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List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 14 Modify
01 - Masadra x Big Stories x Mad Bomber
02 - Without Nen x New Year x Hunter Exam
03 - An Encounter x Kuroro x The Gold Dust Girl
04 - Contact x Razor x A United Front
05 - Meeting Again x Hisoka x Sporting Event
06 - Lighthouse x Eigth People x Game Master
07 - Jan x Ken x Guu !
08 - Unite x Impact x Bungee Gum
09 - Joint Struggle x Crisis x Battle Announcement
10 - Stakeout x Preparation x Battle Start
11 - Bisque x Killua x New Ultimate Attack
12 - Fighting Spirit x Gyo x Little Flower
13 - Cruelty x Determination x Climax
14 - Game x Everything Cleared x Finale
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 14 Modify
01 - Masadora x Yaku Shin x Bakuhatsu ma
02 - Jyo nen x Shin nen x Hantaa shiken
03 - Souguu x Kuroro x Kinpun shoujyo
04 - Sesshouku x Reizaa x Kyoudousensen
05 - Saikai x Hisoka x Supootsu shoubu
06 - Toudai x Hachinin x Geemu masuta
07 - Jyan x Ken x Guu
08 - Goutai x Shougeki x Banjiigamu
09 - Kyoutou x Pinchi x Sensenfu
10 - Harikomu x Junbi x Chisen kaishi
11 - Bisuke x Kilua x Shin hissatsuwaza
12 - Kryoku x Gyou x Hitonigiri no kayaku Ritoru Furaawa
13 - Reikoku x Getsui x Saishuu kyokumen Kuraimakusu
14 - Gi ai (Geemu) x Zen kuri x Daidanen
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 14 Modify
01 - Masadora x Progressi x Boomer
02 - Esame x Allenamento x Promozione
03 - Incontro x Kuroro x Il dado
04 - Contatto x Razor x Forze congiunte
05 - Riunione x Hisoka x Giochi sportivi
06 - Il faro x 8 giocatori x Creatore del gioco
07 - Palla x Aura x Pugno
08 - Combinazione x Impatto x Bungee gum
09 - Forze congiunte x Crisi x Al castello
10 - Appostamento x Preparazione x Inizio battaglia
11 - Biscuit x 3 esperimenti x L'ultimo duello
12 - Orgoglio x Resistenza x Rivincita
13 - Crudeltà x Determinazione x L'apice
14 - Il gioco x Tutti liberi x Epilogo
List of the episodes - Portugal Portugal Number of episodes : 14 Modify
01 - Masadora × História × Boomer
02 - Removedor de Nen × Ano Novo × Exame Hunter
03 - Encontro × Kuroro × Garota de Ouro em Pó
04 - Contato × Laser × Frente Unida
05 - Novo Encontro × Hisoka × Evento Esportivo
06 - Farol × 8 Pessoas × Game Master
07 - Jan × Ken × Guu !
08 - União × Impacto × Goma Elástica
09 - Esforços × Apuros × Declaração de Guerra
10 - Vigia × Preparação × Início da Batalha
11 - Biscue × Killua × Novo Ataque Especial
12 - Espírito de Luta × Gyou × Little Flower
13 - Crueldade × Determinação × Clímax
14 - GI × Tudo Completo × Final
List of the episodes - Spain Spain Number of episodes : 14 Modify
01 - Masadora x Grandes Saltos x Bombardero
02 - Eliminador de Nen x Año Nuevo x Prueba del Cazador
03 - Encuentro x Kuroro x La Chica de Polvo Dorado
04 - Contacto x Reiza x Un Frente Unido
05 - Reencuentro x Hisoka x Pelea Deportiva
06 - Faro x 8 Personas x Maestro de Juego
07 - ¡Piedra x Papel x Tijera !
08 - Unión x Impacto x Caucho Bungee
09 - Lucha x Pizca x Declaración de Guerra
10 - Fuera del Juego x Preparación x El Comienzo de la batalla
11 - Biscuit x Killua x Ataque Especial Nuevo
12 - Energia x Intensificacion x Pequeña Flor
13 - Crueldad x Determinación x Climax
14 - GI x Completado x Final
List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 14 Modify
01 - Masadora X Progrès fulgurants X Boomer
02 - Exorcisé X Nouvelle année X Examen
03 - Rencontre X Kuroro X La fille à la peau d'or
04 - Contact X Razor X Front commun
05 - L'union X Hisoka X L'épreuve sportive
06 - Le phare X Huit joueurs X Les maîtres du jeu
07 - Pierre X Papier X Ciseaux !
08 - La combine X Impact X Bungee Gum
09 - Front commun X Situation de crise X Déclaration de guerre
10 - Sous surveillance X Préparation X Début du combat
11 - Biscuit X Killua X Nouvelle attaque spéciale
12 - La volonté de sa force X Gyō X Petite Fleur
13 - Cruauté X Détermination X Climax
14 - Greed Island X Fin de la partie X Dénouement


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