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List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Commence Battle: Attack Liger Zero
02 - New Partners vs Naomi; The Red Comet
03 - The Prince Arrives: Harry Champ
04 - Unsanctioned Battle: The Mysterious Backdraft Group
05 - High Speed Battle: Transforming Into Zero Jager
06 - The Dark Giant: The Invincible Elephander
07 - The Desert Gang: The Hover Cargo's in Danger
08 - Invasion of the Fierce Tigers: Transform to Zero Schneider
09 - The Princess Arrives: Mary Champ
10 - Desert Tusk: Assault of the War Sharks
11 - The Sensational Three: Rematch with Jack Cisco
12 - Zero Is Stolen: The Fiery Battle
13 - The Brave Wild Eagle: The Raynos vs. the Zabats
14 - Fright Day the 13th
15 - Layon Returns: Anti-Gravity Catastrophe !
16 - Red Rival: Leon Toros Returns !
17 - Warriors on Vacation: The Storm Sworders
18 - Love on the Battlefield: My Love, the Judge
19 - The Third Conversion: Zero Panzer's Debut !
20 - The Shadow Fox: Brad's Betrayal
21 - Harry's Disaster: Dr. Laon Traps Toros !
22 - The Dragon Under the Sea: In Search of the Ultimate X
23 - The Dragon Awakens: The Berserk Fury Enters the Fray
24 - Tournament of Heroes: The Royal Cup
25 - Survival: The Mystery of the Ultimate X
26 - The Miracle of Zero: The Wind, the Cloud and Adventure
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Sentou Kaishi ! Liger ZERO
02 - Futari no Shori - Akaki Senkou Naomi FLUEGEL
03 - Ouja Toujou - Harry CHAMP
04 - Yami BATTLE - Nazo no BACKDRAFT-dan
05 - Kosoku Taiketsu - ZERO JAGER
06 - Yami no Kyozou - Kyoteki ELEPHANDER
07 - Gekisou no Koya - Hover Cargo Kiki hyappatsu
08 - Mouko Shurai ! Kansou ! ZERO SCHNEIDER
09 - Jotei Toujou - Mary CHAMP
10 - Sabaku no Kiba - WARDICK Kyoshu
11 - Mittsu no Senpu - Saisen LIGHTNING SAIX
12 - ZERO Godatsu ! - Fire Death Battle
13 - Arawashi no Yusha - REYNOS tai ZABAT
14 - Rinon Zekkyou - Jusan-nichi no Nokogiri-ma
15 - Laon Futatabi - Han-juryoku Catastrophe
16 - Akaki Kotekishu - Leon TOROS Kikan
17 - Senshi no Kyushoku - Futatsu no STORM SWORDER
18 - Koisuru Senjo - Itoshi no Judgeman-sama
19 - Dai-san no Kansou - ZERO PANZER Shido !
20 - FOX - Uragiri no Ballad
21 - Ouja no Sainan - Laon Hakase no Kareinaru Wana
22 - Umi ni Hisomu Ryu - Ultimate X wo Sagase !
23 - Mezameru Ryu - Beserk Fuhrur Sansen
25 - Yusha no Saiten - Kaimaku ! ROYAL CUP
26 - ZERO no Kiseki - Kaze to Kumo to Boken to..
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - L'inizio della battaglia
02 - Una vittoria per due
03 - Il principe innamorato
04 - Un incontro non ufficiale
05 - Confronto ad alta velocità
06 - Elephander, il gigante oscuro
07 - La gang del deserto
08 - L'invasione dei feroci Tiger
09 - Arriva Mary Champ
10 - Assalto agli Warshark
11 - La rivincita di Jack Cisco
12 - Il furto dei Liger Zero
13 - L'aquila selvaggia
14 - Leggende metropolitane
15 - Il ritorno di Laon
16 - Leon e la cometa rossa
17 - Tutti in vacanza !
18 - Benjamin innamorato
19 - La terza trasformazione
20 - Il tradimento di Brad
21 - Laon e la trappola per Toros
22 - Il drago sotto il mare
23 - Il drago si risveglia
24 - Il torneo degli eroi
25 - Il mistero dell'Ultimate X
26 - Il miracolo del Liger Zero


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Tshirt baseball homme - Mononoke
Tshirt baseball homme - Mononoke


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3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
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