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Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 137 Modificar
001 - Messenger from Planet Kinniku / The Man from America
002 - The Target is Nessie / Save Planet Kinniku !
003 - Space Kaijū Attack / Kinnikuman's Great Hustle
004 - Groovy Natsuko / Part-time Jobs are Annoying
005 - Kinkotsuman and the Battle of Bone and Muscle / Kinnikuman's Broken Heart
006 - Kinnikuman is Sexy ! ? / The Japanese Representative is...
007 - The Hero Olympics / Kinkotsuman's Trap
008 - The Space Marathon / Showdown ! The Battle Royal
009 - Natsuko Becomes Giant / The Hidden Secret
010 - The Tournament Finals Begins ! / Watch Out, Terryman !
011 - The Great Reversal ! / Ice-Top Death Match
012 - The Deadly Camel Clutch / Just Look at that Western Spirit !
013 - Terryman's Demonic Transformation / The Killer Boston Crab
014 - Zangyaku-seijin Appears ! / Kinnikuman Advances to the Finals
015 - The Secret Snowy Mountain Training / Ramenman's Great Rage
016 - Let's Go ! Battle Style / There it is ! The Human Rocket
017 - Robin's Dreadful Finisher ! / The Course of Death
018 - The Electric Hellish Message / Will Kinnikuman Comeback ?
019 - Kinnikuman Flies the World / Hawaii ! The Mysterious Kamehame
020 - The 7 Second Fall ! / The No Rope Death Match
021 - Kinnikuman One-Shot Fight / Finishing Move: Fuu Rin Ka Zan
022 - The Choujin League Crumbles ! / Watch Out, Suguru
023 - The Terrifying Magician Appears / The 4th Killer Technique
024 - Tendon vs. Kinnikuman / The Secret of Skull Boze
025 - Robin Mask Appears Again / The Great Amazon Canyon Duel !
026 - The Hellish Midair Death Match / The End of Robin Mask
027 - The Choujin Olympics Again / The Insanely Strong Rikishiman Appears
028 - The Choujin Sieve Drop / Challenge in the Gasoline Pool
029 - Kinniku Edition: Springtime of Love / Knock Away the Shinkansen
030 - Final Prelim: The Ravine of Falling Choujin / The Deadly Roller Game
031 - Deadly Struggle Before the Goal / The Choujin are Pachinko Balls
032 - Warsman, The Iron Claw / Can You See It ! ? The Killer Wax Hold
033 - Brocken Jr.'s Challenge / And Here's Kinnikuman's Finishing Move !
034 - The Concrete Death Match / Brocken Jr.'s Fierce Assault
035 - Secret Technique: Great Wall of China / The American-Soviet Choujin Clash !
036 - Benkiman's Trap / Ramenman is a True Choujin
037 - The Sumo Choujin Rikishiman / To the Edge of the Dohyo !
038 - Casket Death Match / The Fighting Machine Choujin
039 - The Deadly Bear Claws / The Scramble Soft Reversal
040 - Mask Removal Death Match ! / Ramenman's Oath
041 - Defeat the Palo Special / That's it ! The Kinniku Buster
042 - The Day of the Final Battle Arrives ! / What is Barracuda's True Identity ! ?
043 - The Terrible Computer Choujin ! / The Torn Mask
044 - The Crucial Kinniku Gard / The Greatest Pinch !
045 - Robin Mask's Revenge / Burning Inner Strength !
046 - 90 Brutal Minutes ! The Single Round Match / Do You Give Up, Kinnikuman ! ?
047 - The Blazing Spirit Calls for a Miracle ! ! / An Historic First ! V2
048 - The Seven Akuma Choujin Appear ! ! / Meat is Separated
049 - The Akuma Choujin Series Begins / The Bad SteCase King
050 - The Devil's Symphony / Secret Technique ! The Three Minute Killer
051 - Akuma Choujin Black Hole / The Terrible 4D Wrestling
052 - The Shadow Hitmen Clone Technique ! / Is He Alive or Dead ! ? The Pit of Darkness
053 - I Did It ! ! The Yellow Hole / I am Forever Immortal ! !
054 - The Idol Choujin vs. The Akuma Choujin / Attack, Akuma Choujin ! !
055 - The Dreadful Demon Tomboy / The Great Underwater Tactics
056 - The Dreaded Mummy Package ! ! / The Finisher ! ! Underworld Fang
057 - Who is This Mysterious Choujin ! ? / The Trump Blade: Bear Claws
058 - Spirit of the Revived Human / Double Bear Claws
059 - Terryman Falls into the Ravine / The Mysterious Red Spots !
060 - The Akuma Choujin Blood Bind / The Intense Saint Helens Eruption
061 - Rescue Meat, Kinnikuman / The Mysterious Choujin Mongolman
062 - The Shower of Underworld / 10 Million Power at Full Throttle !
063 - The Secret of the Long Horns / Burning Reversals
064 - The Ring is Torn to Shreds / There it is ! The Neo Kinniku Buster
065 - The Time Limit is Just Before 1 Second ! ! / Their Friendship is in the Ring
066 - The Legendary Golden Mask / The Challenge of the Demon Knights
067 - The Outrageous Crocodile Underworld ! / Molting Choujin Sneagator
068 - The Atrocious Frill-Necked Lizard ! ! / Sneagator's True Form
069 - The Silver Mask Comes Like a Miracle / The Life Giving Dohyo Entrance
070 - Planetman's Space Underworld / The Seigi Choujin Annihilation ? !
071 - Geronimo's War Cry / Chased to the Bottom of Underworld
072 - The Deadly Five Story Ring / Junkman's Counterattack !
073 - Are You Looking ! ? Those Robin Tactics / The Ninja's Binding Spider Web
074 - There it is ! The Red Rain of Berlin / Bad Technique: The Ashura Buster
075 - Both Arms Stolen / Warsman is in Danger !
076 - Terryman Prepares for Death / Geronimo's Fierce Assault !
077 - Killer Technique: The Underworld's Pyramid / The Immortal Choujin Spirit
078 - The Mystery of the Golden Mask / Akuma Shogun Appears
079 - The Explosive Underworld's Guillotine ! / Buffaloman Lives Again !
080 - The Hellish Spider Nest Arrives Like a Storm / The Kinniku Buster is Defeated !
081 - The Ashura Buster is Defeated / Buffaloman's Treason !
082 - Train Extra Hard ! The New Finishing Move ! ! / Direct Hit ! Skull Crush
083 - Akuma Shogun is a Hollow Choujin / The Neo Kinniku Buster Explodes
084 - The Explosive Diamond Power / Burning Megaton Punch
085 - Survive the Death Match / The Chairman's Friendship
086 - Kinnikuman vs. Akuma Shogun / The Victory of Justice and Friendship
087 - The Dream Tag Tournament / Challenge of the Three Gateways !
088 - Kinnikuman Great Appears / Great Riot ! The Bad Combo
089 - The Dreadful 4D Trap ! / Watch Out, Kinnikuman Great !
090 - The Miraculous Muscle Docking / The Terrible Perfect Choujins
091 - The Blood-Spilling Underworld's Rotating Screw / The Don Appears
092 - Big the Budou's True Form / Rough Technique ! The Robin Special
093 - Remove the Mask / Robin Mask's Counterattack !
094 - A New Terryman is Born / Take This ! Underworld's Tornado
095 - The Cursed Roller Tactic / The Bad Sand Ball
096 - Terryman is Back / The Blood-Thirsty Demon Combo
097 - The Explosive Bad Clothesline / Kinnikuman Great's True Identity
098 - The Semi-finals Begin ! / The Lumberjack Death Match
099 - Terryman's Anguish / Kinnikuman Great Returns
100 - Sunshine Magnum / The Critical Point ! The Killer Sleeping Strategy
101 - The Demon Realm Prince / The Dreadful Ashura Fireball Bullets
102 - The Cursed Roller is Defeated / Akuma Shogun is Back ! ?
103 - The Demonic Spirit Burns Up / Ashuraman Weeps !
104 - The Friendship Combination / Sunshine's End
105 - The Brutal Steel Cage Match ! / Watch Out, Mongolman !
106 - The Long Horn is Back / The Mountain Ring Crumbles !
107 - The Pyramid Ring Appears ! / Jump for the Hokkaido Sky !
108 - The Mystery of the Pyramid Ring / The Deadly Thunder Sabers !
109 - Buffaloman's Friendship / The Magnetic Cross Bomber
110 - Ramenman Will Not Die ! / Kinnikuman's Arm is Taken
111 - The Long Horn of Friendship / The Finals ! Sword Death Match
112 - The Limitless Three-Part Match / The Burning Smart Play
113 - Mask Hunt: 30 Seconds Remain / The Explosive Magnetic Crash !
114 - The First Defeat ! / Ashuraman's Friendship
115 - The Machineguns are Back ! / Mask The End
116 - Look ! It's Kinnikuman's Real Face / Neptune King Appears
117 - Terryman is Skewered ! / The Friendship Power Comes Like a Miracle
118 - Burning Uneven Parallel Bars / The Mystery of the Apollon Window
119 - Lock the Ancient Graveyard / The Shining Trophy !
120 - The Prince Kinniku-Maru Capsizes / The Psycho Choujin Corps Appears
121 - The Strategist Yama Khan Appears / Transforming Choujin Kareiyasu
122 - Kinnikuman Melts / Great Melee ! Where is Mari ?
123 - It's Here ! The Psycho Jaws / Yama Khan's One-on-One Fight
124 - The Strongest Psycho Warp ! / The Seigi Choujin are Forever !
125 - The Two Kinnikumen / Protect the Sword of Justice !
126 - The Casket Deliveryman Dirty Baron / The Sparking Bad Ring
127 - The Dormant Volcano Erupts ! ? / "Night Fog" Wild Bakuto
128 - The Heinous Bakuto Trump ! ! / Dirty Baron Lives
129 - The Dreaded 3D Trump / Terryman is Tattered !
130 - Crash ! The New Long Horns / Buffaloman Becomes a Demon
131 - Ramenman's Determination / Finishing Move: The Great Guangzhou Water Wheel
132 - Ramenman is Skewered ! / Sichuan: The Great Rising Dragon !
133 - Disadvantaged ! The Irregular Tag Match / The Giant Kaijuu Sky Devil
134 - Robin Mask's Desperate Situation ! / The Thousand-Man Bite of Bull Docky
135 - Brocken Jr. Gets Angry ! / A Threat ! The Seven Tools of the Shinigami
136 - Watch it ! The Single Biggest Match of the Century / Burning Inner Strength+α
137 - The Long Horn's Confused Attack ! / Whose Hand Wields the Sword of Justice ! ?
Lista de los episodios - Japón Japón Número de episodios : 137 Modificar
001 - Kinniku-sei kara no Shisha no maki / Amerika kara kita Otoko no maki
002 - Hyouteki wa Nesshii no maki / Kinniku-sei wo Sukue ! no maki
003 - Uchuu Kaijuu Shuurai no maki / Kinnikuman Dai Hassuru
004 - Tonderu Natsuko no maki / Arubaito wa Tsurai yo no maki
005 - Kinkotsuman to Kotsu-niku no Arasoi no maki / Kinnikuman Shitsuren no maki
006 - Mote-Mote ! ? Kinnikuman no maki / Nippon Daihyou ni nari tai no maki
007 - Hiiroo Orinpikku no maki / Kinkotsuman no Wana no maki
008 - Uchuu Marason no maki / Kessen ! Batoru Roiyaru no maki
009 - Natsuko Kyojin ni naru no maki / Kakusareta Himitsu no maki
010 - Gongu ! Kesshou Toonamento no maki / Ayaushi ! Teriiman no maki
011 - Dai Gyakuten ! no maki / Hyou-jou Desumatchi no maki
012 - Shi no Kyameru Kuratchi no maki / Mi yo ! Kono Seibu Tamashii no maki
013 - Teriiman Akuma ni Henshin no maki / Hissatsu Bosuton Kurabu no maki
014 - Zangyaku-seijin Araru ! no maki / Kinnikuman Kesshou Shinshutsu no maki
015 - Yuki-yama Himitsu Tokkun no maki / Rāmenman Oh Abare no maki
016 - Ikuzo ! Sentou Sutairu no maki / Deta ! Ningen Roketto no maki
017 - Kyoufu ! Robin Hissatsu Waza no maki / Shi no Kōsu no maki
018 - Denki Anma no Jigoku daze no maki / Kinnikuman Gyakuten naru ka ? no maki
019 - Sekai e Kakeku Kinnikuman no maki / Hawai ! Kamehame no Nazo no maki
020 - Nana-byou Fōru ! no maki / Nō Rōpu Desumatchi no maki
021 - Faito Ippatsu Kinnikuman no maki / Hissatsu Waza Fuu Rin Ka Zan no maki
022 - Choujin Doumei wo Taose ! no maki / Ayaushi Suguru no maki
023 - Kyoufu no Majishan Toujou no maki / Yo-banme no Satsujin Waza no maki
024 - Tendōn tai Kinnikuman no maki / Sukaru Bōzu no Himitsu no maki
025 - Robin Masuku Sai Toujou no maki / Kettou ! Amazon Dai Keikoku no maki
026 - Jigoku no Kuuchuu Desumatchi no maki / Robin Masuku no Saigo no maki
027 - Futatabi Choujin Orinpikku no maki / Kairiki Rikishiman Toujou no maki
028 - Choujin Furui Otoshi no maki / Gasorin Puuru ni Chousen no maki
029 - Kinniku-ban: Ai to Seishun no maki / Shinkansen wo Kettobase no maki
030 - Saishuu Yosen: Choujin Otoshi no Tani no maki / Shi no Rooraa Geemu no maki
031 - Gooru-mae no Shitou no maki / Choujin wa Pachinko Tama no maki
032 - Woozuman: Testu no Tsume no maki / Mitaka ! Rou Gatame Sappou no maki
033 - Burokken Junia no Chousen no maki / Deta ! Kinnikuman Hissatsuwaza no maki
034 - Konkurii Desumatchi no maki / Burokken Junia Moukou no maki
035 - Higi: Banri no Choujou no maki / Bei-So Choujin Gekitotsu ! no maki
036 - Benkiiman no Wana no maki / Raamenman wa Shin no Choujin no maki
037 - Sumou Choujin Rikishiman no maki / Douhyougiwa ni Kakero ! no maki
038 - Kanoke Desumatchi no maki / Tatakau Kikai Choujin no maki
039 - Shi no Beaa Kuroo no maki / Sukuranburu Sofuto Kaeshi no maki
040 - Fukumen Hagi Desumatchi ! no maki / Raamenman tono Chikai no maki
041 - Paro Supesharu wo Yabure no maki / Deta ! Kinniku Basutaa no maki
042 - Kessen no Hi Kitaru ! no maki / Barakuuda no Shoutai ! ? no maki
043 - Kyoufu ! Konpyuuta Choujin no maki / Hikisakareta Masuku no maki
044 - Gokui: Kinniku Gaado no maki / Saidai no Pinchi ! no maki
045 - Robin Masuku no Fukushuu no maki / Kajiba no Kuso Djikara ! no maki
046 - Shitou Kyuujuu-bun ! Ippon Shoubu no maki / Gibu Appu ! ? Kinnikuman no maki
047 - Kiseki wo Yobu Honoo no Tamashii ! ! no maki / Shijouhatsu ! Bui Tsuu no maki
048 - Shutsugen ! ! Shichinin no Akuma Choujin no maki / Bara-Bara ni sareta Miito no maki
049 - Akuma Choujin Shiriizu Hajimaru no maki / Jigoku no Sutekase Kingu no maki
050 - Akuma no Shinfonii no maki / Higi ! San-bun Koroshi no maki
051 - Akuma Choujin Burakku Hooru no maki / Senritsu no Yojigen Resuringu no maki
052 - Kage no Koroshiya ! Bunshin Waza no maki / I ka Shi ka ! ? Ankoku no Otoshi Ana no maki
053 - Yatta ! ! Ieroo Hooru no maki / Watashi wa Eien ni Fumetsu desu ! ! no maki
054 - Aidoru Choujin tai Akuma Choujin no maki / Soukougeki ! ! Akuma Choujin no maki
055 - Kyoufu no Debiru Tomubooi no maki / Suichuu Dai Sakusen no maki
056 - Kyoufu ! ! Miira Pakkeeji no maki / Hissatsu Waza ! ! Kiba Jigoku no maki
057 - Nazo no Choujin no Shoutai ! ? no maki / Denka no Houtou: Beā Kurō no maki
058 - Yomigaetta Ningen no Kokoro no maki / Daburu Beā Kurō no maki
059 - Tanisoko ni Ochita Teriiman no maki / Nazo no Akai Hanten ! no maki
060 - Akuma Choujin Chi Shibari no maki / Kyouretsu Sento Herenzu Funka no maki
061 - Miito wo Sukue Kinnikuman no maki / Nazo no Choujin Mongoruman no maki
062 - Jigoku no Shawā no maki / Zenkai ! Issen-man Pawā no maki
063 - Rongu Hōn no Himitsu no maki / Kajiba no Gyakufunsha no maki
064 - Kirisakareta Ringu no maki / Deta ! Neo Kinniku Basutā no maki
065 - Taimu Rimitto Ichi-byou mae ! ! no maki / Ringu wa Otoko no Yuujou no maki
066 - Densetsu no Ougon Masuku no maki / Akuma Kishi no Chousen no maki
067 - Kaiki ! Wani Jigoku no maki / Tabbi Choujin Sunigētā no maki
068 - Kyou'aku ! ! Erimaki Tokage no maki / Sunigētā no Shoutai no maki
069 - Kiseki wo Yobu Gin Masuku no maki / Inochi Agemasu Dohyou'iri no maki
070 - Uchuu Jigoku Puranettoman no maki / Seigi Choujin Zenmetsu ka ? !
071 - Jeronimo no Otakebi no maki / Jigoku no Soko made Oikakero no maki
072 - Shi no Go-e Ringu no maki / Hangeki ! Jankuman no maki
073 - Mita ka ! Kono Robin Senpou no maki Za Ninja Kumo Ito Shibari no maki
074 - Deta ! Berurin no Akai Ame no maki / Jigoku Waza Ashura Basutā no maki
075 - Ubawareta Ryou-Ude no maki / Aya'ushi ! Wōzuman no maki
076 - Shi wo Kakugoshita Teriiman no maki / Moukou ! Jeronimo no maki
077 - Satsujin Waza Jigoku no Piramiddo no maki / Fujimi no Choujin Tamashii no maki
078 - Ougon Masuku no Nazo no maki / Akuma Shougun Toujou no maki
079 - Sakuretsu ! Jigoku no Dantoudai no maki / Fukkatsu ! Baffarōman no maki
080 - Arashi wo Yobu Kumo no Su Jigoku no maki / Yaburetari ! Kinniku Basutā no maki
081 - Ashura Basutā wo Yabure no maki / Baffarōman Hangyaku ! no maki
082 - Moutokkun ! Shin Hissatsu Waza ! ! no maki / Chokugeki ! Sukaru Kurasshu no maki
083 - Akuma Shougun wa Nantai Choujin no maki / Neo Kinniku Basutā Sakuretsu no maki
084 - Sakuretsu Daiyamondo Pawā no maki / Kajiba no Megaton Panchi no maki
085 - Ikinokori Desumatchi no maki / Iinchou no Yuujou no maki
086 - Kinnikuman tai Akuma Shougun no maki / Seigi to Yuujou no Shouri no maki
087 - Yume no Taggy Tōnamento no maki / Chousen ! Mitsu no Kanmon no maki
088 - Kinnikuman Gurēto Toujou no maki / Ō Abare ! Jigoku no Konbi no maki
089 - Osorubeshi ! Yojigen no Wana no maki / Aya'ushi ! Kinnikuman Gurēto no maki
090 - Kyoui Massuru Dokkingu no maki / Senritsu ! Kanpeki Choujin no maki
091 - Chi wo Fuku Jigoku no Neji Mawashi no maki / Don Shutsugen no maki
092 - Biggu Za Budou no Shoutai no maki / Arawaza ! Robin Supesharu no maki
093 - Hagasareta Masuku no maki / Gyakushuu ! Robin Masuku no maki
094 - Nyū Teriiman Tanjou no maki / Kurae ! Tatsumaki Jigoku no maki
095 - Noroi no Rōrā Sakusen no maki / Jigoku no Suna Dango no maki
096 - Teriiman Yomigaeru no maki / Chi ni Ueta Akuma Konbi no maki
097 - Jigoku no Kurosurain Sakuretsu no maki / Kinnikuman Gurēto no Shoutai no maki
098 - Junkesshou Hajimaru ! no maki / Ranbājakku Desumatchi no maki
099 - Kunou no Teriiman no maki / Kinnikuman Gurēto Fukkatsu no maki
100 - Sanshain Magunamu no maki / Gokui ! Tanuki Neiri Sappou no maki
101 - Makai no Purinsu no maki / Kyoufuu no Ashura Hidama-dan no maki
102 - Yaburetari Noroi no Rōrā no maki / Akuma Shougun Yomigaeru ! ? no maki
103 - Moe Agaru Akuma Reijutsu no maki / Ashuraman Naku ! no maki
104 - Yuujou no Konbinēshon no maki / Sanshain no Saigo no maki
105 - Zankoku ! Tetsujoumou Matchi no maki / Aya'ushi ! Mongoruman no maki
106 - Yomigaetta Rongu Hōn no maki / Houkai ! Maunten Ringu no maki
107 - Piramiddo Ringu Shutsugen ! no maki / Hokkaidou Kuuchuu ni Tobidasu ! no maki
108 - Piramiddo Ringu no Nazo no maki / Hissatsu ! Sandā Sāberu no maki
109 - Baffarōman no Yuujou no maki / Jiki'arashi Kurosu Bonbā no maki
110 - Rāmenman wa Shi nazu ! no maki / Ubawareta Kinnikuman no Ude no maki
111 - Yuujou no Rongu Hōn no maki / Kesshou ! Sōdo Desumatchi no maki
112 - Museigen San-bon Shoubu no maki / Kajiba no Zunou Purē no maki
113 - Masuku Gari: Nokori Sanjuu-byou no maki / Sakuretsu ! Jiki Kurashu no maki
114 - Hatsu no Haiboku ! no maki / Ashuraman no Yuujou no maki
115 - Fukkatsu ! Za Mashinganzu no maki / Masuku Zi Endo no maki
116 - Mita ! Kinnikuman no Sugao no maki / Nepuchūn Kingu Shutsugen no maki
117 - Kushizashi ! Teriiman no maki / Kiseki wo Yobu Yuujou Pawā no maki
118 - Kajiba no Danchigai Heikoubou no maki / Aporon Windou no Nazo no maki
119 - Zenpou Kou'enfun ni Kagi wo Kakero no maki / Hikari Kagayaku Torofii ! no maki
120 - Purinsu Kinniku-Maru Tenpuku no maki / Za Saikō Choujin Gundan Shutsugen no maki
121 - Gunshi Yama Kān Toujou no maki / Henshi Choujin Kareiyasu no maki
122 - Tokasareta Kinnikuman no maki / Dai Ransen ! Mari wa Doko ni ? no maki
123 - Deta ! Saikō Jōzu no maki / Yama Kān tono Ikki'uchi no maki
124 - Saikyou ! Saikō Wāpu no maki / Seigi Choujin yo Towa nare ! no maki
125 - Futari no Kinnikuman no maki / Mamore ! Seigi no Ken no maki
126 - Kanoke Haitatsunin Daati Baron no maki / Hibana Chiru Jigoku no Ring no maki
127 - Kyuukazan Dai Bakuhatsu ! ? no maki / Yogiri no Wairudo Bakuto no maki
128 - Goku'aku ! ! Bakuto Toranpu no maki / Ikiteita Daati Baron no maki
129 - Kyoufu no Sanjigen Toranpu no maki / Zutaboro ! Teriiman no maki
130 - Shougeki ! Nyuu Rongu Hoon no maki / Akuma ni natta Baffarooman no maki
131 - Raamenman no Ketsui no maki / Hissatsu Waza: Koushuu Dai Suishu no maki
132 - Kushizashi ! Raamenman no maki / Shisen: Dai Shouryuu ! no maki
133 - Furi daa ! Hensoku Taggu Matchi no maki / Sukai Debiru no Dai Kaijuu no maki
134 - Zettai Zetsumei ! Robin Masuku no maki / Sennin Kamikoroshi no Buru Dokkii no maki
135 - Ikare ! Burokken Junia no maki / Kyoui ! Shinigami no Nanatsu Dougu no maki
136 - Miyo ! Seiki no Ichidai Kessen no maki / Kajiba no Kuso Djikara+α
137 - Rongu Hoon Midarebuchi ! no maki / Seigi no Ken wa Dare no Te ni ! ? no maki
Lista de los episodios - Francia Francia Número de episodios : 104 Modificar
001 - Le messager
002 - Le monstre du Loch-Ness
003 - L'attaque des monstres de l'espace
004 - Mademoiselle Libellule
005 - Musculator contre Dédé Cubitus
006 - Musculator aux Jeux Olympiques (1)
007 - Musculator aux Jeux Olympiques (2)
008 - Le marathon de l’espace
009 - Libellule devient une géante
010 - Les choses se gâtent
011 - Coup de théâtre
012 - Musculator contre les chinois
013 - Terryman se bat comme un diable
014 - Muscleman va en finale
015 - L'enlèvement de Muscleman
016 - La transformation
017 - Un héros sanguinaire
018 - Le jour de la finale est arrivée
019 - Muscleman part en tournée
020 - Les bottes secrètes
021 - Les leçons de Kame Hame portent leurs fruits
022 - Le comité contre la ligue
023 - Muscleman à Paris
024 - Muscleman en Afrique
025 - Le retour de Robin des étoiles / Duel en Amazonie
026 - La fin de Robinmask
027 - Muscleman perd son titre / Va-t-il le récupérer ?
028 - Le grand ami / Chat échaudé craint l'eau froide
029 - L'eau de feu / Les super héros s'entraînent au lancer du train
030 - Le jeu du rouleau mortel
031 - Muscleman se qualifie / Le pacte
032 - La fourchette volante / La morsure fatale
033 - Brocken se déchaîne / La victoire de Muscleman
034 - Un ring en béton / Brocken Junior se déchaîne
035 - Ramenan se réveille
036 - Ramenan est un vrai Superman
037 - Catch ou sumo
038 - Le match au cercueil de la mort / Le robot combattant
039 - Les griffes d'acier / La feinte du cornet de glace
040 - Le masque de Muscleman
041 - L'entraînement
042 - Le visage de l'innomable
043 - Muscleman a une tactique / Muscleman va-t-il perdre la face ?
044 - Le point faible de Muscleman
045 - Muscleman se ressaisit
046 - Un combat sans merci
047 - Miracle sur le ring
048 - Le Superman du diable
049 - Le défi diabolique
050 - La symphonie diabolique / Le compte à rebours
051 - La quatrième dimension
052 - Le dôme solaire
053 - Le retour de Mister Muscleman
054 - Le combat du bien et du mal s'engage
055 - Ça va mal pour les défenseurs du bien
056 - L'inconnu en rouge
057 - Warsman face à son destin
058 - Les doubles griffes de l’ours
059 - Et il déplaça des montagnes
060 - Le combat contre Atlantis
061 - Sauve Mitsou, Muscleman / Le secret du masque d'or
062 - Il pleut des coups durs
063 - Le Superman satanique
064 - La ruse
065 - Une belle leçon de loyauté
066 - La légende des deux masques
067 - Le monde souterrain du crocodile
068 - Lunigator
069 - Le miracle de l'amitié
070 - La bataille des planètes
071 - Géronimo / Descente aux enfers
072 - Les 5 rings de la mort / Le gladiateur contre-attaque
073 - La toile d’araignée du ninja
074 - La défaite de Robin
075 - Le bras de Terryman
076 - Terryman risque sa vie / Géronimo attaque
077 - La pyramide infernale / Géronimo l'invincible
078 - Le secret du masque d'or / Le complot du monstre du mal
079 - Les larmes de Warsman / La résurrection de Buffaloman
080 - Le triangle du diable
081 - Le terrible combat avec le gladiateur / Buffaloman se rebiffe
082 - Un entraînement d'enfer / Le secret de l'origine des combats
083 - L'armure mystérieuse
084 - Les diamants maudits
085 - Le mal contre la justice
086 - Muscleman contre le monstre du mal / La victoire de la justice et de l'amitié
087 - Un tournoi très attendu
088 - La montagne du tournoi
089 - Dans la quatrième dimension
090 - Combat dans la quatrième dimension / Les combattants parfaits
091 - Le tournevis infernal
092 - Qui est Gros Budo ? / Qui est Neptune ?
093 - Le masque arraché / Robinmask contre Attacck ? ? ?
094 - Le nouveau Terryman
095 - Le broyeur à cylindres / Le sable maléfique
096 - Terryman est de retour
097 - La vraie identité du grand Muscleman
098 - Le combat à mort
099 - Les Muscleman contre-attaquent
100 - L'esprit des ténèbres
101 - Le prince des démons / L'épouvantable balle de jeu
102 - La défaite du rouleau maudit
103 - L’esprit démoniaque brûle
104 - Une amitié comme on n'en fait plus


0 miembro tiene esta serie 0 miembro tiene esta serie


Tasse bicolore - Hauru
Tasse bicolore - Hauru


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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