Eine lange Reise
19 - In der grossen Stadt
20 - Heimweh
21 - Die Heimreise
22 - Die bittere Wahrheit
23 - Der Lauf der Dinge
24 - Gefährliche Spiele
25 - Der seltsame Gast
26 - Das grosse Abenteuer
27 - Die grosse Dürre
28 - Das Unwetter
29 - Nach dem Regen
30 - Fleck hat Glück
31 - Die Hochzeit
32 - Die Wölfe
33 - Der kleine Bär
34 - Der Weihnachtseinkauf
35 - Meister Petz
36 - Verlorener Stolz
37 - Jody und Julia
38 - Mutters Geheimnisse
39 - Gezähmt
40 - Wachsen tut weh
41 - Bartneid
42 - Tierliebe
43 - Grosse Pläne
44 - Stolze Paten
45 - Lebt wohl
46 - Worte, an die man denkt
47 - Alte Zeiten
48 - Vorahnungen
49 - Neue Zäune - alte Träume
50 - Abschied von einem Freund
51 - Entweder - oder
52 - Es muss sein
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 52 Modify
01 - kojika ni atta hi
02 - tori ni natta shin'yū
03 - boku tachi no sensei
04 - machi kara mori he
05 - sekai ichi chiisana kyōshitsu
06 - ame no hi ga nichiyōbi
07 - iede inu dasshu
08 - Okina ki no chiisana ie
09 - tuinku sensei umi ni noru
10 - inoshishi bōya
11 - boku no otōto
12 - hitomi no naka no suisha
13 - shusseki wo torareta furaggu
14 - futari no nokosare bōzu (
15 - hashika wo arigatō
16 - ikikaeri paatii
17 - bosuton kara no shukudai
18 - bosuton datte amerika da
19 - chiisana futari no daigakusei
20 - yume no naka no funsui
21 - bosuton hatsu furaggu yuki
22 - bakku niisan no nekkuresu
23 - itazura furaggu
24 - erarii no betto
25 - maboroshi no tonari no ie
26 - machi kara kita shōnen
27 - ame wo yobu posuto
28 - arashi no naka no sannin
29 - chiisana bōken ryokō
30 - boku ga aniki de otōto de
31 - mori no hanayomesan
32 - ōkami ni natta tōsan
33 - jūnihiki no koguma
34 - kesareta okurimono
35 - suruufutto to no taiketsu
36 - hitori no ōkami
37 - jūissai no rōken
38 - kaasan no ensōkai
39 - jodi ga arauma ni notta hi
40 - otona ni naritakunai
41 - otona ni naritakunai
42 - furaggu to haiiro no kogitsune
43 - yozora no taiyō
44 - bokutachi wa nazuke oya
45 - sayonara no kiteki
46 - yoroobi nibai kanashimi hanbun
47 - nisai kara no shin'yū
48 - maboroshi no supeinjin
49 - kieta tōmorokoshi
50 - sora kakeru fodauingu
51 - fodauingu no okurimono
52 - niji no naka no furaggu
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 52 Modify
01 - The day I met a fawn
02 - Friend turned into a bird
03 - Our teacher
04 - From the town to the forest
05 - The world's smallest classroom
06 - Sundays are rainy days
07 - Dash the runaway dog
08 - Little house in a big tree
09 - Mr Twink rides a horse
10 - Boar boy
11 - My little brother
12 - Water mill in the eye
13 - Flag loses a seat
14 - Two boys left behind
15 - Thanks for the measles
16 - Welcome back to life party
17 - Homework from Boston
18 - Boston's part of America too
19 - Two little college students
20 - Water fountain in a dream
21 - From Boston to Flag
22 - Brother Buck's necklace
23 - Mischevious Flag
24 - Ellary's bet
25 - The elusive house next door
26 - Boy who came from town
27 - Letter which calls down the rain
28 - Three in a storm
29 - A little trip of adventure
30 - I'm both big and little brother
31 - Bride of the forest
32 - Dad becomes a wolf
33 - Twelve bearcubs
34 - The erased gift
35 - Showdown with Slewfoot
36 - Lone wolf
37 - Eleven-year-old dog
38 - Mother's concert
39 - The day Jodie rode a wild horse
40 - I don't want to become an adult
41 - Spring breeze for Ellary
42 - Flag and the gray foxcub
43 - Midnight sun
44 - We're godparents
45 - Whistle of farewell
46 - Twice the happiness, half the sadness
47 - Best friends from the age of two
48 - A rare Spaniard
49 - The disappeared corn
50 - Fodawing flies the sky
51 - Fodawing's gift
52 - Flag in a rainbow


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Tshirt contrast homme pseudo - Hauru
Tshirt contrast homme pseudo - Hauru


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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