| 1st opening - American / English  |
Title : Pokemon theme Interpreter : Jason Paige |
 | I wanna be the very best
Like no-one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Each Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside
Pokemon! (Gotta Catch 'em)
It's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Ooh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend
Pokemon! (Gotta Catch 'em)
Our hearts so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you
Gotta catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all!
Every challenge along the way
With courage I will face
I will battle every day
To claim my rightful place
Come with me, the time is right
There's no better team
Arm in arm we'll win the fight
It's always been our dream
Chorus JImmy rules
Pokemon! (Gotta Catch 'em)
It's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Ooh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend
Pokemon! (Gotta Catch 'em)
Our hearts so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you
Gotta catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all!
Gotta catch 'em all!
Gotta catch 'em all!
Gotta catch 'em all!
Yeah !!
Pokemon! (Gotta Catch 'em)
It's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Ooh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend
Pokemon! (Gotta Catch 'em)
Our hearts so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you
Gotta catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all!
Pokemon ! | 1st ending - American / English  |
Title : Poké-rap Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | I want to be the best, there ever was. To beat all the rest, yeah that's my cause!
Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran, Mankey. Venusaur, Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey. Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Gastly. Ponyta, Vaporeon, Polywrath, Butterfree!
Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta' catch 'em all! Pokémon!
I'll search across the land, look far and wide. Release from my hand, the power that's inside!
Venomoth, Poliwag, Nidorino, Golduck. Ivysaur, Grimer, Victreebell, Moltres. Nidoking, Farfetch'd, Abra, Jigglypuff. Kingler, Rhydon, Clefable, Wigglytuff!
Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta' catch 'em all! Gotta' catch 'em all! Pokémon!
Zubat, Primeape, Meowth, Onix. Geodude, Rapidash, Magneton, Snorlax. Gengar, Tangela, Goldeen, Spearow. Weezing, Seel, Gyarados, Slowbrow!
Gotta' catch 'em all, gotta' catch 'em all! Yeah! Gotta' catch 'em all, gotta' catch 'em all! Yeah! Gotta' catch 'em all, pokémon! Ow!
Kabuto, Persian, Paras, Horsea. Raticate, Magnemite, Kadabra, Weepinbell. Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew. Bulbasaur, Charmander, Golem, Pikachu!!!
At least 150, or more to see. To be a pokémon master is my destiny!
Alakazam, Doduo, Venonat, Machoke. Kangaskhan, Hypno, Electabuzz, Flareon. Blastoise, Polywhirl, Oddish, Drowzee. Raichu, Nidoqueen, Bellsprout, Starmie! Woo!
We're at the half-way point. Doin' great so far! What's all this 'we stuff?' I'm doin' all the hard work! Break time's over. Here we go!
Metapod, Marowak, Kakuna, Clefairy. Dodrio, Seadra, Vileplume, Krabby. Likitung, Tauros, Weedle, Nidoran. Machop, Shellder, Porygon, Hitmonchan!
Gotta' catch 'em all, gotta' catch 'em all! Yeah! Gotta' catch 'em all, gotta' catch 'em all! Yeah!
Articuno, Jynx, Nidorina, Beedril. Haunter. Squirtle. Chansey! Pokémon! Parasect, Exeggcute, Muk, Dewgong. Pidgeotto, Lapras, Vulpix, Rhydon!
At least 150, or more to see. To be a pokémon master is my destiny!
Charizard, Machamp, Pinsir, Koffing. Dugtrio, Golbat, Staryu, Magikarp. Ninetails, Ekans, Omastar. Scyther, Tenatcool, Dragonair, Magmar!
Woah! Catch yer breath, man. Shake out those lipsi t's downhill from here. Just 24 more to go! Now it gets tricky - so listen real good!
Sandslash, Hitmonlee, Psyduck, Arcanine, Eevee, Exeggutor, Kabutops, Zapdos, Dratini, Growlithe, Mr. Mime, Cubone, Graveler, Voltorb, Gloom!!!
We're almost home! Gotta' catch 'em all, gotta' catch 'em all! Yow! Gotta' catch 'em all, gotta' catch 'em all! Huh! (Gotta catch 'em all pokémon, yeah)
Charmeleon! Wartortle! Mewtwo, Tentacruel, Aerodactyl. Omanyte! Slowpoke! Pidgeot, Arbok, that's all folks!
Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta' catch 'em all! Oooh, gotta' catch 'em all, pokémon! Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta' catch 'em all! Oooh, gotta' catch 'em all, pokémon! Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta' catch 'em all! Gotta' catch 'em all! Pokémon! | 2nd opening - American / English  |
Title : Pokemon World Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | So, you wanna be a Master?
Do you have the skills to be
I wanna take the ultimate step, find the courage to be bold
To risk it all and not forget the lessons that I hold
I wanna go where no one's been, far beyond the crowd (yeah!)
To learn the way to take command, use the power that's in my hand
We all live in a Pokemon World (Pokemon)
I wanna be the greatest Master of them all (The greatest Master)
We all live in a Pokemon World (Pokemon)
I'll put myself to the test to be better than all the rest
So, you wanna be a Master?
Do you have the skills to be
We all live in a Pokemon World (Pokemon)
I wanna be the greatest Master of them all (The greatest Master)
Pokemon | 3rd opening - American / English  |
Title : A whole new world Interpreter : PJ Lequerica |
 | Pokemon Johto!
Everybody wants to be a Master
Everybody wants to show their skill
Everybody wants to get there faster
Make their way to the top of the hill
Each time you try gonna get just a little bit better
Each step you climb is one more step up the ladder
It's a whole new world we live in
It's a whole new way to see
It's a whole new place with a brand new attitude
But you still gotta catch 'em all and be the best that you can be
Pokemon Johto!
Everybody wants to make a statement
Everybody needs to caulk their mark
Step alone in the Victory Circle
Stake their claim when the music starts
Give it all you've got! You can be the very best ever
Take your best shot! And what you will learn will come together
It's a whole new world we live in
It's a whole new way to see
It's a whole new place with a brand new attitude
But you still gotta catch 'em all and be the best that you can be
Pokemon Johto!
It's a whole new world we live in (live in)
It's a whole new way to see (to see)
It's a whole new place with a brand new attitude (attitude)
But you still gotta catch 'em all and be the best that you can be
Pokemon Johto! Yeah!
(Instrumental Break)
It's a whole new world we live in
It's a whole new way to see
It's a whole new place with a brand new attitude
But you still gotta catch 'em all and be the best that you can be
Pokemon Johto! Yeah!
Pokemon Johto! Oh!
Pokemon Johto! | 4th opening - American / English  |
Title : Born to be a winner Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon
Let's do it!
I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
My whole life has lead to this
It's time to test my skills
I know I just can't miss
Gonna show the world
Born to be a winner
Born to be a champion
Born to be a winner
Born to be the very best
(Pokemon Johto!)
Born to be a winner
Pokemon! | 1st opening - Brazilian  |
Title : Pokemon Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Esse meu jeito de viver
Ninguem nunca foi igual
A minha vida é fazer
O bem vencer o mal
Pelo o mundo viajarei
Tentando encontar
Um pokémon e com o seu poder
Tudo transformar
Pokémon, temos que pegar,
Isso eu sei, pega-los eu tentarei
Pokémon, juntos teremos que o mundo defender
Pokémon, temos que pegar,
Isso eu sei, pega-los eu tentarei
Vai ser grande a emoçăo
Pokémon, temos que pegar, temos que pegar
Desafios vou encontrar
E os enfrentarei
Lutando pelo meu lugar
Todo dia estarei
Vem comigo vamos formar
Sempre a melhor equipe
E sempre juntos vamos vencer
O sonho é poder
Pokémon, temos que pega-los,
Isso eu sei, pega-los eu tentarei
Pokémon, juntos teremos que o mundo defender
Pokémon, temos que pegar,
Isso eu sei, pega-los eu tentarei
Vai ser grande a emoçăo
Pokémon, temos que pegar
Pokémon | 1st ending - Brazilian  |
Title : Pokérap Interpreter : Nil Bernades |
 | Quero ser o melhor
E pra isso eu sei
Tenho que correr
E conseguirei
Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran, Mankey,
Venusaur, Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey,
Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Gastly,
Ponyta, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Butterfree
Pegue temos que pegar, Pokémon
Atravessar o mundo para entender
O poder que existe dentro de vocę
Venomoth, Poliwag, Nidorino, Golduck,
Ivysaur, Grimer, Victreebel, Moltres,
Nidoking, Farfetch'd, Abra, Jigglypuff,
Kingler, Rhyhorn, Clefable, Wigglytuff
Peguem, temos que pegar
Temos que pegar
Zubat, Primeape, Meowth, Onix,
Geodude, Rapidash, Magneton, Snorlax,
Gengar, Tengela, Goldeen, Spearow,
Weezing, Seel, Gyarados, Slowbro
Temos que pegar, temos que pegar Yea!
Temos que pegar, temos que pegar Yea!
Temos que pegar Pokémon
Kabuto, Persian, Paras, Horsea,
Raticate, Magnemite, Kadabra, Weepinbel,
Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew,
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Golem, Pikachu
150 tem para gente ver
Um mestre Pokémon é o que eu quero ser
Alakazam, Goldeen,Venonat, Machoke,
Kangaskhan, Hypno, Electabuzz, Flareon,
Blastoise, Poliwhirl, Oddish, Drowzee,
Raichu, Nidoqueen, Bellsprout, Starmie
Uhu! O rap tá demais pessoal! Muito legal
Ei,mas năo vamos parar
É um trabalho difícil
Entăo vamos, vamos lá
Metapod, Marowak, Kakuna, Clefairy,
Dodrio, Seadra, Vileplume, Krabby,
Lickitung, Tauros, Weedle, Nidoran,
Machop, Shellder, Porygon, Hitmonchan
Temos que pegar, temos que pegar Yea!
Temos que pegar, temos que pegar Yea!
Articuno, Jynx, Nidorina, Beedrill,
Haunter, Squirtle, Chansey
Parasect, Exeggcute, Muk, Dewgong,
Pidgeotto, Lapras, Vulpix, Rhydon
150 tem para gente ver
Um mestre Pokémon é o que eu quero ser
Charizard, Machamp, Pinsir, Koffing,
Dugtrio, Golbat, Staryu, Magikarp,
Ninetales, Ekans, Omastar,
Scyther, Tentacool, Dragonair, Magmar
Oh vocę pegou todos cara
E ainda tem mais!
Entăo vamos lá!
Agora vocę vai ver que legal!
Sandslash, Hitmonlee, Psyduck, Arcanine,
Eevee, Exeggutor, Kabutops, Zapdos,
Dratini, Growlithe, Mr.Mime, Cubone,
Graveler, Voltorb, Gloom
Temos que pegar, temos que pegar. Uh!
Temos que pegar, temos que pegar. Huu!
Temos que pegar, temos que pegar Pokémon, yei!
Charmeleon, Wartortle,
Mewtwo, Tentacruel,Aerodactyl,
Omanyte, Slowpoke,
Pidgeot, Arbok
Peguem temos que pegar
Temos que pegar Pokémon
Peguem, temos que pegar
Uh, temos que pegar Pokémon
Peguem, temos que pegar
Temos que pegar Pokémon | 2nd opening - Brazilian  |
Title : Quero ser o melhor treinador Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Pra chegar ao topo do mundo para um grande mestre ser (Pokémon)
Tem que arriscar e aproveitar as liçőes que aprender!
Eu quero ir onde ninguém foi e muito mais além (Pokémon)
Ter o poder em minhas măos e lutar só pelo bem
Nós vivemos no mundo Pokémon (Pokémon!)
eu quero ser o melhor dos treinadores
Nós vivemos no mundo Pokémon (Pokémon!)
pra passar do teste e serei o melhor dos mestres
Se vocę quer ser um mestre, Pokémon
Cerque todos o melhor, vamos lá!!
Nós vivemos no mundo Pokémon (Pokémon!)
eu quero ser o melhor dos treinadores
PO-KÉ-MON | 3rd opening - Brazilian  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | É um novo mundo de aventuras!
Pokémon Johto!
Todo mundo quer ser um mestre!
Todo mundo quer mostrar que é bom!
Todo mundo quer sair na frente!
Na batalha ser o campeăo!
(Tentar, tentar)
Sempre tentando fazer a coisa certa!
(Ganhar, ganhar)
Atire o passo rumo ŕ meta!
É um novo mundo de aventuras,
E o perigo é bem maior
É uma nova jornada, com novas emoçőes,
Mas ainda temos que pegar
Pra ser dos mestres o melhor!
Pokémon Johto!
É um mundo novo de aventuras!
Mas ainda temos que pegar,
Pra ser dos mestres o melhor!
Pokémon Johto!
Pokémon Johto | 4th opening - Brazilian  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Pokémon
Agora vem o grande teste
Eu já me preparei
Com meus amigos de valor
Prontos pra lutar
Seus inimigos săo fortes sim
Mas medo năo terei
A força está comigo, eu vou mostrar
Nasci pra ser líder (Johto)
Nasci para ser um campeao
Vencer as batalhas e ser dos mestres o melhor
Pokémon Johto
Eu vou ser um mestre
Pokémon | 5th opening - Brazilian  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Pokémon
Năo é hora de mudar
No meu caminho vou continuar
Os meus amigos sempre estăo comigo
A gente nunca vai correr do perigo
Um mestre quero ser
E sei que vou poder (vou poder)
No caminho da vitória
Vou escrevendo a minha história (Pokémon)
Posso ser um campeăo
Se eu acreditar
Estou numa Master Quest (Master Quest)
E sei que vou até o fim (conseguir)
Ser o melhor de leste a oeste
Só tenho que acreditar em mim.
Pokémon. | 6th opening - Brazilian  |
Title : O mestre quero ser Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Um mundo diferente
Uma nova emoçăo
Quero ir em frente
Ser o campeăo
Seja como for
Dar o melhor de mim
Cheguei até aqui
E sei que vou até o fim
Quem quiser pode vir comigo
E vai ser um novo amigo
Um mestre quero ser (um mestre)
Pokémon Advance (eu quero ser)
Um mestre quero ser (um mestre)
Sei que vou vencer
No futuro vou provar
Que em um mestre vou me transformar
Um mestre quero ser
Pokémon. | 7th opening - Brazilian  |
Title : Sempre juntos Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Po-ké-mon
Treinador tem uma escolha
De ouvir a voz interior gritar
A batalha será longa
Vencedores văo e vem
E eu vou continuar
Esse sonho é pra sempre
E nunca vai morrer
Enfrentando os desafios pra vencer
(Sempre juntos) Sempre juntos estaremos
Nada pode nos deter
Os melhores que o mundo já viu
Esse sonho jamais vai morrer
Pokémon | 8th opening - Brazilian  |
Title : Sou invencível Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Sou invencível
Sempre pelas mesmas estradas
Os meus amigos do meu lado
Năo há tempo para descansar
A espera do último teste
Estaremos prontos pra lutar
E jamais iremos recuar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Sou invencível
"Batalha Avançada"
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Sou invencível
Pelas estrelas vamos lutar
E nada pode nos derrotar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Sou invencível
"Batalha Avançada"
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Sou invencível
Oh oh oh
Nessas batalhas
Sou invencível
Pokémon. | 9th opening - Brazilian  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Pokémon!
É a batalha, vencer ou perder!
Na estrada correr pra me escolher!
A hora certa vocę comanda!
E a coragem vocę vai ter!
Seja forte e vocę poderá sobreviver!
É a batalha da fronteira!
Seja sempre o melhor e o destino os ouvirá!
E saiba que o poder está em suas măos!
Pokémon! | 10th opening - Brazilian  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | (Pokémon, Pokémon)
É um desafio
É um jogo novo,em um mundo novo
E novos rivais com quem lutar
Nada pode nos deter
Diamante ou Pérola
Essa é a batalha, vocę tem que ser esperto
Rápido movimento atrás do vento
Vocę tem uma chance de começar de novo
Vocę tem que fazer isso para ser um mestre
(Pokémon, Pokémon)
A chance de ganhar logo vai aparecer
E um mestre vocę vai ser
Pokémon | 11th opening - Brazilian  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Na estrada longe de casa,
mas sozinho năo estou
Com coragem e força juntos pra vencer,
o que vamos ser?
Seremos heróis,
Poderemos o mundo mudar.
Aonde vocę for,
ao seu lado eu sempre vou estar!
Seremos heróis,
Da batalha dimensional
Pokémon! | 1st opening - Spanish  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Llegaré a ser el mejor, el mejor que habrá jamás.
Mi causa es ser entrenador tras mi gran prueba real...
Viajaré a cualquier lugar, llegaré a cualquier rincón...
Al fin podré desentrańar el poder que hay en Pokémon.
ˇEs pokemon! Hazte con todos.
Es mi destino... Mi misión
ˇEs pokemon! Tu eres mi amigo fiel
ˇNos debemos defender!
ˇEs pokemon! Hazte con todos (siii)
Seremos mejor al fin.
Te enseńo yo, y tú a mí.
Hazte con todos.
Hazte con todos.
POKEMON | 1st ending - Spanish  |
Title : Poke rap Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Debo ser el mejor
Solo el mejor
Ganar nada más
Ese es mi ideal
Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran, Mankey
Venusaur, Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey
Seaking, Joltear, Dragonite, Gastly
Ponyta, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Butterfree
Solo tienes que atraparlos ya
Viajare sin parar
de aquí a allá
Liberare mi poder interior
Venomoth, Poliwag, Nidorino, Golduck
Ivysaur, Grimer, Victreebel, Moltres
Nidoking, Farfetch'd, Abra, Jigglypuff
Kingler, Rhyhorn, Clefable, Wigglytuff
ˇSolo tienes que atraparlos ya!
ˇAtrápalos ya!
Zubat, Primeape, Meowth, Onix.
Geodude, Rapidash, Magneton, Snorlax.
Gengar, Tangela, Goldeen, Spearow.
Weezing, Seel, Gyarados, ˇSlowbro!
ˇAtrápalos ya, Hay que atraparlos!
ˇAtrápalos ya, Hay que atraparlos!
Tengo que atrapar Pokémon
Kabuto, Persian, Paras, Horsea. Raticate,
Magnemite, Kadabra, Weepinbell.
Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew.
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Golem, ˇPikachu!
Son solo 150 o más que ver
Maestro pokémon es de ser mi destino es.
Alakazam, Doduo, Venonat, Machoke.
Kangaskhan, Hypno, Electabuzz, Flareon.
Blastoise, Polywhirl, Oddish, Drowzee.
Raichu, Nidoqueen, Bellsprout, ˇStarmie!
Estamos justo a la mitad
No ha sido tanto difícil
Seguimos adelante
Aunque dan algunos smiles
Metapod, Marowak, Kakuna, Clefairy.
Dodrio, Seadra, Vileplume, Krabby.
Likitung, Tauros, Weedle, Nidoran.
Machop, Shellder, Porygon, ˇHitmonchan!
ˇAtrápalos ya! ˇHay que atraparlos!
ˇAtrápalos ya! ˇHay que atraparlos!
Articuno, Jynx, Nidorina, Beedril.
Haunter. Squirtle. Chansey, ! Pokémon!
Parasect, Exeggcute, Muk, Dewgong.
Pidgeotto, Lapras, Vulpix, Rhydon.
Son solo 150 o más que ver
Maestro pokémon es de ser mi destino es.
Charizard, Machamp, Pinsir, Koffing.
Dugtrio, Golbat, Staryu, Magikarp.
Ninetales, Ekans, Omastar.
Scyther, Tenatcool, Dragonair, Magmar!
ˇMuy bien!
Es hora de tomar un respiro
Ya solo faltan 24 nombres más
Así escucha con atención
Sandslash, Hitmonlee, Psyduck, Arcanine,
Eevee, Exeggutor, Kabutops, Zapdos.
Dratini, Growlithe, Mr. Mime, Cubone.
Graveler, Voltorb, Gloom.
ˇAtrápalos ya! ˇHay que atraparlos!
ˇAtrápalos ya! ˇHay que atraparlos!
Tengo que atrapar Pokémon
ˇCharmeleon! ˇWartortle! Mewtwo, Tentacruel, Aerodactyl.
ˇOmanyte! ˇ Slowpoke! Pidgeot, Arbok
ˇSolo tienes que atraparlos ya! (hay que atrapar Pokémon)
ˇSolo tienes que atraparlos ya! (hay que atrapar Pokémon)
ˇSolo tienes que atraparlos ya!
ˇAtrápalos ya!
Pokémon! | 2nd opening - Spanish  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Así que un maestro quieres ser
Quieres convertirte en
ˇEl mejor!
Quiero luchar, luchar, luchar
Con valor y convicción
Corriendo riesgos sin dudar
Hasta ser el mejor.
Mi equipo es el mejor
En cualquier lugar
La victoria llegará...
Vivimos en un Mundo Pokémon (Pokémon)
Yo quiero ser
Un gran maestro Pokémon (un gran maestro)
Vivimos en un Mundo Pokémon (Pokémon)
Me esforzaré sin titubear
La victoria he de alcanzar
Así que un maestro quieres ser
Quieres convertirte en
ˇEl mejor!
Vivimos en un Mundo Pokémon (Pokémon)
yo quiero ser
un gran maestro Pokémon
Pokémon. | 3rd opening - Spanish  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Esto es Pokémon.
Todo el mundo quiere ser maestro,
Todos demuestran su habilidad,
Todos quieren ser unos expertos,
Y llegar muy deprisa a triunfar.
Irás a más.
Cada paso te acerca a tu meta.
Mejor estás
Cada vez que lo intentas.
Nuestro mundo es diferente
Nuestro mundo has de ver
Nuestro mundo es algo nuevo y esencial
Y si quieres ser el mejor, hazte con todos de una vez.
Esto es Pokémon.
Todos tratan de grabar su huella
Todos tratan de dar su opinión
Poder brillar cómo la única estrella
Poder cantar por nuestra pretensión.
Con tesón darás
Lo mejor si quieres la gloria
Jugar, Ganar
Y aprender pasando a la historia.
Nuestro mundo es diferente
Nuestro mundo has de ver
Nuestro mundo es algo nuevo y esencial
Y si quieres ser el mejor, hazte con todos de una vez.
Esto es Pokémon.
Nuestro mundo es diferente
Nuestro mundo has de ver
Nuestro mundo es algo nuevo y esencial
Y si quieres ser el mejor, hazte con todos de una vez.
Esto es Pokémon.
Nuestro mundo es diferente
Nuestro mundo has de ver
Nuestro mundo es algo nuevo y esencial
Y si quieres ser el mejor, hazte con todos de una vez. | 1st opening - Finnish  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Mä tunnen sen, jo kasvavan,
voiman sisälläin.
Uuden haasteen toteutan,
ja teen sen pystypäin.
Takaa vuorten huippujen,
etsin aina vaan.
Ja Pokemonin jokaisen,
mä opin tuntemaan
Omakseni saan
Me yhdessä voitetaan
Oot mun ystäväin,
olet aina vierelläin
Omakseni saan (kun uskaltaa)
niin rohkeus palkan saa.
Toinen toistaan opettaa,
Omakseni saan,
omakseni saan
Pokemon | 1st opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Jean Marc Anthony Kabeya |
 | Un jour je serais le meilleur dresseur
Je me battrais sans répis
Je ferais tout pour ętre vainqueur
Et gagner les défis
Je parcourerais la terre entičre
Vaquant avec espoir
Les Pokémon et leurs mystčres
Les secrets de leurs pouvoirs
(refrain) :
Pokémon ! Attrapez les tous [C'est notre histoire]
Ensemble pour la victoire ! Pokémon !
Rien~ ne nous arretera
Notre ami qui triomphera !
Pokémon ! Attrapez les tous [Męme ŕ notre age]
Un voyage d'apprentissage
Ca demande du courage
Pokémon ! Attrapez les tous, attrapez les tous !
Rien ni personne sur mon chemin
Ne pourra me briser
Car pour accomplir mon destin
Je suis determiné
Quand il faudra passer ŕ l'action
Nos amis seront lŕ
Et tous ensemble nous gagnerons
Le dernier des combats !
(refrain) | 1st ending - French  |
Title : Poke rap Interpreter : Pokemon Singers |
 | Je veux ętre le meilleur de tous les dresseurs !
Sans aucun répit, je relčverai les défis !
Attrapez-les ! Attrapez-les tous ! POKEMON !
Je chercherais partout ! J'irais jusqu'au bout
Je suis déterminé ŕ tous les attraper !
Attrapez-les ! Attrapez-les ! Attrapez-les tous ! POKEMON !
Attrapez-les tous ! Attrapez-les tous ! Attrapez-les tous !
Attrapez-les tous ! Attrapez donc tous ces POKEMON !!!
Y'en a plus de 150 que tu peux attraper !
Devenir Maître POKEMON,
C'est ma destinée !
Ouh ! Nous en sommes au milieu. On se débrouille plutôt bien !
Haha ! "On" comment ca "on" ? C'est moi qu'ai fait l'plus dur !
La pause est fini ! On y va !
Attrapez-les tous ! Attrapez-les tous ! Attrapez-les tous !
Attrapez-les tous !
Y'en a plus de 150 que tu peux attraper !
Devenir Maître POKEMON,
C'est ma destinée !
Woh ! Attends ! Laisse-moi r'prendre mon souffle !
Allez, c'est la derničre ligne droite ! Il en reste plus que 24 !
Oui mais ça ce complique ! Alors écoute bien !
Attrapez-les tous ! Attrapez-les tous ! Attrapez-les tous !
Attrapez-les tous ! Attrapez donc tous ces POKEMON !!!
Attrapez-les ! Attrapez-les tous ! Attrapez donc tous ces POKEMON !!!
Attrapez-les ! Attrapez-les tous ! Attrapez donc tous ces POKEMON !!!
Attrapez-les ! Attrapez-les ! Attrapez-les tous ! POKEMON ! | 2nd opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Tu voudrais devenir maître? [Pokémon !]
Tu sais maintenant comment... [...ca fonctionne !]
Tu voudrais devenir maître? [Pokémon !]
Tu es pręt ŕ tout pour qu'enfin... [...ca cartonne !]
Quand j'arriverai, au bout du parcours
Je trouverai la force et le cran [Pokémon...]
Je ne ferai pas demi-tour
Męme si le risque est grand
J'ai réussi ŕ maîtriser
Tout au long du chemin [Pokémon...]
Les Pokémon que j'ai croisés
Je détiens le pouvoir dans ma main !
Nous vivons
Dans un monde Pokémon ! [Pokémon]
Chaque jour qui passe
Est un défi ŕ relever [Chaque jour qui passe !]
Nous vivons
Dans un monde Pokémon !
Et pour régner, je dois prouver
Que personne ne peut m'égaler !
Tous les jours, quoiqu'il arrive
Je dois me dépasser
Et toujours pręt ŕ l'offensive
Je ne dois pas renoncer
Je n'ai aucun doute au fond de moi
Une fois raisonne (..?..)
Je serai, c'est mon choix
Le plus grand maî-maître Pokémon !
Tu voudrais devenir maître [PokČmon !]
Tu es pręt ŕ tout pour qu'enfin... [...ca cartonne !]
Tu voudrais devenir maître [Pokémon !]
Tu es pręt ŕ tout pour qu'enfin... [...ca cartonne !]
Je détiens le pouvoir dans ma main...!
| 3rd opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | On veut tous ętre le meilleur dresseur !
Et prouver de quoi on est capables !
On veut tous se montrer ŕ la hauteur !
D'un destin qui paraît incroyable !
Chaque jour qui passe
Tu progresses et tu deviens plus fort
Tu te surpasses
Continue tu t'améliores
Le monde change tout autour de nous
Le monde change et devient flou
Le monde change c'est fou et reste le męme malgré tout
Car il faut tous les attraper
Etre le plus déterminé
Pokémon Johto !
Chacun de nous a besoin de s'affirmer
Chacun de nous a besoin de repčres
Quand on est victorieux et acclamé
Il faut mieux garder les pieds sur terre
Donne-toi ŕ fond
Si tu veux remporter le défi
Deviens champion
Sers-toi de tout ce que tu as appris
Pokémon Johto !
Pokémon Johto !
Pokémon Johto !
Pokémon Johto !
| 4th opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Pokémon, Pokémon, Pokémon !
Avec moi !
Je veux devenir le meilleur dresseur,
comme personne avant moi.
Les capturer n'me fait pas peur,
les dresser c'est mon choix !
J'en ai ręvé toute ma vie,
Le moment est arrivé,
De prouver qui je suis,
J'vais me surpasser !
Né pour ętre vainqueur,
Né pour ętre un grand champion !
Né pour ętre vainqueur
Né pour ętre le meilleur...
Pokémon JOH-TO !
Né pour ętre vainqueur ...
POKEMON ! | 5th opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Je n'ai pas le temps de doűter,
Car mon chemin est tout tracé.
Désormais rien ne nous arrętera,
Mes amis et moi on est pręts au combat ...
Maître Pokémon c'est mon souhait,
J'y crois et je réussirai !
La victoire ... s'offre ŕ moi,
Mon destin ne m'échappera pas * Pokémon *
Un jour je serai champion,
J'en ai la conviction.
Le seul désir qui m'anime,
C'est de prouver au monde entier,
Qu'en poursuivant la Quęte Ultime,
Il suffit d'y croire et tout peut arriver !
| 6th opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Bravant tous les dangers,
J'découvre un nouveau monde.
Rien ne peut m'arręter,
Au fond de moi le désir gronde.
Il y a tant ŕ apprendre,
tant de matchs ŕ livrer...
Je saurai me défendre,
Pouvoir enfin triompher !
Il est grand temps de repartir,
Et je f'rai tout pour réussir !
Je veux dev'nir un héros
Je veux dev'nir un héros
Mes ręves m'appartiennent.
C'est l'avenir qui décidera
S'il y'a un héros qui sommeille en moi.
Je veux dev'nir un héros !
| 7th opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Tous les dresseurs ont eu un jour,
Le choix d'arręter leur parcours !
Mais moi je suis bien décidé,
A ne pas me laisser décourager !
Je vais continuer !
Oui je saurai vaincre mes peurs,
Pour ętre le meilleur !
Et devenir le plus grand de tous les dresseurs !
J'irai au bout de mes ręves,
Oui je suis pręt ŕ tout !
Pour que jamais l'aventure ne s'achčve !
Et que la chance soit au rendez-vous !
Pokémon ! | 8th opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Ohohoh ! Je suis invincible !
Sur le chemin de ma destinée,
Mes amis sont ŕ mes côté !
Une telle rage de vaincre nous anime,
Que nous réussirons cette épreuve ultime,
Sur la Terre, en mer ou dans les airs !
Je triompherais de mes pires adversaires !
Ohohoh ! Je suis invincible !
Pokémon !
Ultime combat !
Ohohoh ! Gagner c'est ma devise !
Qu'ils viennent d'ailleurs ou du passé !
Ils sont venus me battre,
Mais ils vont échouer !
Ohohoh ! Je suis invincible !
Pokémon !
Ultime combat !
Ohohoh ! Je suis invincible !
Pokémon !
Ultime combat !
Ohohoh ! Gagner c'est ma devise !
Ohohoh ! Ultime combat !
Je suis invincible | 9th opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Pokémon
Tu as envies de gagner
Tous ce qui compte le plus
c’est de trouver l’amitié
Rien ne te fait peur
Tu mets tout ton cśur
Pour ętre enfin le meilleur
Tu as la rage de vaincre
et rien ne pourra l’éteindre
Le tournoi extręme
Puise en toi l’énergie
de relever tout les défies
N’attend pas demain !
La victoire t’appartient !
Pokémon. | 10th opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Pokémon ! Po-Kémon !
C'est une question de défi !
Dans ce nouveau monde, commence une nouvelle vie !
Nouveaux ennemis !
Si tu te bats pour ta survit !
Tu plongeras dans l'aventure Diamant et Perle !
Pokémon !
C'est une question de victoire !
Et si tu veux gagner, tu dois pouvoir y croire !
Chacun de tes pas, te propulseras vers la gloire !
Tu devras tout donner, sans jamais cesser d'en vouloir ! !
Pokémon ! Po-Kémon !
Plongez dans l'aventure Diamant et Perle !
Et changez le futur !
Pokémon ! | 11th opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Loin de tout,
Sur les routes,
Jamais seul,
Tu t'en doute,
Bra-aves et forts,
Unis jace au défi !
C'est mon choix de vivre !
Nous s'rons les héros !
L'amitié gagnera la bata-aille !
Vois ce monde nou-ouveau !
Je te suivrais,
Oů que tu a-aille !
Nous s'rons les hé-éros !
Battle dimension Pokémon ! | 12th opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | C'est difficile parfois,
De pouvoir faire les bons choix !
Mais tu sais qu'au fond,
Si tu est fort,
Suis ton coeur tu n'auras jamais tord ! !
Parfois on ne voit rien,
On ignore son destin,
Mais pour trouver le bon chemin
Il suffit de suivre son instinct !
Oui fonce ! (oui fonce !)
Pour la justice !
Bats toi ! (bats toi !)
A son service !
Tiens bon ! (tiens bon !)
On est prčs de toi !
Si on se bats,
On peut tous ensemble,
Remporter le combat,
J'les entends qui résonnent !
Les cris de la victoire !
Pokémon ! | 13th opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Tout dépend de toi,
Tout dépend de moi,
De tout nos ręves,
De nos espoirs !
Notre amitié nous rendra plus forts !
Pour affronter l'histoire ! !
On peut enfin toucher le ciel (Pokémon !) !
Trouver le courage, devenir éternel !
Ecoute et n'abandonne jamais !
Tiens toi toujours pręt !
Ensemble nous vaincrons !
Les vainqueurs de la ligue de Sinnho !
Pokémon ! ! | 14th opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Les débuts sont toujours difficiles,
Oů est le chemin ?
Oů mes amis se trouvent-ils ?
Laisse-toi guider tu f'ras les bons choix.
Car le pouvoir tu l'as déja en toi
Rien n'est jamais Noir ou Blanc
Ton coeur lui sait ce qu'il est important
Parfois on gagne ou on perd
Tu sais ce que tu dois faire
Que l'aventure commence !
Pokémon | 15th opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Quand l'aventure me sourit
On est pręt ŕ rel'ver tous les défis
On sait ce qui nous reste ŕ faire
Profiter de ce qui nous est offert
On est enfin ensemble
Des amis qui se ressemblent
Viens pour nous rencontrer
On est pręt a tous affronter
On se rassemble
on sera fičre
Notre destin nous attend
Pokémon ! | 16th opening - French  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | On tourne la page, on avance ŕ nouveaux .
Pręt pour la bataille fier et beau.
Je sais qu'on va y arriver je sais qu'on va gagner !
Ho, HO !
On est déjŕ si loin on a batailler fort pour ętre la enfin !
Ho, HO !
Rien ne nous sépareras, juste toi et moi !
POKEMON | opening - Dutch  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | I wanna be the very best
no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
to train them is my cause
I will travel across the land
searching far and wide
He's Pokémon to understand
the power that's inside
Gotta catch them all
It's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Oooh, your my best friend
In a world we must defend
Gotta catch them all
A heart so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and i'll teach you
Gotta catch them all!
Gotta catch them all!
| 1st opening - Italian  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Gotta catch'em all, catch'em all
All the Pokemon, Pokémon!
Gotta catch'em all (Pokémon) catch'em all (catch'em all)
All the Pokémon (Pokémon) Pokémon (catch'em all)
Voglio andare dove mi va
E non fermarmi qua
Questo viaggio mi porterŕ
Da tutti i Pokemon
Girovagando per il mondo
La mia sfera lancerň
Ed ogni Pokemon cosě catturerň (Uoh, oh, oh)
Viva i Pokémon
Tosti e prorompenti
Tutti differenti
Go to catch'em all (Catch, catch, catch)
Ogni Pokémon
Č il piů scoppiettante
Furbo e accattivante
Viva i Pokémon
Viva i Pokémon
Sempre piů frizzanti
Magici e sgargianti
Got to catch'em all (Catch, catch, catch)
Tutti i Pokémon
Sono straordinari
Mitici avversari
Viva i Pokémon
Gotta catch'em all (Pokémon) catch'em all (catch'em all)
All the Pokémon (Pokémon) Pokémon
Gotta catch'em all (catch'em all) catch'em all (Pokémon)
All the Pokémon (Pokémon) Pokémon uh, uh)
Ogni passo mi porterŕ
Ancora un po' piů in lŕ (ua, ua, ua)
Giorno e notte mi allenerň
Ma non mi stancherň (ua, ua, ua)
Girovagando per il mondo
La mia sfera lancerň
E tutti i Pokémon cosě catturerň (Uoh, oh, oh)
Viva i Pokémon
Tosti e prorompenti
Tutti differenti
Go to catchem all (Catch, catch, catch)
Ogni Pokémon
Č il piů scoppiettante
Furbo e accattivante
Viva i Pokémon
(Catch, catch, catch)
Solo io so che li catturerň
Solo io so che poi ci riuscirň
Qui nessuno c'č piů in gamba di me
Con la mia sfera Poké
Viva i Pokémon
Tosti e prorompenti
Tutti differenti
Go to catch'em all (Catch, catch, catch)
Ogni Pokémon
Č il piů scoppiettante
Furbo e accattivante
Viva i Pokémon (Catch)
Viva i Pokémon
Sempre piů frizzanti
Magici e sgargianti
Go to catch'em all (Catch'em all)
Tutti i Pokémon
Sono straordinari
Mitici avversari
Viva i Pokémon (Catch, catch)
Gotta catch'em all! | 2nd opening - Italian  |
Title : Oltre i cieli dell'avventura Interpreter : Giorgio Vanni |
 | La libertŕ
E' un'avventura che non finisce mai
E la vivrai
Con ogni Pokémon che acchiapperai...
Lancia la tua sfera!
Gotta catch'em all
With the Pokémon ball
Gotta catch'em all
Through the pokepoke ball
Dai vieni qua
Ad allenarti e divertirti con noi
Vedrai che poi
Molti piů Pokémon saranno tuoi
Allenandoti diverrai
Il piů bravo e tu lo sai
Go catch'em all!!!
Oltre i cieli dell'avventura
Lancia senza paura
La tua sfera pokč (you gott catch'em all)
Negli incontri e nelle battaglie
Vincerai le medaglie da portare con te (gotta carch catch)
Oltre i cieli dell'avventura
La vittoria č sicura
Se tu giochi cosě (you go to catch 'em all)
Dieci, cento, mille emozioni
Un mondo di evoluzioni
Che vedrai lě per lě (Catch catch catch)
Gotta catch'em all
With the Pokémon ball
Gotta catch'em all
Through the pokepoke ball
Lancia la tua sfera!
Go catch'em all
With the Pokémon ball
Gotta catch'em all
Through the pokepoke ball
La pokeball
Fin dove va
Nuovi Pokémon
E l'avventura non finirŕ
You gotta catch'em all!
Oltre i cieli dell'avventura
Lancia senza paura
La tua sfera pokč (you gotta catch'em all)
Negli incontri e nelle battaglie
Vincerai le medaglie
Da portare con te
All the Pokémon!!!
Gotta catch catch
Oltre i cieli dell'avventura
La vittoria č sicura
Se tu giochi cosě (You gotta catch'em all)
La pokeball
Fin dove va
Nuovi Pokémon
E l'avventura non finirŕ
You gotta catch'em all!
Oltre i cieli dell'avventura
Lancia senza paura
La tua sfera pokč (you gott catch'em all)
Oltre i cieli dell'avventura
La vittoria č sicura
Se tu giochi cosě (Catch catch catch)
Gotta catch'em all
With the Pokémon ball
Gotta catch'em all
Through the pokepoke ball
Lancia la tua sfera!
Go catch'em all
With the Pokémon ball
Gotta catch'em all
Through the pokepoke ball
Lancia la tua sfera! | 3rd opening - Italian  |
Title : Always Pokémon Interpreter : Cristina D'avena e Giorgio Vanni |
 | -Musica-
Always Pokémon...
Gotta catch'em all...
You gotta catch'em all
You gotta catch'em all
You gotta catch'em all
...always Pokemon!
Il mondo č grande grande ma
Chi viaggia poi cammina
Col cuore un po' piů in la'
Scoprendo cos'č la libertŕ...
La forza della volontŕ (volontŕ)
Ti porta dove va la tua curiositŕ
Muovendoti con agilitŕ
Per noi... (Per noi...)
L'avventura non finisce mai
Se ci segui ti divertirai
Dai partiamo tutti insieme
Per un grande Pokémon Tour! (You gotta catch'em all)
Gira gira il mondo
Gira la tua sfera
Quando hai giŕ lanciato
La tua Pokéball
Gira gira il mondo
Pianta la bandiera
Dove sei arrivato
Con i tuoi Pokemon
Gira gira il mondo (Gira il mondo)
Gira la tua sfera
Grida a perdifiato:
" Gotta catch'em all!" (Gira il mondo)
Gira la tua sfera
Yes you gotta catch'em all
Catch catch...
You gotta catch'em all
Gotta catch'em all...
You gotta catch'em all,
You gotta catch'em all,
You gotta catch'em all,
...always Pokemon!
Lancia la tua sfera poké
E l'avventura non finirŕ
Con ogni lancio sei piů forte perchč...
Puoi catturare nuovi Pokémon! (You gotta catch'em all)
Gira gira il mondo
Pianta la bandiera
Dove sei arrivato
Con i tuoi Pokemon
Gira gira il mondo (Gira il mondo)
Gira la tua sfera
Grida a perdifiato:
"Gotta catch'em all!" (Gira il mondo)
Gira la tua sfera
Yes you gotta catch'em all
Catch catch...
You gotta catch'em all
You gotta catch'em all
You gotta catch'em all
You gotta catch'em all
...always Pokemon!
You gotta catch'em all
You gotta catch'em all
You gotta catch'em all
...always Pokemon! | 4th opening - Italian  |
Title : The Johto Champions League Interpreter : Cristina D'avena e Giorgio Vanni |
 | The Johto, Johto, Johto Champions League
Johto, Johto, Johto Champions
The Johto, Johto, Johto Champions League
Johto, Johto, Johto Champions
C'č un sole che
Risplende allegro all'orizzonte
Di fronte a te
Sale in alto sopra il monte
The Johto, Johto, Johto Champions League
Johto, Johto, Johto Champions
E' la magia
Che accende sempre l'avventura
Con una scia
Che brilla e ci cattura
Nel sole ti rispecchierai
Con ogni Pokémon che acchiapperai
And if you want to catch'em all
Devi lanciare al volo la Pokéball
The Johto Champions League
Vinci la tua battaglia e vai
Solo tu sai come farai
Gli incontri non finiranno mai.
The Johto Champions League (The Johto Champions League)
Gioca con grinta e volontŕ
Fai che il sogno sia giŕ realtŕ
Corri verso la libertŕ
The Johto Champions League
Champions League
Johto, Johto, Johto Champions League (Johto)
Johto, Johto, Johto Champions
Johto, Johto, Johto Champions League
Johto, Johto, Johto Champions
Stai vivendo
la tua storia
E' il momento
Della gloria
Se conquisti
La vittoria...
The Johto Champions League
Vinci la tua battaglia e vai
Solo tu sai come farai
Gli incontri non finiranno mai
The Johto Champions League (The Johto Champions League)
Gioca con grinta e volontŕ (con la grinta)
Fai che il sogno sia giŕ realtŕ (il sogno sia realtŕ)
Corri verso la libertŕ
The Johto Champions League
The Johto Champions League
The Johto Champions League
Gioca con grinta e volontŕ (con la grinta)
Fai che il sogno sia giŕ realtŕ (il sogno sia realtŕ)
Corri verso la libertŕ
The Johto Champions League
The Johto Champions League
Johto, Johto, Johto Champions League
Johto, Johto, Johto Champions
Johto, Johto, Johto Champions League
Johto, Johto, Johto Champions League | 5th opening - Italian  |
Title : The Master Quest Interpreter : Cristina D'avena e Giorgio Vanni |
Don't stop
Can't stop the future
Don't stop
Don't stop
Can't stop the future
Can't stop
All the Pokémons are super.
Il futuro č qua
E ti aspetta sempre un pň piů in lŕ
Non si fermerŕ
E ti porterŕ
Nuove magiche avventure
Ogni gara č unica
E sconfigge le paure (with your PokéBall...)
If you play the perfect match
Il torneo piů atteso non ti sfuggirŕ!!!
The Master Quest
Don't stop the future
Sei piů in gamba dai non mollare
Ogni Pokémon sai
E' piů forte che mai
You must play the game
The Master Quest
Don't stop the future
Non fermarti dai devi andare
Porta sempre con te
La tua sfera Poké
E vedrai
Che avrai
Il tuo Master Quest
Don't stop
Can't stop the future
Can't stop
All the Pokémons are super
Don't stop
Can't stop the future
Don't stop
The Master Quest
Don't stop the future
Sei piů in gamba dai non mollare
Ogni Pokémon sai
E' piů forte che mai
You must play the game
The Master Quest
Don't stop the future
Non fermarti dai devi andare
Porta sempre con te
La tua sfera Poké
E vedrai
che avrai
il tuo Master Quest
Don't stop the future
Non fermarti dai devi andare
Porta sempre con te
La tua sfera Poké
E vedrai
Che avrai
Il tuo Master Quest
Don't stop
Can't stop the future
Can't stop
All the Pokémons are super
The Master Quest!!! | 1st opening - Japanese  |
Title : Mezase pokemon master Interpreter : Rica Matsumoto |
 | (Pokemon Getto da ze---!)
Tatoe hi no naka Mizu no naka Kusa no naka Mori no naka
Tsuchi no naka Kumo no naka Ano ko no sukaato no naka (Kya~!)
Nakanaka nakanaka
Nakanaka nakanaka taihen da kedo
Kanarazu GET da ze!
Pokemon GET da ze!
Masarataun ni sayonara bai-bai
Ore wa koitsu to tabi ni deru (Pikachuu!)
Kitaeta waza de kachimakuri
Nakama wo fuyashite tsugi no machi e
Itsu mo itsu demo umaku yuku nante
Hoshou wa doko ni mo nai kedo (Sorya sou ja!)
Itsu demo itsu mo honki de ikite 'ru
Koitsu-tachi ga iru
Tatoe hi no naka Mizu no naka Kusa no naka Mori no naka
Tsuchi no naka Kumo no naka Ano ko no sukaato no naka (Shitsuko~i!)
Nakanaka nakanaka
Nakanaka nakanaka taihen da kedo
Kanarazu GET da ze!
Pokemon GET da ze!
Tatakai tsukarete o-yasumi gunnai
Mabuta wo tojireba yomigaeru (Pikachuu!)
Honoo ga moete kaze ga mai
Nakigoe todoroku ano batoru ga
Kinou no teki wa kyou no tomo tte
Furui kotoba ga aru kedo (Furui to wa nan ja~!)
Kyou no tomo wa ashita mo tomodachi
Sou sa Eien ni
Aa Akogare no pokemon masutaa ni
Naritai na Naranakucha
Zettai natte yaru---!
Yume wa itsu ka honto ni naru tte
Dare ka ga utatte itai kedo
Tsubomi ga itsu ka hana hiraku you ni
Yume wa kanau mono
Itsu mo itsu demo umaku yuku nante
Hoshou wa doko ni mo nai kedo (Sorya sou ja!)
Itsu demo itsu mo honki de ikite 'ru
Koitsu-tachi ga iru
Aa Akogare no Pok�mon masutaa ni
Naritai na Naranakucha
Zettai natte yaru---!
Aa Akogare no Pokemon masutaa ni
Naritai na Naranakucha
Zettai natte yaru---! | 1st ending - Japanese  |
Title : Hyaku gojuu ichi Interpreter : Unshou Ishizuka et Pokemon Kids |
 | Nakama no kazu wa sorya yappari zettai gacchiri
Ooi hou ga ii!
Gutaitekini wa sorya hakkiri kikkari tappuri
Sukoshi yuuki ga arya bacchiri shikkari nikkori
Nakama wo getto!
Dakedo mo tamanya arya?
Ukkari sukkari gakkuri
Nakama ni"getto"!
Kimi-tachi to no deai wa zenbu chanto oboete-ru
Kizutsuke atta koto mo atta kedo
Sore wa (e~to) wasureta
Madamada takusan
Kanarazu doko ka~ ni
Nakama wa iru hazu
Hyaku-gojuu-ichi no yorokobi
Hyaku-gojuu-ichi no yume
Hyaku-gojuu-ichi no omoide
Mezashite~ ganbaro!
Nakama no kazu wa sorya yappari zettai gacchiri
Ooi hou ga ii!
Gutaitekini wa sorya hakkiri kikkari tappuri
Sukoshi yuuki ga arya bacchiri shikkari nikkori
Nakama wo getto!
Dakedo mo tamanya arya?
Ukkari sukkari gakkuri
Nakama ni"getto"!
Kimi-tachi to no deai wa zenbu chanto oboete-ru
Kizutsuke atta koto mo atta kedo
Sore wa (e~to) wasureta
Madamada takusan
Kanarazu doko ka~ ni
Nakama wa iru hazu
Hyaku-gojuu-ichi no yorokobi
Hyaku-gojuu-ichi no yume
Hyaku-gojuu-ichi no omoide
Mezashite~ ganbaro!
Kimi-tachi to no deai wa zenbu chanto oboete-ru
Kizutsuke atta koto mo atta kedo
Sore wa (e~to) wasureta
Madamada takusan
Kanarazu doko ka~ ni
Nakama wa iru hazu
Hyaku-gojuu-ichi no yorokobi
Hyaku-gojuu-ichi no yume
Hyaku-gojuu-ichi no omoide
Mezashite~ ganbaro!
Hyaku-gojuu-ichi no yorokobi
Hyaku-gojuu-ichi no yume
Hyaku-gojuu-ichi no omoide
Mezashite~ ganbaro! | 2nd opening - Japanese  |
Title : Rival! Interpreter : Rica Matsumoto |
 | Batoru shiyou ze!
Hoeru Haneru Sora wo tobu
Torai-Attakku Megaton Panchi
Utau Nemuru Saikokineshisu
Roketto-Zutsuki Juuman Boruto!
Katte mo makete mo o-matsurisawagi
Batoru shiyou ze Pokemon Batoru!
Maketa kuyashisa wa
Furueru hodo da kedo
Nigiri-kobushi wo hodoite
Zubon de ase-fuki akushu shiyou!
Toki no nagare wa fushigi da ne
"Dotchi ga katta ka Nee Oboeteru?"
Ima de wa Hora
Warai-nagara hanashi ga dekiru yo
"Wasureta ne!" tte toboketeru
Sonna ora no raibaru-tachi
Sutemi-takkuru Karate Choppu
Oorora Biimu Haidoro Bombu!
Niramitsukeru yubi wo furu
Happa Katta Denkousekka!
Katte mo makete mo o-matsurisawagi
Batoru shiyou ze Pokemon Batoru!
Katta ureshisa wa
Nakitai hodo da kedo
Kachimake yori mo daiji na
Nani ka kitto aru hazu sa!
Raibaru doushi okashii ne
"Madamada sodate ga tarinai ne"
Sore demo Hora
Eranda michi wa onaji michi da kara
"Makenai zo!" tte ii-nagara
Onaji yume wo katariau
Yume no tsubomi wa
Tsubomi no mama da kedo
Sukoshi-zutsu fukurande mo kiteru...
Sonna ki ga suru yo | 2nd ending - Japanese  |
Title : Nyaasu no uta Interpreter : Inuko Inuyama |
 | Aoi aoi shizuka na yoru ni wa
Oira hitori de tetsugaku suru no nyaa
Kusamura de mushi-tachi ga
Koro-koro Chiri-chiri
Oishisou ni naite 'ru kedo
Konya wa tabete agenai no nyaa
O-tsuki-sama ga anna ni marui nante
Anna ni marui nante
Anna ni...
Sekai no donna maru yori marui nyaa
Sekai no donna maru yori marui nyaa
Hiroi hiroi uchuu no doko ka ni
Mou hitori no oira ga iru no nyaa
Onaji you ni kusamura de
Boro-boro Chara-rira
Gitaa hiite iru no ka nyaa
Nyaasu no uta wo utatte 'ru ka nyaa
Hitori-kiri ga konna ni setsunai nante
Konna ni setsunai nante
Konna ni...
Ima-goro minna nani shite iru no ka nyaa
Ima-goro minna nani shite iru no ka nyaa
Dare ka ni denwa shitaku natchatta nyaa | 3rd opening - Japanese  |
Title : Ok! Interpreter : Rica Matsumoto |
 | OK!
OK! tsugi ni susumou ze!
OK! issho nara daijoubu!
OK! kaze ga kawatte mo
OK! kawaranai ano yume!
koko made kuru no ni muchuu sugite
kizukazu ni ita keredo
atarashii sekai e no tobira no KAGI wa
shiranai uchi ni GET shite ita yo
yorokobi to kuyashisa to
kawaribanko ni KAO dashite
minna wo tsuyoku shite kureteru yo
OK! ORE ni tsuite koi!
OK! kiai nara makenai ze!
OK! KABE ni butsukatte mo
OK! owaranai kono tabi!
akirame-kaketari shita koto mo
nakatta wake ja nai keredo
tabidachi no ano asa no moeteru ORE ga
sore de ii no ka to toikakete kuru yo
o-hi-sama to o-tsuki-sama
kawaribanko ni KAO dashite
minna wo mimamotte kureteru yo
da * ka * ra
OK! fuan nante tabechaou!
OK! jiman no WAZA "karagenki"
OK! namae mo koe mo shiranai
aitsura ga matteru hazu!
aitsura ni aitai'nda!
i * ku * ze
OK! tsugi no tobira akeyou ze!
OK! jiman no WAZA "mukoumizu"
OK! issho ni naite waratta
nakama-tachi ga tsuite iru!
nakama-tachi wo shinjiteru!
OK!! | 3rd ending - Japanese  |
Title : Pocket fantasy Interpreter : Sachi et Juri |
 | Nee Kimi-tachi no yume tte nani ka naa?
Pokemon hyaku gojuu ippiki, getto!
Ara watashi to onaji!
Ee otona no kuse ni hen na no
Nani yo ikenai?
Ikenakunai kedo saa....
Nee kimi-tachi saa hoka ni wa donna yume ga aru no?
Un to nee mou hitotsu no yume wa nee...
Hayaku otona ni naritain da
Ee doushite?
Hayaku otona ni naritai no
Kodomo tte tanoshii janai
Demo ne nanda ka natte mitai
Jaa kondo wa watashi no yume iu wa ne...
Mou ichido kodomo ni modotte mitai
Ee nande?
Mou ichido kodomo ni modotte mitai no
Otona de ii no ni
Ichinichi dake de mo narenai ka na
Narekkonai yo
Mou ijiwaru
Mukashi watashi ga mada kodomo datta koro
Poketto ni ireteta takusan no takaramono
Ima de mo tokidoki kao wo nozokaseru no yo
Sore tte moshikashite Pikachuu?
Saa nan deshou ne?
Mukashi no kodomo ima no kodomo
Poketto no nakami wa itsu datte
Otoko no ko de mo onna no ko de mo
Poketto no nakami wa dare datte
Moshimo otona ni natta nara
Nani shite mitai?
Kodomo to asonde agerun da
Yappari asobitain da
Demo ne shigoto mo chotto suru yo
Ano ne watashi ga moshimo ne...
Mou ichido kodomo ni modoreta nara
Nani shitai no?
Atte mitai hito ga iru no
Ee dare na no?
Ichinichi dake de mo aenai ka na
Aa! Hatsukoi no hito da!
Mukashi watashi ga itsuka tewatasou to
Poketto ni ireteta tezukuri no purezento
Itsu de mo tokidoki kao ga akaku naru no yo
Purezento watasenakatta no?
Saa dou datta kashira?
Mukashi no kodomo ima no kodomo
Poketto no nakami wa itsu datte
Otoko no ko de mo onna no ko de mo
Poketto no nakami wa dare datte
| 4th opening - Japanese  |
Title : Mezase Pokemon Master Interpreter : Whiteberry |
 | Tatoe hi no
naka Mizu no naka Kusa no naka Mori no naka
Tsuchi no naka Kumo no naka Ano ko no sukaato no naka (Kya~!)
Nakanaka nakanaka
Nakanaka nakanaka taihen da kedo
Kanarazu GET da ze!
Pokemon GET da ze!
Masarataun ni sayonara bai-bai
Ore wa koitsu to tabi ni deru (Pikachuu!)
Kitaeta waza de kachimakuri
Nakama wo fuyashite tsugi no machi e
Itsu mo itsu demo umaku yuku nante
Hoshou wa doko ni mo nai kedo (Sorya sou ja!)
Itsu demo itsu mo honki de ikite 'ru
Koitsu-tachi ga iru | 4th ending - Japanese  |
Title : Pokemon ondo Interpreter : Garura Kobayashi |
 | (Hai~)
(Ha Dokkoi Dokkoi Dokkoinatto)
(A Sate A Sate Sate-sate-sate-sate)
(Doddoddogaasu Dodoggado- Shaa---!)
(Doddoddogaasu Dodoggado- Shaa---!)
Gururi uzumakya nyorozo no onaka
Nakanaka nakanaka taihen dakedo
Soko wa (Horehore) soko hore wan-wan
Pokke Pokke Pokke Pokkemon Ondo
Ichi ni no san de getto de yoi yoi
Odotte odotte odoroite (Utsubotto)
Odoroite odoroite soko doite (Gorubatto)
(Doddoddogaasu Dodoggado- Shaa---!)
(Doddoddogaasu Dodoggado- Shaa---!)
Manuke sugiru wa yadon no akubi (Hai Hai)
Akubi shita mama inemuri suru ga
Soko wa (Sorasora) usagi no dansu
Pokke Pokke Pokke Pokemon Ondo
Ichi ni no san de getto de yoi yoi
Odotte odotte odoroite (Utsubotto)
Odoroite odoroite soko doite (Gorubatto)
Dubidubi dubi duwa---
(Aara erai yatcha erai yatcha yoi yoi yoi yoi---)
(Doddoddogaasu Dodoggado- Shaa---!)
(Doddoddogaasu Dodoggado- Shaa---!)
Nazo ga nazo yobu diguda no kahanshin (Hai Hai)
Oshakasama demo shirumai ka
Soko wa (Shurashura) kompira (Funefune)
Pokke Pokke Pokke Pokemon Ondo
Ichi ni no san de getto de yoi yoi
Odotte odotte odoroite (Utsubotto)
Odoroite odoroite soko doite (Gorubatto)
(Ha sutchoi sutchoi sutchoina---)
(Sooran Sooran Hai Hai---)
(Doddoddogaasu Dodoggado- Shaa---!)
(Doddoddogaasu Dodoggado- Shaa---!)
Sankaku yarou to wa Porigon no koto ga (Hai hai!)
Tonikaku seikaku kakukaku dakedo
Soko wa (Essahoisa) o-saru no kago ya (Tamoya!)
Pokke Pokke Pokke Pokemon Ondo
Ichi ni no san de getto de yoi yoi
Odotte odotte odoroite (Utsubotto)
Odoroite odoroite soko doite (Gorubatto)
Toriaezu koko made---
| 5th opening - Japanese  |
Title : Ready go! Interpreter : Naomi Tamura |
 | Kaze wo kanjite daichi to kokyuu awase
Jump shita shunkan
Mune ni hibiita koe "Kimi nara daijoubu!"
Furimukeba minna ga waratte iru
Oikakete itai konna jiyuu na kanji
Mabushii taiyou ni te wo nobashite
Kinou wo mitsumete ato modori shita
Namida mo atta kedo ki ni shinaide
Mirai e no step wa tsuzuite iru
Susume! Susume! Kimi to nanairo no niji koete
Ready Go! Hikou zutto!
Afureru omoi kakaete!
Kotoba ni sureba kiete shimaisou na
Yume to iu gouru ni
Tachitomaatta hibi mo ame ni makesou na yoru mo
Me ni mienai chikara de tsunakatte iru
Sayonara wa kanashii ibento janai kara
Egao de te wo futte arukidasou
Kokoro ni hirogaru oozora dakishime
Shinjireba iin da omoidashite
Mirai e no map wa koko ni aru
Susume! Susume! Kimi to nanairo no niji koete
Ready go! Yukou!
Kyutto kono te de tsukamitoru made
Oikakete itai konna jiyuu na kanji
Ginga wo kakemekuru hoshi no you ni
Kokoro no oudou kasu hikari mezashite
Toridasebai no usa mae wo kuride
Mirai e no step wa tsuzuite iru
Susume! Susume! Kimi to nanairo no niji koete
Ready go! Yukou! Yumeri!
Afureru omoi kakaete!
Susume! Susume! Kimi to nanairo no niji koete
Ready go! Motto tooku!
Kumo wo tsukinuke sora e to... | 5th ending - Japanese  |
Title : Type wild Interpreter : Rica Matsumoto |
 | Masarataun ni sayonara shite kara
Dore dake no jikan tatta darou
Surikizu-kirikizu nakama ni kazu
Sore wa chotto jiman ka na
Ano koro suggoku hayatte ita kara
Kai ni hashitta kono suniikaa mo
Ima de wa sekaijuu sagashite mo mitsukaranai
Saikou no boro-boro-gutsu sa
Itsu no ma ni ka Taipu: Wairudo!
Sukoshi zutsu dakedo Taipu: Wairudo!
Motto Motto Taipu: Wairudo!
Tsuyoku naru yo Taipu: Wairudo!
Suutsukeesu mo kinen shashin mo
Gaido mo iranai tabi dakedo
Deatta minna no atatakasa
Sore wa chanto motte kaeru yo
Nanda ka tottemo tsurai kanji no
Omoide datte atta hazu dakedo
Kizukanai uchi ni ryukku no hokorobi kara
Koboreochite shimatta you sa!
Itsu no ma ni ka Taipu: Wairudo!
Sukoshi zutsu dakedo Taipu: Wairudo!
Motto Motto Taipu: Wairudo!
Tsuyoku naru yo Taipu: Wairudo!
Itsu no ma ni ka Taipu: Wairudo!
Sukoshi zutsu dakedo Taipu: Wairudo!
Motto Motto Taipu: Wairudo!
Tsuyoku naru yo Taipu: Wairudo!
Soshite itsuka kou iu yo
"Haroo Mai doriimu"
| 6th ending - Japanese  |
Title : Lapras ni notte Interpreter : Iizuka Mayumi et Aikawa Rikako |
 | Fune ga nakute mo
Oyogenakute mo
Kimi wo yondara tabi wa hajimaru no sa
Michi ga nakute mo
Ate ga nakute mo
Kimi ga iru nara chizu wa hirogaru no sa
Kaze wo oikoshi doko made mo ikou
Kuchibue fukeba Ran-ra-ra-ra-ra
Chikyuu mo utau Ran-ra-ra-ra-ra
Rapurasu ni notte sagashi ni ikou!
Dare mo shiranai monogatari no tsuzuki
Ran-ran-ran-ra-ra Ran-ran-ran-ra-ra
Kumorizora de mo
Kogoesou de mo
Kimi no egao ga areba hechara da yo
Nakitai toki mo
Nagai yoru de mo
Kimi no yasashii koe ga kikoeru kara
Hoshi wo kazoete doko made mo ikou
Namida fuitara Ran-ra-ra-ra-ra
Supiido agete Ran-ra-ra-ra-ra
Rapurasu ni notte sagashi ni ikou!
Dare mo shiranai monogatari no tsuzuki
Rapurasu ni notte sagashi ni ikou!
Umareta bakari no kyou ga hajimaru
Ran-ran-ran-ra-ra Ran-ran-ran-ra-ra
Ran-ran-ran-ra-ra Ran-ran-ran-ra-ra
| 7th ending - Japanese  |
Title : Meowths party Interpreter : Roketto-dan |
 | Mikazuki-gata no tokubetsu chiketto ni
Kiniro giniro kureyon de
"Nyaasu No Paati" tte kaita nara
Kikyuu ni notte haramaku no nya
Kin-kin kira-kira yuuhi ga shizumeba
Sore ga paati hajimari no aizu!
Ginga no juutan shikitsumeta
Yozora no paati kaijou
Dare ga kuru ka nya dare mo konai no nya?
Dokidoki shi nagara matteru nya
(Nya Nya Nyaasu ni shoutai sareta yo)
Koohii kappu mo mujuryoku
(Nya Nya Nyaasu ga ureshisou da yo)
Dosei no wakkate wanakeshite
(Nya Nya Nyaasu ga nanika mitsuketa)
Sofuto kuriiimu no seiza da nya!
"Umasou da nya~"
Oorora kaaten yurayura to
Kagayaku paati kaijou
O-kiraku sunappu hikaru furasshu!
Niyaniya egao ni mabushii nya
(Nya Nya Nyaasu ni shoutai sareta yo)
Gitaa ni matagari sora wo tobu
(Nya Nya Nyaasu ga ureshisou da yo)
Yoo-yoo shi nagara sare nagara
(Nya Nya Nyaasu ga nanika shiteru yo)
Tokei no hari wo gyaku mawashi!
"Jikan yo tomare nya"
Dan Dan Dansu rizumu kawareba
Sorosoro paati o-shimai no aizu!
Yappari tokei wa ugoiteta
Nemuso na paati kaijou
Mou sukoshi dake ato chotto dake
Baibai iu no wa mattete nya!
(Nya Nya Nyaasu ni shoutai sareta yo)
Kukki ni hojikusu toppingu
(Nya Nya Nyaasu ga ureshisou da yo)
Nyaasu no kaado de daigyakuten!
(Nya Nya Nyaasu ga nanika tsubuyaku)
Konya wa minna arigato nya..
"Happii Nyaasu Dei!"
(Nyaasu no paati mada mada tsuzuku)
Konya wa batoru o-yasumi nya
(Nyaasu no paati kurukuru mawaru)
Hito mo pokemon mo oshare shite
(Nyaasu no paati tanoshii jikan)
Moshimo yume de mo ureshii nya
| 8th ending - Japanese  |
Title : Pokemon harahara relay Interpreter : Aikawa Rikako et Korasu |
 | Pokemon hara-hara riree!
Gokigen naname no Pichuu
Minna hara-hara
Gokigen naname no Pichuu
Totemo shimpai!
Nani ga atta ka shiranai keredo
Komatta mondan daimondai!
Pichuu ga okoridasu to
Denki biriri nagaredasu
Denki biriri nagaredasu to
Soba ni ita Nyaasu ga shibirechau
Soba ni ita Nyaasu ga shibirechau to
Gaikotsu marumie
Gaikotsu marumie da to
Karakara ga nakama to machigaeru
Karakara ga nakama to machigaeru to
Hone wo futte aizu suru
Hone wo futte aizu suru to
Mariru ga omowazu utaidasu
Mariru ga omowazu utaidasu to
Tanoshii rizumu ga umareru
Tanoshii rizumu ga umareru to
Kireihana ga odoridasu
Kireihana ga odoridaseba
(Kireihana ga odoridaseba?)
Pichuu no gokigen hai motodoori!
Ima ni mo nakisou na Togepii
Minna hara-hara
Ima ni mo nakisou na Togepii
Totemo shimpai
Nani ga atta ka kondo mo shiranai keredo
Komatta mondan no daimondai 2!
Togepii ga nakidasu to
Namida de chiisa na umi ga dekiru
Namida de chiisa na umi ga dekiru to
Gyaradosu yorokobi oyogimawaru
Gyaradosu yorokobi oyogimawaru to
Ooki na nami ga zazazazazabun
Ooki na nami ga zazazazazabun da to
Pikachuu Naminori kurukurutaan
Pikachuu Naminori kurukurutaan suru to
Mite ita minna ga daihakushu
Mite ita minna ga daihakushu suru to
Kodakku kan chigai shiteomowazu utaidasu
Kodakku omowazu utaidasu to
Toboketa rizumu ga umareru
Toboketa rizumu ga umareru to
Yadokingu ga odoridasu
Yadokingu ga odoridaseba
(Yadokingu ga odoridaseba?)
Togepii no nakigao hora waraikao!
Pichuu ga tanoshiku utaidasu to
Minna ga tanoshiku odoridasu
Minna ga tanoshiku odoridasu to
Oyatsu no jikan wo wasurechau
Oyatsu no jikan wo wasurechau to
(Oyatsu no jikan wo wasurechau to?)
Pichuu no gokigen ara mata naname?
Jan! | 9th ending - Japanese  |
Title : Takeshisi paradise Interpreter : Yuji Ueda |
 | la-la-la, la-la-la nande suteki na
la-la-la, la-la-la moji no narabi
la-la-la, sore wa
la-la-la, sore wa...
Honeboi no wa
Wakatte imasu
Haato ga boro-boro
Ashi no fumibamo
Nai kurai desu!
Garusu gijanai notte
Nani yatten takatte
Boku ni wa boku no
Boku ni wa boku no
Boku ni wa boku no yume ga aru!
Sou sa la-la-la nante suteki na
la-la-la la-la-la kotoba ni hibiki!
la-la-la sore wa
la-la-la sore wa...
Wakatte imasu!
Haato ga hena-hena
Tada warau shika
Nai kurai desu!
Korinai otoko danatte
Maru de piero mitaitte
Boku ni wa boku no
Boku ni wa boku no
Boku ni wa boku no yume ga aru!
Sou sa la-la-la nante suteki na
la-la-la la-la-la kotoba ni hibiki!
la-la-la nante suteki na
la-la-la la-la-la boku no paradaisu!
la-la-la sore wa
la-la-la sore wa...
Sou sa la-la-la nante suteki na
la-la-la la-la-la kotoba ni hibiki!
la-la-la nante suteki na
la-la-la la-la-la boku no paradaisu!
la-la-la sore wa
la-la-la sore wa...
| 10th ending - Japanese  |
Title : To my best friend Interpreter : Iawasaki Hiromi |
 | Akai hoppe kiiro no SHATTSU
Shiroi PEEJI rakugaki shite
Dekitate no uta utatta yo ne
Wasurenai yo kimi to no EPISOODO
Ryoute ippai no "arigatou"
Yuuyami ni somaru oozora wo goran
PIKAPIKA atatakai hoshi ga warau yo
Atarashii kaze ga yonde iru kara
Kimi to aruite yukitai
Kusa no umi wo hadashi no mama
Hashaide odotte koronda koto
Hikaru BAJJI narabe nagara
Kokoro tsunaide nemutta koto
Wasurenai yo kimi to no EPISOODO
Kazoekirenai "takaramono"
Doko made mo takaku habataite ikou
KIRAKIRA akogare no hoshi wo oikoshi
Massara na asa ga me wo samashitara
Dekakeyou ano basho e
Yuuyami ni somaru oozora wo goran
PIKAPIKA atatakai hoshi ga warau yo
Atarashii kaze ga yonde iru kara
Kimi to aruite yukitai
Doko made mo tsuzuku michi wo...
| 11th ending - Japanese  |
Title : Face forward team rocket Interpreter : Roketto-dan |
 | Pappa para para para para para !
Pappa para pappa! (so-nansu!)
Pappa para para para para para !
Rarirure Roketto-Dan!
Yatto ajito ni tadoritsuku
Boro boro Roketto-Dan
Kyou no hain nyan-darou?
Hai! Hanseikai hajime!
Satto furikaette mimasho
Kyou no tatakai wo
Asoko de aasuya yokatta nya...
Hai! Hanseikai owari!
Kuyo kuyo taima nante gobyou de juubun
Sonna koto yori ashita no tame no gohan desu
Yaruki ga mori mori mori moriagaru
Kibou ga muku muku muku maemuki Roketto-Dan!
(sososo, so-nansu!)
Motto warera ni deban wo!
Nagame no seirifu wo!
Tsude ni taitoru henkou wo!
Hai! "susume Roketto-Dan!"
Kitto itsuka wa shuyaku ni!
Soshite Suupaa Sutaa!
Sono ue kokumin eiyo shou
Hai! "susume Roketto-Dan!"
Sasayakade hikaeme na warera no nozomi
Fan no mina-san douzo ouen yoroshiku!
Akayuki mirai wo tsukuru Roketto-Dan
Anata no kokoro no koibito rarirure Roketto-Dan
Yaruki ga mori mori mori moriagaru
Kibou ga muku muku muku maemuki Roketto-Dan!
(sososo, so-nansu!!)
Pappa para para para para para !
Pappa para pappa!
Pappa para para para para para !
Rarirure Roketto-Dan!
Maemuki Roketto-Dan!
| 12th ending - Japanese  |
Title : Pokettari monsutari Interpreter : Kana |
 | Marui yatsu hossoi yatsu
Togatta yatsu kebukai yatsu
Setsumei muzukashii yatsu
Hashiru mono oyogu mono
Tondeku mono moeteru mono
Asa - hiru - ban neteru mono
Doushite konna ni mo minna
Chigatte iru no?
Barieeshon Pokemooshon
Arama fushigi wakka ga dekita!
Poketaari Monsutaari
Odottari mawattari
Poketaari Monsutaari
Kochottari warattari! | opening - Polish  |
Title : Not informed title Interpreter : Not informed interpreter |
 | Najlepszym być, naprawdę chcę,
Jak nigdy dotąd nikt.
Zdać muszę ważny test,
Wyszkolić wszystkie w mig.
Kraj przemierzę wzdłuż i wszerz,
Znajdę w sobie moc.
Świat Pokemon, zrozumieć chcę,
Odnajdę wszystkie bo…
Czy już wszystkie masz?
To Ty i ja.
Musimy ocalić świat
To przyjaciel mój,
Ramie w ramie w wielki bój.
To właśnie Ty [To właśnie Ty]
Odwaga nam doda sił
Trenuj ze mną, nadszedł czas
Czy już wszystkie masz?
[Czy już wszystkie masz?]
Gdy wyzwanie rzuci los,
Z odwagą stań i walcz.
Kto co Ci odebrał ktoś,
Odzyskasz jeśliś chwat.
Ze mną chodź, już nadszedł czas
Nikt nie równy nam.
Już zwycięstwa czujesz smak,
To zawsze był nas plan.
Czy już wszystkie masz?
To Ty i ja.
Musimy ocalić świat
To przyjaciel mój,
Ramie w ramie w wielki bój.
To właśnie Ty [To właśnie Ty]
Odwaga nam doda sił
Trenuj ze mną, nadszedł czas
Czy już wszystkie masz?
[Czy już wszystkie masz?]
Czy już wszystkie masz?
Czy już wszystkie masz?
Czy już wszystkie masz?
Czy już wszystkie masz?
To Ty i ja.
Musimy ocalić świat
To przyjaciel mój,
Ramie w ramie w wielki bój.
To właśnie Ty [To właśnie Ty]
Odwaga nam doda sił
Trenuj ze mną, nadszedł czas
Czy już wszystkie masz?
[Czy już wszystkie masz?]
Pokemon ! |
| | 3 members have this series |