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All (195)
JapaneseJapanese (159)
Japanese kanjiJapanese kanji (24)
FrenchFrench (10)
ItalianItalian (1)
American / EnglishAmerican / English (1)
Title Origin See
Zahrat al-jabal flower of the mountain (opening) French
Not informed title - Estelle Baron
Flower of the Mountain زهرة الجبل (opening) French
Not informed title - Estelle Baron
Zaion (ending) Japanese
Lunatic Trance - An Evant
Zaion : I wish you were here (ending) Japanese
Lunatic Trance - An Evant
Zakuro (opening) Japanese
Moon signal - Sphere
Zakuro (1st ending) Japanese
Hatsukoi wa Zakuro-iro - Mai Nakahara & Takahiro Sakurai
Zakuro (2nd ending) Japanese
Futari Shizuka - Kana Hanazawa & Satoshi Hino
Zakuro (3rd ending) Japanese
Junjō Masquerade - Aki Toyosaki, Yui Horie & Yuuki Kaji
Zámek v oblacích (ending) Japanese
Sekai no yakusoku ~ Jinsei no Merry-go-round - Chieko Baisho
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (1st opening) Japanese
Confused memories - Yuko Tsuburaya
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (1st ending) Japanese
Futari - Rie Tomosaka
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (2nd opening) Japanese
Meet again - Laputa
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (2nd ending) Japanese
Boo bee magic - Sarina Suzuki
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (3rd opening) Japanese
Kimi ga iru kara - Yui Nishiwaki
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (3rd ending) Japanese
Mysterious night - R-Orange
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (4th opening) Japanese
Brave - Grass Arcade
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (4th ending) Japanese
White page - Platinum Pepper Family
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (5th opening) Japanese
Justice ~Future mystery~ - TWO-MIX
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (5th ending) Japanese
Jeans - Ryoko Hirosue
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (6th opening) Japanese
Why - Color
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (6th ending) Japanese
Hateshinaku aoi sora wo mita - Yui Nishiwaki
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (7th opening) Japanese
Never say why, never say no - 566 featuring Sayuri Nakano
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (7th ending) Japanese
Believe myself - New Cinema Tokage
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (8th ending) Japanese
Sink - Plastic Tree
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (9th ending) Japanese
Congrats - Cascade
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (10th ending) Japanese
Ultrider - Penicillin
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (11th ending) Japanese
Kimi ga iru kara.. - Yui Nishiwaki
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (7th opening) Japanese kanji
Never say why, never say no (kanji) - 566 featuring Sayuri Nakano
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (7th ending) Japanese kanji
Believe myself (kanji) - New Cinema Tokage
Zapiski detektywa kindaichi (9th ending) Japanese kanji
Congrats (kanji) - Cascade
Zatch bell (1st opening) Japanese
Kasabuta - VIZ Media
Zatchbell (1st opening) Japanese
Kasabuta - VIZ Media
Zatch bell (1st ending) Japanese
Personal - Aya Ueto
Zatchbell (1st ending) Japanese
Personal - Aya Ueto
Zatch bell (2nd opening) Japanese
Kimi ni kono koe ga todokimasu youni - VIZ Media
Zatchbell (2nd opening) Japanese
Kimi ni kono koe ga todokimasu youni - VIZ Media
Zatch bell (2nd ending) Japanese
STARS don't worry about tomorrow - King
Zatchbell (2nd ending) Japanese
STARS don't worry about tomorrow - King
Zatch bell (3rd opening) Japanese
Mienai tsubasa - Takeyoshi Tanimoto
Zatchbell (3rd opening) Japanese
Mienai tsubasa - Takeyoshi Tanimoto
Zatch bell (3rd ending) Japanese
Tsuyogari - Eri Kitamura
Zatchbell (3rd ending) Japanese
Tsuyogari - Eri Kitamura
Zatch bell (4th ending) Japanese
Idea - Tsukiko Amano
Zatchbell (4th ending) Japanese
Idea - Tsukiko Amano
Zatch bell (5th ending) Japanese
Kyou yori ashita wa - Echiura
Zatchbell (5th ending) Japanese
Kyou yori ashita wa - Echiura
Zatch bell (6th ending) Japanese
Aso FEVER 2005 - Shinohara Tomoe
Zatchbell (6th ending) Japanese
Aso FEVER 2005 - Shinohara Tomoe
Zegapain (opening) Japanese
Kimi he mukau hikari - Akino Arai
Zegapain -ゼーガペイン- (opening) Japanese
Kimi he mukau hikari - Akino Arai
Zegapain (1st ending) Japanese
Little goodbye - Rocky Chack
Zegapain -ゼーガペイン- (1st ending) Japanese
Little goodbye - Rocky Chack
Zegapain (2nd ending) Japanese
And you - Rocky Chack
Zegapain -ゼーガペイン- (2nd ending) Japanese
And you - Rocky Chack
Zegapain (3rd ending) Japanese
Last blue - Rocky Chack
Zegapain -ゼーガペイン- (3rd ending) Japanese
Last blue - Rocky Chack
Zegapain (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Little goodbye (kanji) - Rocky Chack
Zegapain -ゼーガペイン- (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Little goodbye (kanji) - Rocky Chack
Zeltron (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Zenki (1st opening) Japanese
Kishin douji ZENKI - Hironobu Kageyama
Zenki (1st ending) Japanese
Egao wo Ageru - Hitomi Takimoto
Zenki (2nd opening) Japanese
Chou kishin zenki, raigou shourin ! - Hironobu Kageyama
Zenki (2nd ending) Japanese
Sleepless angels ~nemurenu yoru no tenshitachi~ - Chisa Yokoyama
Zenki (3rd ending) Japanese
Kiseki no chou kishin - Chisa Yokoyama et Megumi Ogata
Zero, el guerrero cósmico (opening) Japanese
Jidai - Geminiart High Quality
Zero, el guerrero cósmico (ending) Japanese
The book of life - Shiratori Emiko
Zero no tsukaima (opening) Japanese
First kiss - Ichiko
Zero no tsukaima (ending) Japanese
Honto no kimochi - Rie Kugimiya
Zero no tsukaima F (opening) Japanese
I'll Be There For You - Ichiko
Zero no tsukaima F (ending) Japanese
Kiss Shite↑Agenai↓ - Rie Kugimiya
Zero no tsukaima final (opening) Japanese
I'll Be There For You - Ichiko
Zero no tsukaima final (ending) Japanese
Kiss Shite↑Agenai↓ - Rie Kugimiya
Zero no tsukaima : futatsuki no kishi (opening) Japanese
I say yes - Ichiko
Zero no tsukaima : futatsuki no kishi (ending) Japanese
Suki kirai suki - Rie Kugimiya
Zero no tsukaima : princesses no rondo (opening) Japanese
You're the one - Ichiko
Zero no tsukaima : princesses no rondo (ending) Japanese
Gomen ne - Rie Kugimiya
009-1 (opening) Japanese
Destiny girl - Minato
Zero zero nine one (opening) Japanese
Destiny girl - Minato
Zeta gundam (ending) Japanese
Hoshizora no Believe - Mami Ayukawa
Zeta gundam (1st opening) Japanese
Toki wo koete - Mami Ayukawa
Zeta gundam (2nd opening) Japanese
Mizu no hoshi he ai wo komete - Hiroko Moriguchi
Zeta gundam - le film (1st ending) Japanese
Kimi Ga Matteiru Kara Rearranged - Gackt
Zeta gundam - le film (2nd ending) Japanese
Mind forest - Gackt
Zetman (opening) Japanese
Dots and Lines - You Hitoto & Mummy-D
Zetman (ending) Japanese
Tomeru - You Hitoto
Zettai karen children (1st opening) Japanese
Over the future - Karen Girl's
Zettai karen children (1st ending) Japanese
Zettai lovexlove sengen - Aya Hirano, Ryoko Shiraishi et Haruka Tomatsu
Zettai karen children (2nd opening) Japanese
My wings - Karen Girl's
Zettai karen children (2nd ending) Japanese
Datte daihonmei - Aya Hirano, Ryoko Shiraishi et Haruka Tomatsu
Zettai karen children (3rd ending) Japanese
Break your destiny - Koji Yusa, Yuuichi Nakamura et Kishou Taniyama
Zettai karen children (4th ending) Japanese
Soushunfu - Aya Hirano, Ryoko Shiraishi et Haruka Tomatsu
Zettai karen children (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Zettai lovexlove sengen (kanji) - Aya Hirano, Ryoko Shiraishi et Haruka Tomatsu
Zettai muteki raijin-oh (opening) Japanese
Dream Shift - Kinuko Oomori & SILK
Zettai muteki raijin-oh (ending) Japanese
Chikyuu Bouei Ouen Uta - Not informed interpreter
Zettai seigi love pheromone (opening) Japanese
Nesshou!! Rabuge Night Fever - Momoi Haruko & Kageyama Hironobu
Zettai shonen (opening) Japanese
Hikari no silhouette - CooRie
Zettai shonen (ending) Japanese
Shounen humming - Masumi Ito
Zettai shougeki ~platonic heart~ (opening) Japanese
Tatsumaki Wave - Little Non
Z gundam (ending) Japanese
Hoshizora no Believe - Mami Ayukawa
Z gundam (1st opening) Japanese
Toki wo koete - Mami Ayukawa
Z gundam (2nd opening) Japanese
Mizu no hoshi he ai wo komete - Hiroko Moriguchi
Zhima jie (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Zillion (opening) Japanese
Pure Stone - Risa Yuuki
Zillion (1st ending) Japanese
Push ! - Risa Yuki
Zillion (2nd ending) Japanese
Rock Candy - Risa Yuki
Zillion, el caballero blanco (opening) Japanese
Pure Stone - Risa Yuuki
Zillion, el caballero blanco (1st ending) Japanese
Push ! - Risa Yuki
Zillion, el caballero blanco (2nd ending) Japanese
Rock Candy - Risa Yuki
Les zinzins de l'espace (opening) American / English
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Zipang (opening) Japanese
Rashinban - Audio rulez
Z·Loan (opening) Japanese
Ookami no nodo - The Birthday
Z·Loan (ending) Japanese
Chain Ring - MUCC
Z.O.E. dolores, i (opening) Japanese
Zone of the Enders - Lazy
Z.O.E. dolores, i (ending) Japanese
Ring on the world - Heart of Air
Z.O.E. Idolo (ending) Japanese
Kiss me sunlight - Heart of Air
Zoids (opening) Japanese
Wild Flowers - Ramar
Zoids (1st ending) Japanese
Song for... - Dear
Zoids (2nd ending) Japanese
chase - Develop=Frame
Zoids (3rd ending) Japanese
Into yourself - Transtic Nerve
Zoids (4th ending) Japanese
Your Song - Earth
Zoids (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Song for... (kanji) - Dear
Zoids (2nd ending) Japanese kanji
Chase (kanji) - Develop=Frame
Zoids (3rd ending) Japanese kanji
Into yourself (kanji) - Transtic Nerve
Zoids (4th ending) Japanese kanji
Your song (kanji) - Earth
Zoids : chaotic century (opening) Japanese
Wild Flowers - Ramar
Zoids : chaotic century (1st ending) Japanese
Song for... - Dear
Zoids : chaotic century (2nd ending) Japanese
chase - Develop=Frame
Zoids : chaotic century (3rd ending) Japanese
Into yourself - Transtic Nerve
Zoids : chaotic century (4th ending) Japanese
Your Song - Earth
Zoids : chaotic century (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Song for... (kanji) - Dear
Zoids : chaotic century (2nd ending) Japanese kanji
Chase (kanji) - Develop=Frame
Zoids : chaotic century (3rd ending) Japanese kanji
Into yourself (kanji) - Transtic Nerve
Zoids : chaotic century (4th ending) Japanese kanji
Your song (kanji) - Earth
Zoids classic (opening) Japanese
Wild Flowers - Ramar
Zoids classic (1st ending) Japanese
Song for... - Dear
Zoids classic (2nd ending) Japanese
chase - Develop=Frame
Zoids classic (3rd ending) Japanese
Into yourself - Transtic Nerve
Zoids classic (4th ending) Japanese
Your Song - Earth
Zoids classic (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Song for... (kanji) - Dear
Zoids classic (2nd ending) Japanese kanji
Chase (kanji) - Develop=Frame
Zoids classic (3rd ending) Japanese kanji
Into yourself (kanji) - Transtic Nerve
Zoids classic (4th ending) Japanese kanji
Your song (kanji) - Earth
Zoids : fuzors (opening) Japanese
Enemy of lie - 2Am
Zoids : fuzors (ending) Japanese
Self control 2004 - 2Am
Zoids genesis (opening) Japanese
Yotaka no Yume - Do As Infinity
Zoids genesis (1st ending) Japanese
Real Love - Paradise GO!! GO!!
Zoids genesis (2nd ending) Japanese
Arino Mamade Lovin'U - Shizuka Ito & Kimiko Koyama
Zoids genesis (3rd ending) Japanese
Nigirishimeta sono Te ni - Re Mii x Kotona
Zoids : guardian forces (opening) Japanese
Wild Flowers - Ramar
Zoids : guardian forces (1st ending) Japanese
Song for... - Dear
Zoids : guardian forces (2nd ending) Japanese
chase - Develop=Frame
Zoids : guardian forces (3rd ending) Japanese
Into yourself - Transtic Nerve
Zoids : guardian forces (4th ending) Japanese
Your Song - Earth
Zoids : guardian forces (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Song for... (kanji) - Dear
Zoids : guardian forces (2nd ending) Japanese kanji
Chase (kanji) - Develop=Frame
Zoids : guardian forces (3rd ending) Japanese kanji
Into yourself (kanji) - Transtic Nerve
Zoids : guardian forces (4th ending) Japanese kanji
Your song (kanji) - Earth
Zoids new century /zero (opening) Japanese
No Future - Nanase Aikawa
Zoids new century /zero (ending) Japanese
Sasuraibito - Dasein
Zoids shinseiki / zero (opening) Japanese
No Future - Nanase Aikawa
Zoids shinseiki / zero (ending) Japanese
Sasuraibito - Dasein
Zoids / ZERO (opening) Japanese
No Future - Nanase Aikawa
Zoids / ZERO (ending) Japanese
Sasuraibito - Dasein
Zoku natsume yūjin-chō (opening) Japanese
Ano hi Time Machine - Long Shot Party
Zoku natsume yūjin-chō (ending) Japanese
Ai Shiteru - Kourin
Zoku sayonara zetsubo sensei (1st opening) Japanese
Kuusou Rumba - Kenji Ohtsuki and Zetsubō Shōjo-tachi
Zoku sayonara zetsubo sensei (1st ending) Japanese
Koiji Romanesque - Zetsubō Shōjo-tachi
Zoku sayonara zetsubo sensei (2nd opening) Japanese
Lilicure go go - Ai Nonaka, Marina Inoue et Ryōko Shintani
Zoku sayonara zetsubo sensei (2nd ending) Japanese
Marionette - ROLLY and Zetsubō Shōjo-tachi
Zoku sayonara zetsubo sensei (3rd ending) Japanese
Onamori - Ai Nonaka, Marina Inoue, Yu Kobayashi et Ryoko Shi
Zoku sayonara zetsubo sensei (1st opening) Japanese kanji
Kuusou Rumba (kanji) - Kenji Ohtsuki and Zetsubō Shōjo-tachi
Zoku sayonara zetsubo sensei (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Koiji Romanesque (kanji) - Zetsubō Shōjo-tachi
Zombie-loan (opening) Japanese
Ookami no nodo - The Birthday
Zombie loan (opening) Japanese
Ookami no nodo - The Birthday
Zombie-loan (ending) Japanese
Chain Ring - MUCC
Zombie loan (ending) Japanese
Chain Ring - MUCC
Zone of enders (opening) Japanese
Zone of the Enders - Lazy
Zone of enders (ending) Japanese
Ring on the world - Heart of Air
Zone of the enders (opening) Japanese
Zone of the Enders - Lazy
Zone of the enders (ending) Japanese
Ring on the world - Heart of Air
Zone of the enders 2167 idolo (ending) Japanese
Kiss me sunlight - Heart of Air
Zone of the enders : dolores, i (opening) Japanese
Zone of the Enders - Lazy
Zone of the enders : dolores, i (ending) Japanese
Ring on the world - Heart of Air
Zone of the enders : idolo (ending) Japanese
Kiss me sunlight - Heart of Air
Zora la rousse (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Zorori (ending) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Zorori (1st opening) Japanese
Hassuru - Kouichi Yamadera
Zorori el extraordinario (ending) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Zorori el extraordinario (1st opening) Japanese
Hassuru - Kouichi Yamadera
Zorori le magnifique (ending) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Zorori le magnifique (1st opening) Japanese
Hassuru - Kouichi Yamadera
Zorro (opening) Italian
Zorro - Cristina D'Avena
Zorro (opening) Japanese
Zorro - Masaaki Endoh
Zvonko (1st opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Zvonko (2nd opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter


Sac tissu - Kiki
Sac tissu - Kiki
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