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opening - Japanese Japanese Title : Futari no I''s(eyes)~i will follow you~
Interpreter : Mizuho
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NOOTO ni kaita anata no INISHARU
Kizukare nuyou sotto kasane au
i will follow you

Senobi wo shite miageta kousha sora no kanata
Hikari no naka enryoshi nagara tatazundeiru
Mahiru no tsuki

Kono omoi (my heart) anata no moto e todoketai
Mune ni mebaeta jounetsu no chiisana tsubomi wo
Dakishime (I close my eyes)

Itsu no hika (someday)
Ookina hana wo sakasetai
Tokimeku kokoro tsunagatte
Kawasu futari no EYES

Tobira no kage sotto miokutta
Massugu nobita ano ushiro sugata
i will follow you

Ikikirashite kake yoritai to omou keredo
Takanaru kodou kizukare soude bumida senakute
Dachi tsukusuno

Kono negai (My wish) kotoba ni dashite tsutaetai
Kobin ni tsumeta MESSEEJI kokoro no umi e to
Nagashite (send all my love)

Itsu no hi mo (always) futari de te wo nigiri atte
Meguru kisetsu wo kasanetai
Kawasu me to me de EYES

Kono omoi anata no moto e todoketai
Mune ni mebaeta jounetsu no chiisana tsubomi wo

Kono negai (my wish) kotoba ni dashite tsutaetai
Kobin ni tsumeta MESSEEJI kokoro no umi e to
Nagashite (send all my love)

Itsu no hi mo (my heart) futari de te wo nigiri atte
Meguru kisetsu wo kasanetai
Kawasu me to me de EYES
ending - Japanese Japanese Title : Chiisana tsubasa~eyes for you~
Interpreter : Mizuho
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Kyoushitsu no katasumi ni okiwasureta
Tsukai furushi no nikkichou

Futoi ji de kakikonda haru no hizuke
Anata ni aeta ano hi

Sotto shimatta kono mune no tokimeki
Ryoute ni daite atatameteru

Anata ni deatta hi kara
Chiisa na tsubasa ga haete kita no
Yasashii manazashi kanjite
Ima ni mo sora ga tobesou na ki ga suru
Mitsumeru me to me
I have my eyes for you

Mado akete sashikonda haru no hikari
Hohoku suguru yasashii kaze

Kagikaketeta omoi kokoro no tobira wo
Oshite hiraite miru

Anata ni deatta hi kara
Yuuki no chikara ga waite kuru no
Kokoro no umi e to hoagete
Doko made mo tooku e tabitsuzuketai
Kasaneru me to me
my eyes they long for you

Anata ni deatta hi kara
Chiisa na tsubasa ga haete kita no
Yasashii manazashi kanjite
Ima ni mo sora ga tobesou na ki ga suru
Mitsumeru me to me
I have my eyes for you
opening - Japanese kanji Japanese kanji Title : Futari no I''s(eyes)~i will follow you~ (kanji)
Interpreter : Mizuho
ノートに書いた あなたのイニシャル
気付かれぬよう そっと重ねあう
i will follow you

見上げた校舎 空の彼方
光の中 遠慮しながら 佇んでいる 真昼の月

この想い あなたの元へ届けたい
胸に芽生えた情熱の小さな蕾を 抱きしめ
いつの日か 大きな花を咲かせたい
ときめく心繋がって 交わす二人のアイズ

i will follow you

高鳴る鼓動 気付かれそうで
踏み出せなくて 立ち尽くすの

この願い 言葉に出して伝えたい
小瓶に詰めたメッセージ 心の海へと 流して
いつの日も 二人で手を握りあって
めぐる季節を重ねたい 交わす目と目でアイズ

この想い あなたの元へ届けたい
胸に芽生えた情熱の小さな蕾を 抱きしめ

この願い 言葉に出して伝えたい
小瓶に詰めたメッセージ 心の海へと 流して
いつの日も 二人で手を握りあって
めぐる季節を重ねたい 交わす目と目でアイズ


2 members have this series 2 members have this series


Tasse bicolore - Papillons
Tasse bicolore - Papillons


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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