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List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - La déclaration troublante
02 - Un duo Inattendu
03 - La lune et le chapelet
04 - La révolution des Roses Jaunes
05 - Les jeunes filles combattantes
06 - Rosa Canina
07 - Chocolat Etonnant (1ère partie)
08 - Chocolat Etonnant (2 me partie)
09 - La carte Rouge
10 - Le bouquet de roses épineux
11 - Les Roses Blanches
12 - Le premier rendez-vous à trois
13 - Bonjour, ma sœur
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - The Troubling Soeur Declaration
02 - The Awkward Piano Duet
03 - The Moon and the Rosary
04 - Yellow Rose Revolution
05 - Fighting Maidens
06 - Rosa Canina
07 - The Surprising Chocolates Part I
08 - The Surprising Chocolates Part II
09 - Red Card
10 - Forest of Thorns
11 - White Petals
12 - First Date Triangle
13 - Good Day, My Sœur
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Haran no Shimai Sengen
02 - Munasawagi no Rendan
03 - Tsuki to Rozario
04 - Kibara Kakumei
05 - Tatakau Otome-tachi
06 - Rosa Kanīna
07 - Bikkuri Chokorēto (Zenpen)
08 - Bikkuri Chokorēto (Kōhen)
09 - Akai Kādo
10 - Ibara no Mori
11 - Shiroki Hanabira
12 - Fāsuto Dēto Toraianguru
13 - Gokigen'yō, Onē-sama
List of the episodes - Germany Germany Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Die problematische Bekanntgabe
02 - Das unbeholfene Piano Duett
03 - Der Mond und der Rosenkranz
04 - Die Revolution der gelben Rose
05 - Kämpfende Schönheiten
06 - Die Wildrose
07 - Die überraschenden Schokoladen - Teil 1
08 - Die überraschenden Schokoladen - Teil 2
09 - Die rote Karte
10 - Der Dornenwald
11 - Weiße Blütenblätter
12 - Erstes Date zu dritt
13 - Guten Tag, meine Schwester
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Una dichiarazione problematica
02 - Un duetto inatteso
03 - La luna e il rosario
04 - La rivoluzione delle rose gialle
05 - Le ragazze combattenti
06 - Rosa Canina
07 - Cioccolato stupefacente (parte prima)
08 - Cioccolato stupefacente (parte seconda)
09 - La carta rossa
10 - La foresta di spine
11 - Le rose bianche
12 - Primo appuntamento a tre
13 - Gokigenyou, Oneesama
List of the episodes - Spain Spain Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - La declaración problemática
02 - Dueto de corazones palpitantes
03 - La luna y el rosario
04 - La revolución de las Rosas Amarillas
05 - Las doncellas en guerra
06 - Rosa Canina
07 - Los chocolates sorpresa (1)
08 - Los chocolates sorpresa (2)
09 - La tarjeta roja
10 - El bosque de las espinas
11 - Pétalos blancos
12 - Cita de tres
13 - Buenos días, onee-sama


1 member have this series 1 member have this series


Coque iPhone 5/5s - Kiki
Coque iPhone 5/5s - Kiki


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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