List of the episodes - Japan  |
Number of episodes : 8 |
01 - Kyoubai x Sakusen x 80 paasento
02 - Denki x Oora x Hissatsuwaza
03 - Ren x Shiren x Sorezore no ippo
04 - Staato x Jumon x Kenshyou no machi
05 - Kanyuu x Risuto x Saijyo ha guu !
06 - Toru x Torareru x Kaado Jigoku
07 - Sanzoku x Kaibutsu x Bisuketto
08 - Shuugyou x Genseki x Shizaa hanzu |
List of the episodes - Germany  |
Number of episodes : 8 |
01 - Auktion x Plan x 80 Prozent
02 - Elektrizität x Aura x Spezial Angriff
03 - Ren X Prüfung X Jedermann's Kraft
04 - Anfang X Zauber X Stadt der Belohnungen
05 - Einladung x Liste x Zuerst kommt Stein
06 - Stehlen x Gestohlen x Kartenhölle
07 - Banditen x Monster x Biscuit
08 - Training x Rohmaterial x Scherenhände |
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA  |
Number of episodes : 8 |
01 - Auction x Plan x 80 Percent
02 - Electricity x Aura x Special Attack
03 - Ren x Trial x Everyone's Step
04 - Start x Spell x Reward Street
05 - Invitation x List x Rock, Paper, Scissors !
06 - Take x Taken x Card Hell
07 - Bandit x Monster x Biscuit
08 - Training x Raw Ore x Scissor Hands |
List of the episodes - France  |
Number of episodes : 8 |
01 - Enchère X Plan X 80%
02 - Aura X Electricité X Technique spéciale
03 - Ren X Examen X Premier pas général
04 - Début X Sort X Ville des prix
05 - Invitation X Liste X Ciseaux, papier, caillou
06 - Prendre X Pris X L'enfer des cartes
07 - Bandit X Monstre X Biscuit
08 - Entraînement X Or pur X Ciseaux |
List of the episodes - Italy  |
Number of episodes : 8 |
01 - Febbre x Piano x Asta
02 - Elettricità x Aura x Colpo letale
03 - Rem x Esame x Primo passo
04 - Start x Magia x Città dei premi
05 - Rivali x Addestramento x Carta 83
06 - Inseguitori x Furto x Partenza
07 - Banditi x Mostri x Biscuit
08 - Regole x Allenamento x Strategie |
List of the episodes - Portugal  |
Number of episodes : 8 |
01 - Leilão × Plano × 80 por Centro
02 - Eletricidade × Aura × Técnica Especial
03 - Ren × Testes × Os Passos de Todos
04 - Início × Magia × A Cidade dos Prêmios
05 - Convite × Lista × Primeiro é Pedra !
06 - Roubar × Roubado × Inferno de Cartas
07 - Bandido × Monstro × Biscuit
08 - Treino × Jóia Bruta × Mãos de Tesouras |
List of the episodes - Spain  |
Number of episodes : 8 |
01 - Subasta x Plan x 80%
02 - Electricidad x Aura x Ataque Especial
03 - Ren x Pruebas x El Paso de Todo
04 - Comienzo x Hechizo x Pueblo de Premios
05 - Reclutacion x Lista x ¡Primero Piedra !
06 - Tomar x Tomado x Infierno de Cartas
07 - Bandidos x Monstruos x Biscuit
08 - Entrenamiento x Mineral en Bruto x Manos de Tijera |