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List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 470 Modify
001 - Newsreel of the Stars #1
002 - Theme Song #1
003 - De-Zanitized
004 - The Monkey Song
005 - Nighty-Night Toon
006 - End Credits - Standard
007 - Yakko's World
008 - Cookies for Einstein
009 - Pinky and The Brain Introduction #1
010 - Win Big
011 - Wheel of Morality #1
012 - Tower Escape by Cart
013 - H.M.S. Yakko
014 - Slappy Squirrel Introduction #1
015 - Slappy Goes Walnuts
016 - Yakko's Universe
017 - Tower Escape by Balloon
018 - Hooked on a Ceiling
019 - Wakko Projector
020 - Goodfeathers: The Beginning
021 - Wheel of Morality #2
022 - Tower Return by Ladder
023 - Taming Of The Screwy
024 - Flipper Parody
025 - Temporary Insanity
026 - Mindy and Buttons Introduction
027 - Operation: Lollipop
028 - What Are We?
029 - Tower Escape by Flush
030 - Piano Rag
031 - When Rita Met Runt
032 - Tower Return by Barber's Chair
033 - The Warner's Lot Song
034 - Randy Beaman #1 - Marshmallow
035 - The Big Candy Store
036 - Randy Beaman #2 - Crazy Footlicker
037 - Bumbie's Mom
038 - Tower Return by Catapult
039 - Wally Llama
040 - Pinky and The Brain Introduction #2
041 - Where Rodents Dare
042 - Wheel of Morality #3
043 - King Yakko
044 - Tower Escape by Soap Bubble
045 - No Pain, No Painting
046 - Les Miseranimals
047 - Tower Return by Escalator
048 - Tower Escape by Popcorn Skiing
049 - Garage Sale of the Century
050 - Fortune Cookies
051 - West Side Pigeons
052 - Hello Nice Warners
053 - Hip Hippos Introduction
054 - La Behemoth
055 - Slappy Squirrel Introduction #2
056 - Little Old Slappy From Pasadena
057 - Mime Time #1 - Trapped in an Imaginary Box
058 - La La Law
059 - Mime Time #2 - Throwing an Imaginary Football
060 - Cat on a Hot Steel Beam
061 - Mime Time #3 - Pulling an Imaginary Rope
062 - Tower Escape by Cannon
063 - Space Probed
064 - Battle for the Planet
065 - Chalkboard Bungle
066 - Hurray for Slappy
067 - The Great Wakkorotti: The Master and his Music
068 - Good Idea Bad Idea #1 - Playing in a Marching Band
069 - Roll Over, Beethoven
070 - Good Idea Bad Idea #2 - Feeding Stray Kittens
071 - The Cat and the Fiddle
072 - Pavlov's Mice
073 - Chicken Boo Introduction #1
074 - Chicken Boo-Ryshnikov
075 - Tower Escape by Cannon and Cable Car
076 - Nothing but the Tooth
077 - Wheel of Morality #4
078 - Tower Return by Magic Carpet
079 - Meatballs or Consequences
080 - Dot's Poetry Corner #1 - Little Miss Muffet
081 - A Moving Experience
082 - Four Score and Seven Migraines Ago
083 - Wakko's America
084 - Davy Omlette
085 - Pursuit - Flying out of Mount Rushmore
086 - The Flame
087 - Alfred Hitchcock Presents Parody
088 - Hearts of Twilight
089 - The Boids
090 - Guardin' the Garden
091 - Plane Pals
092 - Be Careful What You Eat
093 - Yakko Sees Into the Future
094 - Up the Crazy River
095 - Warners Draw Blank Pictures
096 - Ta Da Dump, Ta Da Dump, Ta Da Dump Dump Dump
097 - Wheel of Morality #5
098 - Yakko's World of Baldness
099 - Opportunity Knox
100 - Good Idea Bad Idea #3 - Roses
101 - Wings Take Heart
102 - Wheel of Morality #6
103 - Disasterpiece Theater
104 - Hercule Yakko
105 - Rita and Runt Introduction
106 - Home on De-Nile
107 - A Midsummer Night's Dream
108 - Testimonial #1 - Sy Sykman
109 - Babblin' Bijou
110 - Testimonial #2 - Hedda Hopper
111 - Potty Emergency
112 - Testimonial #3 - Italian Man
113 - Sir Yaksalot
114 - Dot's Poetry Corner #2 - The Shoe
115 - You Risk Your Life
116 - I Got Yer Can
117 - Jockey for Position
118 - Dot's Poetry Corner #3 - Fuzzy Wuzzy
119 - Good Idea Bad Idea #4 - Swimming Pool
120 - Moby or Not Moby
121 - Good Idea Bad Idea #5 - Alpine Skiing
122 - Mesozoic Mindy
123 - Good Idea Bad Idea #6 - Kissing
124 - The Good, the Boo, and the Ugly
125 - Good Idea Bad Idea #7 - Doing Your Own Work
126 - End Credits - Lassie Theme
127 - Good Idea Bad Idea #8 - Halloween
128 - Hot, Bothered and Bedeviled
129 - Moon Over Minerva
130 - Skullhead Boneyhands
131 - Draculee, Draculaa
132 - Phranken-Runt
133 - Mime Time #4 - Gathering Imaginary Flowers
134 - O Silly Mio
135 - Puttin' on the Blitz
136 - The Great Wakkorotti: The Summer Concert
137 - Mime Time #5 - Climbing an Imaginary Mountain
138 - Tower Escape by Water Hose
139 - Chairman of the Bored
140 - Planets Song
141 - Astro-Buttons
142 - Tower Return by Trampoline
143 - Wakko Has a Cartoon in His Ear
144 - Noah's Lark
145 - Wakko Has a Cartoon in His Eye
146 - Chicken Boo Introduction #2
147 - The Big Kiss
148 - Wakko Has a Cartoon in His Mouth
149 - Hiccup
150 - Press Conference
151 - Clown and Out
152 - Bubba Bo Bob Brain
153 - Wheel of Morality #7
154 - An Animaniacs Special Presentation
155 - A Very Special Episode of Animaniacs
156 - Animaniacs Test Kitchen
157 - Mindy and The Brain Introduction
158 - In the Garden of Mindy
159 - Pinky and The Cat
160 - We've Been Mixing Up the Scripts
161 - No Place Like Homeless
162 - Katie Kaboom Introduction
163 - Katie Ka-Boo
164 - We Found This Old Computer
165 - Dotty the Squirrel Introduction
166 - Baghdad Cafe
167 - Wheel of Morality #8
168 - Critical Condition
169 - Pursuit - Airplane
170 - The Three Muska-Warners
171 - Dough Dough Boys
172 - Boot Camping
173 - General Boo-Regard
174 - Spellbound
175 - Dot's Poetry Corner #4 - Ode to Jack
176 - Good Idea Bad Idea #9 - Cleaning Up
177 - Smitten With Kittens
178 - Dot's Poetry Corner #5 - This Little Piggy
179 - Alas, Poor Skullhead
180 - White Gloves
181 - Good Idea Bad Idea #10 - Playing an Accordion
182 - Wheel of Morality #9
183 - Casablanca Parody
184 - Tower Escape by Tower Elevator
185 - Fair Game
186 - Pursuit - Office Elevators
187 - The Slapper
188 - Puppet Rulers
189 - Wheel of Morality #10
190 - Tower Return by Tower Elevator
191 - Buttermilk, It Makes a Body Bitter
192 - Broadcast Nuisance
193 - Good Idea Bad Idea #11 - Served in Bed
194 - The Goodfeathers Introduction
195 - Raging Bird
196 - Good Idea Bad Idea #12 - Whistling
197 - Animator's Alley #1 - Pies
198 - Animator's Alley #2 - Fish Lips
199 - Can't Buy A Thrill
200 - Animator's Alley #3 - Bunion Boy
201 - Hollywoodchuck
202 - Animator's Alley #4 - Asleep
203 - Of Nice and Men
204 - What a Dump!
205 - Pursuit - Running Towards Camera
206 - Survey Ladies
207 - Useless Fact #1 - Termites
208 - The Senses Song
209 - Useless Fact #2 - Eskimos
210 - Dot's Poetry Corner #6 - Humpty Dumpty
211 - The World Can Wait
212 - Useless Fact #3 - Shrimp
213 - Kiki's Kitten
214 - Useless Fact #4 - Starfish
215 - Mary Tyler Moore Parody
216 - Windsor Hassle
217 - Queen Mother Anviled
218 - ...And Justice for Slappy
219 - Wheel of Morality #11
220 - Turkey Jerkey
221 - Wild Blue Yonder
222 - Wheel of Morality #12
223 - Pursuit - Coming Out of a Manhole
224 - Video Review
225 - When Mice Ruled The Earth
226 - Wheel of Morality #13
227 - Carol Burnett Show Parody
228 - Newsreel of the Stars #2
229 - Dot's Poetry Corner #7 - Requiem for a Lamb
230 - Mobster Mash
231 - Mime Time #6 - Lifting an Imaginary Barbell
232 - Lake Titicaca
233 - Randy Beaman #3 - Piranha Cat
234 - Icebreakers
235 - Good Idea Bad Idea #13 - Drinking Fresh Milk
236 - Slippin' on the Ice
237 - Snowy Titles
238 - 'Twas the Day Before Christmas
239 - Good Idea Bad Idea #14 - Christmas Carols
240 - Jingle Boo
241 - The Great Wakkorotti: The Holiday Concert
242 - Good Idea Bad Idea #15 - Finding Easter Eggs
243 - Toy Shop Terror
244 - Newsreel of the Stars #3
245 - A Christmas Plotz
246 - Little Drummer Warners
247 - Branimaniacs
248 - The Warners and the Beanstalk
249 - Frontier Slappy
250 - Ups and Downs
251 - The Brave Little Trailer
252 - Yes, Always
253 - Drive-Insane
254 - Girlfeathers
255 - I'm Cute
256 - Randy Beaman #4 - Pop Rocks
257 - Brain meets Brawn
258 - Meet Minerva
259 - Randy Beaman #5 - Hitchhiker
260 - Gold Rush
261 - Pursuit - Mailbox with Elephant
262 - A Gift of Gold
263 - Dot's Quiet Time
264 - French Theme
265 - Schnitzelbank
266 - The Helpinki Formula
267 - Les Boutons et Le Ballon
268 - Kung Boo
269 - Of Course You Know, This Means Warners
270 - Up a Tree
271 - Wakko's Gizmo
272 - Good Idea Bad Idea #16 - Circus
273 - Oh, Oh, Ethel
274 - Ink Blot Test
275 - Meet John Brain
276 - Smell Ya Later
277 - Spike
278 - Wheel of Morality #14
279 - Tower Escape by Condor
280 - Ragamuffins
281 - Woodstock Slappy
282 - Tower Return by Lasso
283 - Pursuit - Running Around a Corner
284 - Karaoke-dokie
285 - Cranial Crusader
286 - The Chicken Who Loved Me
287 - Dot's Poetry Corner #8 - Jack Sprat
288 - Baloney and Kids
289 - Super Buttons
290 - Katie Ka-Boom: The Driving Lesson
291 - Dot's Poetry Corner #9 - Thirty Days
292 - Randy Beaman #6 - Dracula
293 - Good Idea Bad Idea #17 - Going Trick or Treating
294 - Scare Happy Slappy
295 - Randy Beaman #7 - Tan
296 - Witch One
297 - Randy Beaman #8 - Lee Press-on Nails
298 - MacBeth
299 - With Three You Get Eggroll
300 - Mermaid Mindy
301 - Katie Ka-Boom: Call Waiting
302 - Randy Beaman #9 - Baloney
303 - Pursuit - Mini-Mart Rides
304 - Lookit the Fuzzy Heads
305 - Dot's Poetry Corner #10 - Old King Cole
306 - No Face Like Home
307 - Dot's Poetry Corner #11 - Ode to a Veggie
308 - Randy Beaman #10 - Dog Food
309 - Wheel of Morality #15
310 - My Father the Tuna
311 - The Warners 65th Anniversary Special
312 - Dot's Poetry Corner #12 - The Teapot
313 - Theme Song #2
314 - Pursuit - Airplane Around a Corner
315 - Take My Siblings Please
316 - Dot's Poetry Corner #13 - Roses are Red
317 - The Mindy 500
318 - Morning Malaise
319 - Dot's Poetry Corner #14 - That Poem That I Wrote
320 - Wheel of Morality #16
321 - Mime Time #7 - Swimming in an Imaginary Ocean
322 - We're No Pigeons
323 - Mime Time #8 - Walking an Imaginary Dog
324 - Whistle Stop Mindy
325 - Mime Time #9 - Driving an Imaginary Car
326 - Katie Ka-Boom: The Broken Date
327 - Mime Time #10 - Pitching at an Imaginary Baseball Game
328 - Wheel of Morality #17
329 - Randy Beaman #11 - Face
330 - Miami Mama-Mia
331 - Mime Time #11 - Riding on an Imaginary Subway
332 - Pigeon on the Roof
333 - Coo
334 - Randy Beaman #12 - Sneeze
335 - Good Idea Bad Idea #18 - Balloons
336 - Good Idea Bad Idea #19 - Hobby
337 - Good Idea Bad Idea #20 - Chilli Dog
338 - Good Idea Bad Idea #21 - McLean
339 - Wheel of Morality #18
340 - Randy Beaman #13 - Get Lost
341 - I'm Mad
342 - Mime Time #12 - Finding an Imaginary Coin
343 - Bad Mood Bobby
344 - Randy Beaman #14 - Baths
345 - Katie Ka-Boom: The Blemish
346 - Good Idea Bad Idea #22 - Penny
347 - Good Idea Bad Idea #23 - Dog Bath
348 - Good Idea Bad Idea #24 - Playing Horsey
349 - Good Idea Bad Idea #25 - Surprise Party
350 - Good Idea Bad Idea #26 - Cops & Robbers
351 - Good Idea Bad Idea #27 - Catch with Grandfather
352 - Good Idea Bad Idea #28 - Playing Scales
353 - Randy Beaman #15 - Corn Flakes
354 - Fake
355 - Previously On Animaniacs
356 - Theme Song #3
357 - Deduces Wild
358 - Slappy & Skippy Introduction
359 - Rest In Pieces
360 - U.N. Me
361 - Super Strong Warner Siblings
362 - Nutcracker Slappy
363 - Wakko's New Gookie
364 - A Quake, A Quake!
365 - Variety Speak
366 - Three Tenors and You're Out
367 - Bingo
368 - Finale
369 - A Hard Day's Warners
370 - Good Idea Bad Idea #29 - Buying a Pair of Shoes
371 - Gimme A Break
372 - Good Idea Bad Idea #30 - Climbing a Mountain
373 - The Please Please Please Get a Life Foundation
374 - The Tiger Prince
375 - All the Words in the English Language: Aardvark to Afraid
376 - The Kid In The Lid
377 - All the Words in the English Language: Level to Lute
378 - Method To Her Madness
379 - All the Words in the English Language: Zachary to Zaire
380 - Gimme The Works
381 - Buttons in Ows
382 - Hercules Unwound
383 - Wheel of Morality #19
384 - This Pun For Hire
385 - Star Truck
386 - Go Fish
387 - Randy Beaman #16 - Ketchup
388 - Multiplication
389 - Theme Song #4
390 - The Presidents Song
391 - Don't Tread On Us
392 - The Flame Returns
393 - The Sound of Warners
394 - Chicken Boo Introduction #3
395 - Yabba Dabba Boo
396 - The Twelve Days of Christmas
397 - My Mother the Squirrel
398 - The Party
399 - Oh Say Can You See?
400 - Prehistoric Warners
401 - The Girl with the Googily Goop
402 - Gunga Dot
403 - Belly Button Blues
404 - Wakko's Spacewalk
405 - Randy Beaman #17 - Carrots
406 - Dot's Entertainment
407 - Soccer Coach Slappy
408 - Valuable Lesson
409 - Our Final Space Cartoon, We Promise
410 - Wakko's 2-note Song
411 - Panama Canal
412 - Hello Nurse
413 - The Ballad of Magellan
414 - The Return of the Great Wakkorotti
415 - The Big Wrap Party Tonight
416 - One Flew Over the Cuckoo Clock
417 - End Credits - Slappy's Tree
418 - Cutie and The Beast
419 - Boo Happens
420 - Noël
421 - Cold Ending # 1
422 - Animani-rats
423 - Jokahontas
424 - Boids on the Hood
425 - Mighty Wakko at the Bat
426 - A Very Very Very Very Special Show
427 - Night of the Living Buttons
428 - Soda Jerk
429 - From Burbank with Love
430 - Anchors A-Warners
431 - When You're Traveling...
432 - Flavio Commercial - Choco-Dot Candies
433 - Flavio Commercial - Soak Cola
434 - Papers for Pappa
435 - Flavio Commercial - Calvin Klein Parody
436 - Amazing Gladiators
437 - Pinky and the Ralph
438 - Ten Short Films About Wakko Warner
439 - No Time for Love
440 - The Boo Network
441 - Pitter Patter of Little Feet
442 - Mindy in Wonderland
443 - Ralph's Wedding
444 - Moosage in a Bottle
445 - Back in Style
446 - Bones in the Body
447 - It
448 - Dot - The Macadamia Nut
449 - Bully for Skippy
450 - Cute First (Ask Questions Later)
451 - Acquaintances
452 - Here Comes Attila
453 - Boo Wonder
454 - The Brain's Apprentice
455 - Punchline - Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?
456 - Punchline - The Chicken or the Egg?
457 - The Christmas Tree
458 - Hooray for North Hollywood (1)
459 - Hooray for North Hollywood (2)
460 - There's Only One of You
461 - L.A. Dot
462 - The Carpool
463 - Sunshine Squirrels
464 - Katie KaBoom: Prom Night
465 - Magic Time
466 - The Scoring Session
467 - Star Warners
468 - The Animaniacs Suite
469 - Birds on a Wire
470 - Animaniacs Super Special
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 100 Modify
001 - De-Sanati/La Canzone Della Scimmia/Ninna Nanna Animata
002 - La Canzone Di Yakko Sul Mondo/Biscottini Per Einstein/Vincere Alla Grande
003 - H.M.S. Yakko/Zia Vera Ha Le Noci In Testa/La Canzone Di Yakko Sull'Universo
004 - Toccare Il Cielo Con Un Pennello/Picciotti: L'Inizio
005 - I Bislacchi Domati
006 - Follia Passeggera/Operazione Lecca-Lecca/Cosa Siamo ?
007 - Un Motivo Ragtime/Quando Rita Conobbe Runt
008 - La Grande Bottega Dei Dolciumi/La Mamma Di Bumbie
009 - Wally Lama/Dove Osano I Roditori
010 - Re Yakko
011 - Chi vuol Creare, Deve Pensare/I Miseranimali
012 - Garage Vendita Usato Del Secolo/West Side Picciotti
013 - Salve, Simpatici Warner/La Behemoth/La Piccola, Vecchia, Vera Di Pasadina
014 - I Warner Avvocati/La Gatta Sulla Trave Che Scotta
015 - Nel Cuore Dello Spazio/Battaglia Per Il Pianeta
016 - Il seme dell'impertinenza/Urrà per Vera Peste/Il Grande Wakkorotti: Il Maestro E La Sua Musica
017 - Beethoven E La Warner Sinfonia/Il Gatto E Il Violino
018 - I Topi Di Pavlov/Pollo Boo-Ryshnikov/O-Tonto-Iatra
019 - Scherzare Con La Morte/Casa Dolce Casa
020 - Un Discorso Che La Dice Lunga/L'America Di Wakko/David Omelette/La Fiamma
021 - Apocalisse Adesso/Gli Augelli
022 - La Custode Del Giardino/Compagni Di Volo
023 - La Canzone Sugli Ingredienti/Su Per Il Pazzo Fiume/Piccioni All'Attacco
024 - L'Opportunità Bussa/Le Ali Dell'Amore
025 - Hercule Yakko/La Piccola Casa Sul Nilo/Sogno Di Una Notte Di Mezza Estate
026 - Testimonials/Storia Senza Parole/Emergenza Bisognino/Sir Yancellotto
027 - Rischia La Vita/Ho Il Tuo Barattolo/Campa Cavallo
028 - Moby O Non Moby/Mindy Mesozoica/Il buono, Il Boo E Il Cattivo
029 - Draculì Draculà/Phranken-Runt
030 - Accaldati, Scriteriati, Indiavolati/Plenilunio/Mr. Teschio Mani Ossute
031 - Oh, Sciocchino Mio/Salvataggio Fulmineo/Il Grande Wakkorotti: Concerto D'Estate
032 - Il Presidene Del Consiglio Amministonoia/La Canzone Sui Pianeti/Astro Bottone
033 - Vignette Nel Corpo Di Wakko/Noè E L'Arca/Il Grande Bacio/Singhiozzo
034 - Clown Iellato/Pucci Pu Pupo Prof
035 - Nel Giardino Di Mindy/Mignolo E Rita/Randagi, Dolci Randagi/Katie La Bomba/Caffè Bagdad
036 - Situazione Critica/I Tre Warnettieri
037 - Soldati Per Caso/Piccionfanteria/Generale Boo Regard
038 - Incantesimo Per Un'Unghia
039 - Son Gattini Da Pelare/Guanti Bianchi
040 - Vince Chi Perde/Il Battitore/Sovrani Marionette
041 - Siero Di Latte, Rende Acidula La Persona !/TG Folle/Picciotto Scatenato
042 - Il Vicolo Dell'Animatore/Un Brivido Non Ha Prezzo/Cinemarmotta
043 - Uomini E Conigli/Che Immondezzaio !/Sinorine Sondaggio
044 - Fatti Inutili/La Canzone Dei Sensi/Il Mondo Può Attendere/Il Gattino Di Kiki
045 - Lo Sfacelo Di Windsor/...E Giustizia Per Vera Peste
046 - Tacchino Burlone/La Volta Celeste
047 - Rassegna Video/Quando I Topi Governavano La Terra
048 - Mafia E Spaghetti/Il lago Titicaca/Rompighiaccio
049 - Natale In Casa Plotz/I Tre Tamburini Warner
050 - Era La Vigilia Di Natale/Tintinnio Bu/Il Grande Wakkorotti: Il Concerto Festivo/Terrore Nella Bottega Dei Giocattoli/La Canzone Di Yakko Sull'Universo
051 - I Warner E I Fagioli/Vera Pioniera
052 - Su E Giù/Il Piccolo Caravan Coraggioso/Certo,Figurati
053 - Cine-Scoop-Iato/Le Picciottine/Sono Carina
054 - Il Prof Incontra Praf/Minerva Maliziosa
055 - Febbre Dell'Oro/Un Dono Dorato/Il Silenzio Di Dot
056 - Schnitzelbank /La Maxi Formula Miniaturizzante/Bottone E Il Palloncino/Bu E Kung-Fu
057 - Naturalmente Sapete Che Questo Significa Warner/Appollaiata Su Un Albero/I Gadjet Di Wakko
058 - Arriva Jonh Prof/Ti Annuso Dopo
059 - I Monelli/Vera Woodstok
060 - Karaooke Non Okkay/Crociato Cranico/Il Pollo Che Mi Amava
061 - Baloney E I Ragazzi/Super Bottone/Katie La Bomba: Lezione Di Guida
062 - Spaventosa Vera/Strega O Non Strega ?/Macbeth
063 - Uovo... In Carrozza/Mindy, La Sirenetta/Katie La Bomba: Avviso Di Chiamata
064 - Guardate, Testoline Di Peluche !/Perdere La Faccia
065 - Speciale Per Il 65º Anniversario Dei Warner
066 - Prenditi I Miei Fratelli/La Mindy 500/Malessere Mattutino
067 - Miami Mamma Mia/Il Piccione Sul Tetto
068 - Non Siamo Piccioni/Mindy Ciuff Ciuff/Katie la Bomba: Appuntamento Andato A Male
069 - Mi Gira/Musone Di Poliziotto/Katie La Bomba: Il Brufolo/Fasullo
070 - Super Fratelli Di Warner Forti/Slappy Schiaccianoci/Un Tremito, Un Tremito !
071 - Parla Varietà/Tre Tenori E Sono Fuori/Bingo
072 - Selvatico Deduce/Rimanga In Pezzi/Io Onu
073 - Warner E I Giorni Duri/una Interruzione Da Gimme/Per favore Per favore Si Accomodi E Trovi una Fondazione Di Vita
074 - Il Principe Tigre/Tutte Le Parole Nella Lingua Inglese/Il Bambino Nel Coperchio/Metodo Sulla Piazza
075 - I Presidenti/Non Calchi Su Di Noi/La Fiamma Ritorna
076 - I Lavori Dei Gimme/Ows Nei Bottoni/Nello Svolgere Hercules
077 - Freddura per Nolo/Autocarro Astro/Vado A Pescare/Moltiplicazione Di Canzoni
078 - Il Suono Dei Warners/Yabba Dabba Boo
079 - Lo Scoiattolo Di Mia Madre/La Festa/Oh ! Mi Dica E Vede/La Canzone Dei Dodici Giorni Di Natale
080 - Il Divertimento Di Dot/La Ragazza Col Googily Goop/Dot Di Gunga
081 - Slappy Allenatore Di Calcio/Blues Ombelico/La Nostra Vignetta Dello Spazio/Lezione Preziosa
082 - La Seconda Canzone Di Wakko/Canale Di Panama/Ciao Balia/La Ballata Di Magellan/Il Ritorno Del Grande Wakkorotti/La Grande Serata Della Festa Della Copertura
083 - Uno Volò Sul Cuculo Orologio
084 - Cutie E La Bestia/Accade Bu/Noel
085 - Jokahontas/Sul Cofano Di Boids/Il Possente Wakko E Il Pipistrello
086 - Uno Show Molto Speciale/La Notte Dei Bottoni Viventi/Carbonato Di Sodio Sobbalzo
087 - Da Burbank Con Amore/Ancora Warners/Quando Lei Stava Viaggiando Da Nantucket
088 - Carte Per Pappa/Gladiatori Sorprendenti/Pinky E Ralph
089 - Dieci Cortometraggi Su Wakko Warner/Nessun Tempo Per Amore/La Rete Di Bu
090 - Pitter Patter Dei Piccoli Piedi/Mindy Nel Paese Delle Meraviglie/Ralph Si Sta Sposando
091 - Indietro Con Stile/Ossa Nel Corpo
092 - Dot E La Noce Di Macadamia/Skippy Attaccabrighe
093 - Grazioso Prima (Faccia Più Tardi Le Domande)/Conoscenze/Vieni Qui Attila/Bu Si Chiede
094 - Il Tempo Magico/L'Apprendista Del Cervello
095 - Hurrà A Hollywood (1°Parte)
096 - Hurrà A Hollywood (2°Parte)
097 - Il Carpool/La Luce Del Sole Degli Scoiattoli
098 - L'Albero Di Natale/Punchline (1°Parte)
099 - La Notte Di Prom/Punchline (2°Parte)
100 - Uccelli Sul Filo/La Sessione Del Punteggio/Il Seguito Dell' Animaniacs


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