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Title Category Genre Public Rating
R BD-Comics Comedy, Romance 12+ -----
R-15 -----
R97 - les hommes ŕ terre BD-Comics Drama, Graphic roman 14+ -----
Râ & cie BD-Comics Humor, Youth 8+ -----
Les rabbit BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Rabumītendā Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Short stor... 18+ -----
Raburado ressensu Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Racaille blues Shonen Action, Humor 12+ -----
Les racailles de l'autre monde Seinen Comedy, Fantasy 14+ -----
Rachel rising -----
Les racines du chaos BD-Comics History, Policeman 12+ -----
Racket BD-Comics Graphic roman 10+ -----
Raconte-moi le #monde d'aprčs BD-Comics Humor, Social 14+ -----
Raconte moi ... mes comptines préférées -----
Raconte-moi une histoire 3+ -----
Radiant BD-Comics Fantasy, Adventure 12+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Radical wars BD-Comics Humor, Wargaming 10+ -----
Rady - un chat aux petits soins Kodomo Slices of life, An... 3+ -----
Rafale leader BD-Comics Adventure, War 10+ -----
Raffington event détective BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Rafnas Seinen Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Rag & boogie BD-Comics Music 10+ -----
La rage du dragon BD-Comics Adventure, Humor 10+ -----
Rage of bahamut genesis Anime Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Ragna crimson Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 12+ -----
Ragnafall Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 10+ -----
Ragnagna et moi Seinen Social, Slices of ... 14+ -----
Ragnarok 12+ -----
Ragnarök Manhwa Fantasy, Heroic-fa... 12+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Ragnarök BD-Comics Mythology, Action 10+ -----
Ragnarok gaď Shonen Science fiction, S... 14+ -----
Ragnarok gai Shonen Science fiction, S... 14+ -----
Ragnarok - into the abyss Manhwa Fantasy, Heroic-fa... 12+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Ragnarok the animation Shonen Fantasy, Adventure -----
Rahan BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Rahxephon Shonen Science fiction, A... 14+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Rahxephon tagen hensoukyoku -----
Rahxephon : the motion picture -----
Rai Shonen Science fiction, A... 12+ -----
Rai BD-Comics Science fiction 12+ -----
Raiders Manhwa Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Rai grottpojken -----
Raijin-ken samurai yaiba kurogane Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 10+ -----
Raijin-sword samurai yaiba kurogane Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 10+ -----
Raika Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Raika to himitsu no yugi Ecchi-Hentai Erotic 18+ -----
Railroad -----
Rails BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Raimuiro ryukitan x ~koi, oshiete kudasai~ -----
Raimuiro senkitan -----
Raimuiro senkitan : nankoku yume roman -----
Rain Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Rainbow Seinen Suspense, Slices o... 14+ -----
Rainbow-colored chili powder Shonen Comedy, Adventure 10+ -----
Rainbow-colored fireflies : the eternal summer vacation Anime Fantasy -----
Rainbow days Shojo Romance, Slices of... 12+ -----
Rainbow fireflies Anime Fantasy -----
Rainbow fish Anime Youth 6+ -----
Rainbow girls BD-Comics Action, Adventure 10+ -----
Rainbow - les guerriers Manhwa Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Rainbow - nisha rokubō no shichinin Seinen Suspense, Slices o... 14+ -----
Rainbow sentai robin -----
Rain man Seinen Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Raion kingu Anime Adventure, Youth 3+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Raion kingu 2 shinbasu puraido Anime Adventure, Youth 3+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Raiponce Anime Adventure, Comedy 6+ -----
Raisekamika Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Raise kamika Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Raise the dead -----
Raise wa tanin ga ii Seinen Comedy, Slices of ... 16+ -----
Raising a dog 14+ -----
Les raisins sauvages Manhwa Tale, Youth 6+ -----
Raison et sentiments Shojo Romance, History 14+ -----
Rakiya Suspense 16+ -----
Rakka Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Erotic 16+ -----
Rakka no alpha ô Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
Rakka ryűsui no hoshi Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Rakuen Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Rakuen no bijo to yajű Shojo Romance, Fantasy 12+ -----
Rakuen tennyo dan Ecchi-Hentai Erotic 18+ -----
Rakuen tsuihô Anime Science fiction, A... 14+ -----
Le rakugo ou la vie Josei History, Slices of... 14+ -----
Rakugo tennyo oyui 14+ -----
Rakushō ! hyper doll -----
Ralentir BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Ralph Azham BD-Comics Heroic-fantasy, Hu... 8+ -----
Râmâyan 3392 aprčs J-C -----
Ramba -----
Ramba la mercenaire BD-Comics Erotic 18+ -----
Ramen fighter miki Shonen Adventure, Humor 10+ -----
Rammy al-saya'ad al-saqeer -----
Ramona BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Ramon de la muerte BD-Comics Humor 12+ -----
Ramone BD-Comics 12+ -----
Rampage Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Rampokan BD-Comics Adventure, War 12+ -----
Rampou Shonen Action, Fantasy 12+ -----
Rampou, le génie au poing d'acier Shonen Action, Fantasy 12+ -----
Le ranch BD-Comics Sport, Youth 6+ -----
Rando Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Random walk Shojo Comedy, Romance 12+ -----
Rangaku BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Rango Anime Adventure, Western 10+ -----
Rani BD-Comics Romance, Adventure 10+ -----
Ranking of kings Seinen Comedy, History 10+ -----
Ran la légende verte -----
Ranma ˝ Shonen Adventure, Humor 10+ 4.80/54.80/54.80/54.80/54.80/5
Ranma ˝ - battle at togenkyo ! get back the brides ! 10+ -----
Ranma ˝ - film 2 - rendez-nous nos copines ! 10+ -----
Ranma ˝ : kessen tougenkyou ! hanayomewo torimodose ! 10+ -----
Ranma ˝ : la isla de las doncellas 10+ -----
Ranma ˝ : la sposa dell'isola delle illusioni 10+ -----
Ranma ˝ : nihao mi concubina 10+ -----
Ranma ˝ - nihao my concubine 10+ -----
Ranma ˝ : gli scontri decisivi Shonen Adventure, Humor 10+ 4.80/54.80/54.80/54.80/54.80/5
Ranma ˝ : le nuove avventure Shonen Adventure, Humor 10+ 4.80/54.80/54.80/54.80/54.80/5
Ranma ˝ nettouhen Shonen Adventure, Humor 10+ 4.80/54.80/54.80/54.80/54.80/5
Ranma nibun no ichi Shonen Adventure, Humor 10+ 4.80/54.80/54.80/54.80/54.80/5
Ranma ˝ OAV 10+ -----
Ranma ˝ super 10+ -----
Ranpeiji Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Ranpo gekiga - l'anthologie Seinen Fantasy, Erotic 16+ -----
Ranpou -----
Ransie la strega Shojo Romance, Fantasy -----
Rantanplan BD-Comics Western, Humor 6+ -----
Rantaro, el ninja boy 3+ -----
Ran to haiiro no sekai Seinen Comedy, Fantasy 12+ -----
RanXerox BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
Ranzi Shojo Romance, Fantasy -----
Raoul & Fernand BD-Comics Humor, Youth 8+ -----
Raoul en milieu naturel BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Raoul et Fernand BD-Comics Humor, Youth 8+ -----
Raowl BD-Comics Humor, Youth 6+ -----
Rapaces BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Rapa nui BD-Comics Fantasy, Anticipat... 10+ -----
Raphaello sono ai Josei History, Slices of... 14+ -----
Raph' et Potétoz BD-Comics Humor, Youth 8+ -----
Rappi rangai Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Le rapport Brazza - Congo 1905 BD-Comics History 12+ -----
Le rapport de Brodeck BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Rapport sur la torture BD-Comics History 12+ -----
Le rapport W BD-Comics History, Thriller 12+ -----
Rapunzel Anime Adventure, Comedy 6+ -----
Rapunzel - l'intreccio della torre Anime Adventure, Comedy 6+ -----
Rapunzel - Neu verföhnt Anime Adventure, Comedy 6+ -----
Raqueta de oro Anime Sport, Slices of l... 9+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Rascal der waschbär Drama, Adventure -----
Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai Seinen Comedy, Slices of ... 12+ -----
Rascal does not dream of little devil kohai Seinen Comedy, Fantasy 14+ -----
Rascal does not dream of logical witch Seinen Comedy, Slices of ... 14+ -----
Rascal, el mapache Drama, Adventure -----
Rascal, il mio amico orsetto Drama, Adventure -----
Rascal the raccoon Drama, Adventure -----
Rasetsu - primal hunt Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Rash !! Shonen Comedy, Policeman 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Rasl BD-Comics Adventure, Action 10+ -----
Rasmus rap Anime Youth, Comedy 10+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Les Raspberry BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Raspoutine le patriote Seinen History, Suspense 14+ -----
Rastasouris -----
Ratafia Parody Adventure, Humor 12+ -----
Ratafia delirium BD-Comics Humor, Science fic... 10+ -----
Rataplan BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Ratatouille -----
Rat et les animaux moches BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Ratgod BD-Comics Horror, Humor 12+ -----
Ration de combat BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Ratman Shonen Action, Adventure 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Rat queens BD-Comics Heroic-fantasy, Ho... 16+ -----
Ravage BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
Rave Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Ravel - un imaginaire musical BD-Comics Music, Documentary 10+ -----
Rave master Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Les Ravencroft BD-Comics Adventure, Youth 8+ -----
Raven et l'ours BD-Comics Youth, Adventure 8+ -----
Ravening - les voraces BD-Comics Fantasy 16+ -----
Ravermoon BD-Comics Heroic-fantasy 10+ -----
Rave world Shonen Adventure, Short s... 12+ -----
Ravina the witch ? Seinen Horror, Tale -----
Raw hero Seinen Comedy, Adventure 16+ -----
Raw hero Seinen Comedy, Adventure 16+ -----
Ray Seinen Action 14+ -----
Rayearth : il sogno di emeraude - OAV -----
Rayearth : las guerreras mágicas - OAV -----
Rayearth - OAV -----
Raymond Devos BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Rayons pour sidar BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
Razor BD-Comics Action -----
Razorbill BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Razu meridian Shojo Romance, Fantasy 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
RCT - la BD officielle BD-Comics Humor, Sport 10+ -----
RDG red data girl Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
RD sennō chōsashitsu -----
Read or die Seinen Comedy, Adventure 14+ -----
Read or die - OAV Anime Action, Science fi... 12+ -----
Read or dream Seinen Comedy, Adventure 14+ -----
Real Seinen Sport, Action 12+ -----
Real account Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 14+ -----
Real bout highschool Seinen Comedy, Sport 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Real drive -----
Real girl Shojo Romance, Slices of... 12+ -----
Réalités 14+ -----
Réalités obliques BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Reality quest Webtoon-Webcomic Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Real kiss Shojo Romance, Slices of... 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Real lies Manhwa Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Real life BD-Comics Slices of life 8+ -----
Realm of kings BD-Comics Adventure, Super-h... 10+ -----
Rean no tsubasa -----
Re artů, king arthur -----
Rebelle Anime Comedy, Adventure 8+ -----
Les rebelles de la foręt -----
Les rebelles de la foręt 2 -----
Rebels BD-Comics History, War 10+ -----
Rebels - a well-regulated militia BD-Comics History, War 10+ -----
Rebirth Manhwa Action, Fantasy 12+ -----
Re:birth - the lunatic taker Fantasy 14+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Reborn BD-Comics Super-hero 10+ -----
Reborn Shonen Action, Adventure 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Reborn to master the blade Seinen Heroic-fantasy, Ad... 12+ -----
Rebuild the world Seinen Action, Science fi... 14+ -----
[REC] BD-Comics Horror 14+ -----
REC Seinen Comedy, Ecchi 14+ -----
Recast Manhwa Action, Fantasy 10+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Recca no honoo Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Recette castella Comedy, Fantasy 12+ -----
La recette de l'amour Josei Romance, Erotic 16+ -----
Les recettes chinoise Methode guide Gastronomy, Slices... 16+ -----
Les recettes de l'amour fou BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Les recettes de la tentation Ecchi-Hentai Comedy, Erotic 16+ -----
Une recette secrete -----
Les recettes inavouables illustrées BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Recipe for black Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Recipe no oujisama Yaoi-Yuri Gastronomy, Lesbia... 16+ -----
Un récit complet Marvel -----
Récit du bord de l'eau -----
La recomposition des mondes BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Reconquętes BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Reconquętes BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
La reconstitution BD-Comics Biography 10+ -----
La reconversion de sakurada Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Erotic 16+ -----
Recorder and randsell Anime Comedy, Slices of ... 10+ -----
Recorder and randsell mi Anime Comedy, Slices of ... 10+ -----
Recorder and randsell re Anime Comedy, Slices of ... 10+ -----
Recorder to randoseru Anime Comedy, Slices of ... 10+ -----
Record of grancrest war Seinen Heroic-fantasy, Ad... 12+ -----
Record of lodoss war Seinen Heroic-fantasy, Ad... 14+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Record of lodoss war : chronicles of the heroic knight Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Record of lodoss war - die chroniken der lodoss kriege Seinen Heroic-fantasy, Ad... 14+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Récré a3 BD-Comics Comedy, Humor 10+ -----
Recuerdos 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Re: cutie honey Shonen Action, Ecchi -----
RED 14+ -----
Red angels Manhua Drama, Social 16+ -----
Red beryl ni sayonara Yaoi-Yuri Fantasy, Suspense 16+ -----
Red colored elegy Social 16+ -----
Red data girl Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Red dragon Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 10+ -----
Rédemption BD-Comics Adventure, History -----
Red e toby - nemici amici Anime Adventure, Youth 6+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Red eyes Shonen Suspense, Science ... 14+ -----
Red eyes sword - akame ga kill ! Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Red eyes sword Zero - Akame ga Kill ! Zero Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Red flower Shonen Suspense, Adventure 12+ -----
Red garden Seinen Suspense, Drama 14+ -----
Redhand BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
Red hawk Manhwa Action, Adventure 12+ -----
Redhead X Brunette Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Short stor... 18+ -----
Red hood Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Fantasy 16+ -----
Redline Sport, Action 12+ -----
Red - living on the edge -----
Redneck BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
Red raven Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Redrum 327 Manhwa Suspense, Drama 14+ -----
Redskin Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 10+ -----
Red skin BD-Comics Super-hero, Spying 10+ -----
Red skull -----
Red Sonja BD-Comics Action, Fantasy, H... 10+ -----
Red sun BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
Red team BD-Comics Policeman, Action 14+ -----
Redwall -----
Red wing -----
Reena y gaudi Comedy, Heroic-fan... 12+ -----
Refaire le monde BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Les reflets changeants BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Reflets d'acide BD-Comics Comedy, Heroic-fan... 10+ -----
Le réflexe de survie BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Refrain blue -----
Réfugiés ŕ berlin BD-Comics Social, Graphic ro... 12+ -----
Refuznik - URSS, l'impossible départ BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Regal academy BD-Comics Adventure, Youth 6+ -----
Regarde les filles BD-Comics Erotic, Humor 16+ -----
Un regard par-dessus l'épaule BD-Comics Fantasy, Graphic r... 10+ -----
Regards volés Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Regatta Seinen Sport, Slices of l... 12+ -----
Regatta kimi to ita eien Seinen Sport, Slices of l... 12+ -----
Regele leu 3 : hakuna matata Anime Adventure, Youth 3+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Regent story Shojo Romance, Slices of... 12+ -----
La région BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
La rčgle de trois Seinen Romance, Drama 12+ -----
Le rčgne BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Le rčgne de Swamp Thing BD-Comics Adventure, Super-h... 10+ -----
La régression BD-Comics Slices of life 10+ -----
Le régulateur BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
Re:Hamatora Anime Action, Suspense 12+ -----
Rehlat ana'aba -----
Rei arthur -----
Reideen -----
Reideen - im kampf gegen die mächte der finsternis 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Reideen the superior 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Reign of the seven spellblades Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Reika ma splendide maid Ecchi-Hentai Fantasy, Erotic 18+ -----
Reika wa karei na boku no maid Ecchi-Hentai Fantasy, Erotic 18+ -----
Reiko the zombie shop Josei Action, Horror 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Reimei no arcana Shojo Romance, Fantasy 12+ 4.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/5
Réimp' ! Seinen Social, Slices of ... 14+ -----
Reims BD-Comics History 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Reincarnate BD-Comics Adventure 12+ -----
Reincarnated as an aristocrat - dénicheur de talents Shonen Adventure 10+ -----
Reincarnated as a pretty fantasy girl Shonen Comedy, Fantasy 12+ -----
Reincarnated as a sword Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Réincarnation 16+ -----
Reincarnation 16+ -----
Reincarnation no kaben Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Réincarnations BD-Comics Fantasy 14+ -----
Réincarnations II Shojo Comedy, Romance 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Réincarnations II - embraced by the moonlight Shojo Comedy, Romance 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Réincarnations - please save my earth Shojo Romance, Fantasy 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Réincarné dans un autre monde Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Reine d'Egypte Seinen History, Slices of... 14+ -----
La reine des neiges Anime Adventure, Youth 6+ 4.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/5
La reine des neiges II Shojo Fantasy, Adventure 8+ -----
La reine du fond des temps 3+ -----
La reine margot -----
La reine oubliée BD-Comics Action, Adventure 10+ -----
Les reines de sang - Alienor, la légende noire BD-Comics History 10+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Les reines de sang - Catherine de Médicis, la reine maudite BD-Comics History 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Les reines de sang - Cléopâtre, la reine fatale BD-Comics History 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Les reines de sang - Constance d'Antioche, la princess... BD-Comics History 10+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Les reines de sang - Frédégonde, la sanguinaire BD-Comics History 10+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Les reines de sang - Isabelle, la louve de france BD-Comics History, Adventure 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Les reines de sang - Jeanne, la mâle reine BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Les reines de sang - les trois Julia BD-Comics History 10+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Les reines de sang - Roxelane, la joyeuse BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Les reines de sang - Tseu Hi, la dame dragon BD-Comics History 10+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Reines, princesses et soumission Ecchi-Hentai Erotic 18+ -----
Reinkarnation - please save my earth Shojo Romance, Fantasy 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Reiraku Seinen Drama, Slices of l... 14+ -----
Reiser ŕ la une BD-Comics Humor 14+ -----
Reiser et l'écologie BD-Comics Humor 12+ -----
Reki & Yomi Seinen Comedy, Slices of ... 10+ -----
Reki yomi Seinen Comedy, Slices of ... 10+ -----
Une relation basée sur l'argent Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
Relation cheap BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
ReLIFE Seinen Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
La religion BD-Comics Adventure, War 12+ -----
Reliques eon Essay-Novel Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Re:load Seinen Adventure, Fantasy 14+ -----
Reload Manhua Action, Slices of ... 14+ -----
Remains -----
Rembrandt BD-Comics Slices of life, Bi... 12+ -----
Les remčdes de l'ouest BD-Comics Humor, Youth 8+ -----
Remember Manhua Action, Slices of ... 14+ -----
Re/member Shonen Fantasy, Horror 14+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Remi, la nińa sin hogar -----
Remě, le sue avventure Anime History, Drama 3+ -----
Remina - la plančte de l'enfer Seinen Horror, Short stor... 14+ -----
Remington -----
Reminiscences Yaoi-Yuri Drama, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
Rémi sans famille Anime History, Drama 3+ -----
Rémi sans famille BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Remi the homeless girl -----
Remnant - Jujin omegaverse Yaoi-Yuri Fantasy, Suspense 16+ -----
Remnant - kemonohito omegaverse Yaoi-Yuri Fantasy, Suspense 16+ -----
Re:Monster Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 14+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Remote Seinen Policeman, Suspense 14+ -----
Remous dans le bayou BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
Remy la bambina senza famiglia -----
Remy, sans famille -----
Renai fragrance Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Short stor... 18+ -----
Renai fuyuki todoki Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Ren-ai junkies Ecchi-Hentai Romance, Erotic 16+ -----
Renai rubi no tadashii furikata Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
Renai sample Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Short stor... 18+ -----
Renai shijô shugi 16+ -----
Ren-ai shijo shugi Shojo Romance, Erotic 16+ 3.67/53.67/53.67/53.67/53.67/5
Renaissance BD-Comics Fantasy, Action 10+ -----
Renaissance Action, Science fi... -----
La renarde BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Le renard et le petit tanuki Josei Fantasy, Slices of... 12+ -----
Renato Jones - les un % BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 12+ -----
Une rencontre BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Une rencontre BD-Comics Graphic roman 14+ -----
Rencontre improbables BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Rencontres maléfiques BD-Comics Fantasy, Thriller 10+ -----
Rendez-vous ŕ Moscou BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Rendez-vous ŕ Phoenix BD-Comics Slices of life 10+ -----
Rendez-vous au crépuscule Essay-Novel Romance, Fantasy 14+ -----
Rendez-vous ŕ Udagawachou Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Rendez-vous avec X BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Le rendez-vous de onze heure BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Rendez-vous sous la pluie Shojo Romance, Drama 14+ -----
Rends-moi beau ! Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Rengoku joshi Seinen Suspense, Horror 14+ -----
Rengoku no karma Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Rengoku no trisagion - Artisans of the traitors' gate Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Renjoh Desperado Shonen Adventure, Romance 12+ -----
Renjou fructus Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Short stor... 18+ -----
Renkinjutsu mujintou survival Seinen Fantasy, Adventure 10+ -----
Rent-a-girlfriend Shonen Romance, Slices of... 12+ -----
Rental hearts Shojo Adventure, Fantasy 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Rental magica -----
Rental onii-chan Seinen Drama, Slices of l... 12+ -----
Rent-a-(really shy) girlfriend Shonen Romance, Slices of... 12+ -----
Rentre dans le moule BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Le repaire de captain Momo Seinen Science fiction, A... 14+ -----
Le repas des hyčnes BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
Repeat after me Yaoi-Yuri 16+ -----
Repčres, 2000 dessins pour comprendre le monde BD-Comics 10+ -----
Replay BD-Comics Drama 10+ -----
Les reportages de Lefranc BD-Comics History 12+ -----
Reporter BD-Comics History 12+ -----
Reporter blues 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Le repos de la baleine Manhua Fantasy, Tale 12+ -----
La république des couacs BD-Comics 10+ -----
La république du catch BD-Comics Policeman, Humor 10+ -----
Requiem BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
Requiem Sunjung 18+ -----
Requiem blanc BD-Comics Graphic roman 8+ -----
Le requiem du roi des roses Shojo History, Suspense 12+ -----
Requiem from the darkness Anime Action, Fantasy 12+ -----
ReRe : hello ! Shojo Romance, Slices of... 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Le réseau Bombyce BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
Le réseau Madou BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Le réseau Mirabelle BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Le réseau papillon BD-Comics Adventure, Youth 8+ -----
Reset Seinen Policeman, Suspense 14+ -----
Resident Evil -----
Resident evil degeneración -----
Resident evil : degeneracja -----
Resident evil : degeneration -----
Resident evil - heavenly island Shonen Suspense, Horror 14+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Resident Evil - marhawa desire Shonen Action, Horror 16+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Résilience BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
Resistance -----
La résistance des sensibles BD-Comics Independent 12+ -----
Résistants oubliés BD-Comics War, History 14+ -----
Ressentiment Seinen Romance, Drama 14+ -----
R.e.s.t -----
Restart Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
Restart Yaoi-Yuri 16+ -----
Restart wa tadaima no ato de / restart wa onaka wo sukasete Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
Le restaurant du bonheur Seinen Gastronomy, Slices... 12+ -----
Le reste du monde BD-Comics Adventure 16+ -----
Restol, the special rescue squad -----
Re:teen Seinen Fantasy, Science f... 14+ -----
Re :teen - mayu no naka de mou ichido 10-dai no kimi to au Seinen Fantasy, Science f... 14+ -----
Le retour BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Retour ŕ kyllybegs BD-Comics Short stories, Bio... 10+ -----
Retour ŕ la montagne BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Le retour ŕ la terre BD-Comics Slices of life 10+ -----
Retour au centre de la terre BD-Comics Adventure, Fantasy 10+ -----
Retour au Kosovo BD-Comics 16+ -----
Retour aux sources Manhua Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
Retour ŕ zéro BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
Le retour d'Antoinette BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Retour de flammes BD-Comics Policeman, History 10+ -----
Le retour de jafar Anime Action, Adventure 6+ -----
Le retour de la bondrée BD-Comics Slices of life, Gr... 12+ -----
Le retour du roi démon Seinen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Le retour du roi léo -----
Retour en Ostalgie BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Retour sur Belzagor BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
Retour vers le futur - histoires inédites et chronologies ... BD-Comics Science fiction, A... 10+ -----
Les retraités en BD BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Retranchés -----
Retropolis -----
Returner blast R Fantasy -----
Returners - aka no kikansha Seinen Action, Fantasy 14+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Returners - les revenants Seinen Action, Fantasy 14+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Return to never land Anime Adventure, Youth 3+ -----
La réunion Kely BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Réunis Kodomo Tale, Youth 6+ -----
La revanche -----
La revanche des gobots -----
Ręve dans le pavillon rouge Manhua 14+ -----
Le ręve de cécile -----
Ręve de coucou Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Le ręve de jeanie -----
Le ręve de mon pčre Seinen Sport, Slices of l... 14+ -----
Ręve d'Olympe BD-Comics 14+ -----
Le ręve du requin BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Ręve écarlate BD-Comics Erotic 18+ -----
Le réveil des bleus BD-Comics Sport, Humor 8+ -----
Le réveil des poupées BD-Comics Fantasy, Youth 8+ -----
Le réveil du dieu chien Seinen Fantasy, Suspense 16+ -----
Le réveil du dragon BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
Révélations -----
Révélations -----
Revenge classroom Seinen Suspense, Thriller 14+ -----
Revenge hypnosis Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Slices of ... 18+ -----
Le révérend BD-Comics Western 10+ -----
Reverend D Seinen Fantasy 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Ręverie -----
Ręverie BD-Comics Slices of life, Hi... 16+ -----
Ręveries d'Emanon Seinen Fantasy, Slices of... 14+ -----
Les ręveries d'un gourmet solitaire Seinen Gastronomy, Slices... 14+ -----
:REverSAL Shonen Action, Fantasy 14+ -----
Reverse Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Reverse Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Reverse edge - ôkawabata tanteisha Seinen Comedy, Policeman 14+ -----
Reverse hierarchy Yaoi-Yuri Lesbian gay, Slice... 16+ -----
Reversible man Seinen Horror, Policeman 16+ -----
Ręves de gosse BD-Comics Social 10+ -----
Ręves SM BD-Comics Erotic 18+ -----
Ręves sur le toit du monde BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Les ręveurs lunaires - quatre génies qui ont changé l'... BD-Comics Graphic roman 10+ -----
La ręveuse Manhua Fantasy, Adventure 10+ -----
Revival BD-Comics Fantasy, Thriller 10+ -----
Revivre BD-Comics 10+ -----
Revoir Paris BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
La révolte des terres BD-Comics History 10+ -----
La révolte des Valtis BD-Comics Adventure, Youth 8+ -----
Révolution BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Revolutionary girl utena Shojo Romance, Adventure 12+ -----
Revolutionary girl utena : the movie 12+ -----
Revolutionary road BD-Comics Erotic 18+ -----
Revolution day Comedy, Romance -----
Révolutionnaires BD-Comics History 10+ -----
La révolution Pilote BD-Comics History, Humor 10+ -----
Révolutions - Quand l'Histoire de France a basculé BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Rex Shojo Action, Fantasy 10+ -----
Rex et le chien BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Rex fabula Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Rex, kyōryū monogatari Shojo Action, Fantasy 10+ -----
Rex leo Anime Adventure, Youth 3+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Rex mundi Policeman, History -----
Rex steele -----
Re :zero - chronicles la ballade amoureuse de la lame démo... Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 2+ -----
Re:zero kara hajimeru isekai seikatsu Essay-Novel Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Re:zero - kara hajimeru isekai seikatsu - seiiki to gôyoku... Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Re:zero - quatričme arc - le sanctuaire et la sorcičre de ... Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Re:zero - Re:life in a different world from zero Essay-Novel Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
RG veda Shojo Fantasy, Adventure 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
RH+ Fantasy 14+ -----
Rhââ lovely BD-Comics Humor 12+ -----
Rhâ-gnagna BD-Comics Humor 12+ -----
Rhapsody BD-Comics Romance 10+ -----
Rhapsody in heaven Shojo Romance, Slices of... 16+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Rhea gall force -----
Rhonda BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
RH Plus Fantasy 14+ -----
Rhum héritage BD-Comics History, Adventure 10+ -----
La ribambelle en Ecosse BD-Comics Adventure, Humor 12+ -----
Ribbon no kishi Shojo Romance, Adventure 12+ -----
Ribelle - the brave Anime Comedy, Adventure 8+ -----
Richard coeur de lion BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Les riches au tribunal BD-Comics Documentary 10+ -----
La richesse des nations Seinen History, Social 14+ -----
Ric Hochet BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Rick et Morty BD-Comics 12+ -----
Rick et Morty x Donjons & Dragons BD-Comics Humor, Heroic-fant... 8+ -----
Ricky star 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Ride back Anime Action, Science fi... 14+ -----
Rideback Anime Action, Science fi... 14+ -----
Rider on the storm BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Rien ne fera venir le jour Seinen Action, Social 16+ -----
Rien ne se passe jamais comme prévu BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Rien n'est impossible Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 12+ -----
Rigel afterlife Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 12+ -----
Rigolo Dingo BD-Comics Humor, Youth 6+ -----
Rikai dekinai Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
Rikai funou kuso cutie Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Rikon club Seinen Slices of life, So... 14+ -----
Rikudo Seinen Sport, Drama 14+ -----
Riku-Do - la rage aux poings Seinen Sport, Drama 14+ -----
Rikujo boeitai mao-chan -----
Rilakkuma Kodomo Comedy, Slices of ... 6+ -----
Rilakkuma Kodomo Comedy, Slices of ... 6+ -----
Rimbaud BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Rin Shonen Comedy, Slices of ... 14+ -----
Rin backstage Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Music 18+ -----
Rin - Daughters of mnemosyne 16+ -----
Ring 14+ -----
Ring 0 Shojo Suspense, Horror 12+ -----
Ring 0 : birthday Shojo Suspense, Horror 12+ -----
Ring 2 12+ -----
Ringare i notre dame II -----
Ringaren i notre dame Anime Adventure, Youth 6+ -----
Ring Eyes Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Ring ni kakero Fantasy, Action -----
Ring ni kakero 1 Fantasy, Action -----
Ring ni kakero 1 episode : the pacific war -----
Ring ni kakero 1 : nichibei kessen hen -----
Ringo hoppe no koi Drama, Romance 12+ -----
Ringo kamo shirenai Kodomo Slices of life, Yo... 6+ -----
Ringo to hachimitsu Yaoi-Yuri Comedy, Drama -----
Ringua dolce ! Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Erotic 16+ -----
Ringwanderung Seinen Suspense, Short st... 14+ -----
Rinne Shonen Comedy, Fantasy 12+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Rinne no lagrange Anime Science fiction, S... 12+ -----
Rinne no lagrange - flower declaration of your heart Anime School, Science fi... 12+ -----
Rinne no lagrange : season 2 Anime School, Science fi... 12+ -----
Rin x mama Ecchi-Hentai Comedy, Erotic 18+ -----
Rio BD-Comics Slices of life 10+ -----
Rio -----
Rio 2 -----
Rio et moheuz BD-Comics Social, Graphic ro... 16+ -----
Rio - rainbow gate ! -----
Riot Seinen Action, Adventure 12+ -----
RIP BD-Comics Policeman 10+ -----
Riposte BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Ripper Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Le rire de l'ogre BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Ririka, sos ! -----
Rise of the guardians Anime Fantasy, Tale 6+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Rising impact 12+ -----
Rising stars Action, Science fi... -----
Rising sun Seinen History, Slices of... 14+ -----
Risô no himo seikatsu Seinen Comedy, Fantasy 14+ -----
Risouteki boyfriend Shojo Romance, Slices of... 12+ -----
Ristorante paradiso Seinen Comedy, Slices of ... 14+ -----
Risutisu Seinen Heroic-fantasy, Er... 14+ -----
Rites of returning Manhua Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
Ritoru basutāzu ! -----
Ritoru・Māmedo Anime Romance, Youth 3+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Ritoru witchi akademia Anime Adventure, Fantasy 10+ -----
Ritournelle Josei History, Slices of... 14+ -----
Ritter der königin Sunjung Romance, Adventure 12+ -----
Le rituel BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Riű wo machi nagara Seinen Drama 14+ -----
Rivage Seinen Fantasy, Drama 16+ -----
Riverdale présente afterlife with Archie BD-Comics Horror, Science fi... 14+ -----
Riverdale présente Archie BD-Comics Slices of life 10+ -----
Riverdale présente Betty et Veronica BD-Comics Slices of life 10+ -----
River dream -----
River's edge Seinen Social, Slices of ... 14+ -----
Les rives rouges de l'adultčre Ecchi-Hentai Romance, Erotic 16+ -----
La rivičre ŕ l'envers BD-Comics Fantasy, Adventure 10+ -----
Rivičre d'encre BD-Comics Graphic roman, Kno... 12+ -----
Riyū ga arimasu Kodomo Slices of life, Co... 3+ -----
Rizelmine -----
RN83 BD-Comics Suspense, Thriller 12+ -----
Road rage -----
Road runner -----
Road therapy BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Road to ninja : Naruto the movie Anime Action, Fantasy 12+ -----
Road to nowhere Manhua Fantasy, Suspense 16+ -----
Road to Oz BD-Comics Fantasy, Heroic-fa... 10+ -----
Roary la voiture de course -----
Rob BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Robbie burns witch hunter BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
Robert dans la bouteille -----
Robert Sax BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 12+ -----
Robespierre BD-Comics History, Biography 10+ -----
Robin, brigade de l'arc-en-ciel -----
Robin des bois BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Robin des bois BD-Comics Adventure 6+ -----
Robin des bois Anime Adventure, Youth 3+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Robin Hood BD-Comics Heroic-fantasy, Ad... 10+ -----
Robin hood Anime Adventure, Youth 3+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Robin hood Anime Action, Adventure 8+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Robin hood no daiboken Anime Action, Adventure 8+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Robinson Crusoé BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Robinsonne -----
Robinsons, pčre & fils BD-Comics Humor, Slices of l... 12+ -----
Robinson sucroë -----
Robinson suisse BD-Comics Adventure, Indepen... 12+ -----
Robny Clochard BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Robocar poli -----
Robociki -----
Robocito -----
Robocock Seinen Adventure, Science... 16+ -----
Robocock Seinen Adventure, Science... 16+ -----
Robocop BD-Comics Science fiction, P... 10+ -----
Robonimal panda-Z : the robonimation Comedy, Policeman -----
Robo sapiensu zenshi Seinen Slices of life, Sc... 14+ -----
Robosex Ecchi-Hentai Erotic 18+ -----
Robostory 18+ -----
Robot carnival Policeman, Fantasy -----
Le robot de l'espace Seinen Suspense, Science ... 14+ -----
Robotech Action, Science fi... -----
Robotic angel Shonen Science fiction, A... 12+ -----
Robot magnos Shonen Science fiction -----
Robo to usakichi Shonen Science fiction, A... 8+ -----
Robots -----
Robots ninja 3+ -----
Robottino -----
Robur le conquérant BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Roche limit BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
Rocher rouge BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Rock Josei Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Rockabilly zombie apocalypse BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
Rock and roll comics BD-Comics Music, Independent 12+ -----
Rock & Stone BD-Comics Science fiction, A... 10+ -----
Rocketeer -----
Rocket girl BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
Rocket girls -----
Rockin heaven Comedy, Romance 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Rock Lee - les péripéties d'un ninja en herbe Parody Comedy, Youth 8+ -----
Rock lee no seishun full - power ninden Parody Comedy, Youth 8+ -----
Rockman.EXE Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 8+ -----
Rockman.exe axess 8+ -----
Rockman.exe beast 8+ -----
Rockman.exe beast+ 8+ -----
Rockman.exe stream 8+ -----
Rockman.exe the movie 8+ -----
Rockman gigamix Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 8+ -----
Rockman : hoshi ni negai wo 8+ -----
Rockman megamix Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 6+ -----
Rockman of the shooting star -----
Rockman : wishing upon a star 8+ -----
Rockman ZX Kodomo Fantasy, Adventure 8+ -----
Rock mastard BD-Comics Humor 12+ -----
Rock'n'cop Comedy, Science fi... 10+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Rock of destruction Seinen Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Rock soul BD-Comics Music, Youth 10+ -----
Rocky joe Shonen Sport, Slices of l... 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Rocky joe, il campione Sport, Action 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Rocky und seine freunde Anime -----
Roco Vargas BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
Les rôdeurs de nuit Shonen Adventure, Fantasy 10+ -----
Rodin - Fugit amor, portrait intime BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Rody, le petit cid Anime History, Action 8+ -----
Rodzice chrzestni z tokio 12+ -----
Rodzina trappów Shonen Romance, Drama 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Roger et ses humains BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Rohan Kishibe Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Le roi alpha déchu Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
Le roi arthur et les chevaliers de la justice Anime Adventure -----
Le roi banal 14+ -----
Le roi cerf Seinen Suspense, Adventure 12+ -----
Le roi-démon et moi, et nos 10 enfants Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Le roi de paille BD-Comics History 8+ -----
Le roi des bugs Webtoon-Webcomic Action, Fantasy 12+ -----
Le roi des limbes Josei Suspense, Science ... 14+ -----
Le roi des mouches BD-Comics Graphic roman 10+ -----
Le roi des oiseaux BD-Comics Fantasy, Youth 8+ -----
Le roi des ronces Seinen Suspense, Adventure 14+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Le roi des singes BD-Comics Adventure, Youth 7+ -----
Le roi du lys BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Le roi et l'oiseau Anime Adventure, Tale 3+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Le roi et moi -----
Le roi léo Kodomo Philosophy, Advent... 8+ -----
Le roi lion Anime Adventure, Youth 3+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Le roi lion 1˝ Anime Adventure, Youth 3+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Le roi lion 2 : la fierté de simba Anime Adventure, Youth 3+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Le roi lion 2 : l'honneur de la tribu Anime Adventure, Youth 3+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Le roi lion 3 : hakuna matata Anime Adventure, Youth 3+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Le roi lion simba Comedy -----
Roi ours BD-Comics 10+ -----
Le roi Pelé - l'homme et la légende BD-Comics Graphic roman 10+ -----
Le roi singe BD-Comics Fantasy, Tale 8+ -----
Les rois vagabonds BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Le roi venu d'ailleurs Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Roji ! Shonen Adventure, Fantasy 6+ -----
Rokka - Braves of the six flowers Anime Action, Fantasy 14+ -----
Rokka melt - Mes adorables hommes des neiges Shojo Romance, Fantasy 12+ 4.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/5
Rokka no yűsha Anime Action, Fantasy 14+ -----
Rokudenashi blues Shonen Action, Humor 12+ -----
Rokudenashi vacances Josei Romance, Erotic 16+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Rokudô tôsô-ki Seinen Fantasy, Adventure 14+ -----
Rokudo Tosoki - le tournoi des six royaumes Seinen Fantasy, Adventure 14+ -----
Rokumon tengai monkore knight Shonen Fantasy, Adventure -----
Rokushin gattai god mars Anime Action, Adventure -----
Ro-kyu-bu ! -----
Ro-kyu-bu ! SS -----
Roland Embley Manhwa Slices of life, Yo... 6+ -----
Roland et le jeu BD-Comics -----
Role playing girl 10+ 2.50/52.50/52.50/52.50/52.50/5
Rôles de composition BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Rolie polie olie -----
Rolling blackouts BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Rolling star , le justicier -----
Roll over and die Seinen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Rolqwir BD-Comics Adventure, Humor 10+ -----
Roma BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Romance bôfu iki Seinen Social, Slices of ... 14+ -----
Romance d'outre-tombe 14+ -----
Romance from the thumb 12+ -----
Romance killer Action, Suspense 16+ -----
Roman club -----
Le roman de Boddah - comment j'ai tué Kurt Cobain BD-Comics History, Music 10+ -----
Le roman de Genji Anime History, Drama 12+ -----
Le roman des Goscinny - naissance d'un gaulois BD-Comics Graphic roman, Doc... 12+ -----
Le roman d'un gland BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Romanji BD-Comics 12+ -----
Romantically apocalyptic BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Romantic killer Shonen Comedy, Romance 12+ -----
Romantic lament Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Romantic lamento Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Romantic memories Shojo Romance, Slices of... 10+ -----
Romantic obsession Romance 12+ -----
Romantic roommate Yaoi-Yuri 16+ -----
Romeo & juliette Shojo Romance 12+ -----
Roméo et Juliette Shojo Romance, Drama 12+ -----
Romeo et juliette Shojo Romance 12+ -----
Romeo no aoi sora 3+ -----
Romeo to Juliet Shojo Romance, Drama 12+ -----
Romeo x juliet 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Rome west BD-Comics Fantasy, Adventure 10+ -----
Romi - la sorcičre aux cornes de bélier Seinen Romance, Fantasy 14+ -----
Romio vs Juliet Shonen Comedy, Romance 12+ -----
Ronces BD-Comics Fantasy, Science f... 12+ -----
Roncevaux & Garin BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
La ronde BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Rongo Seinen History -----
Ronin BD-Comics Fantasy, Science f... 12+ -----
Ronin warriors Shonen Action, Adventure 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Ronin warriors legend of kikoutei Anime Action, Samurai 12+ -----
Ronin warriors message Anime Action, Samurai 12+ -----
Ronin warriors - OAV Anime Action, Samurai 12+ -----
Ronja fille de brigand Shonen Adventure, Slices ... 8+ -----
Ron Kamonohashi - deranged detective Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 12+ -----
Ronkoteus BD-Comics Fantasy, Adventure 10+ -----
Ronrons petits chatons Kodomo Tale, Youth 3+ -----
Rookies Shonen Sport, Action 12+ -----
Room Manhua Social, Slices of ... 14+ -----
Room paradise Shojo Romance 12+ -----
Room service BD-Comics Erotic 18+ -----
Rooster fighter - coq de baston Seinen Comedy, Action 14+ -----
Roppongi zoku keiji Seinen Comedy, Erotic 16+ -----
Rosa BD-Comics Adventure 12+ -----
Rosa alpina Shojo Drama, History 10+ -----
Rosa de Habana BD-Comics History, Adventure 10+ -----
Rosalie Lightning BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Rosario BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Rosario to vanpiru season II Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ 4.75/54.75/54.75/54.75/54.75/5
Rosario + vampire Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ 4.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/5
Rosario + vampire - saison 2 Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ 4.75/54.75/54.75/54.75/54.75/5
Rose BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
Rose & wolf Shojo Romance 12+ -----
La rose de versailles Shojo History, Romance 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
La rose de versailles kids 8+ -----
La rose écarlate BD-Comics History, Action 10+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
La rose écarlate - missions BD-Comics 10+ -----
Rose et Isabel BD-Comics Graphic roman, Wes... 12+ -----
La rose et le démon Shojo Romance, School 12+ -----
Rose hip rose Seinen Policeman, Action 16+ 4.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/5
Rose hip zero Shonen Action, Suspense 14+ 4.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/5
La rose la plus rouge s'épanouit BD-Comics Independent 12+ -----
Rosen blood Shojo Romance, Fantasy 12+ -----
Rosen blood : haitoku no meikan Shojo Romance, Fantasy 12+ -----
Rose profond BD-Comics Drama 14+ -----
Une rose seule Seinen Drama, Slices of l... 14+ -----
Le rose vous va si bien BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Rosko BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Rôsoku hime History, Adventure 14+ -----
Rossana 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Le rossignol ręve de printemps Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Rostam BD-Comics Adventure, Youth 6+ -----
Rosu hipu zero Shonen Action, Suspense 14+ 4.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/5
Roto no monshou - monshou wo tsugu monotachi e Seinen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Rotterdam, un séjour ŕ fleur d'eau BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Roucou BD-Comics Independent 12+ -----
Rouen BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Rouen par cent chemins différents BD-Comics Independent 12+ -----
Rouge BD-Comics Adventure, Youth 8+ -----
Rouge Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Rouge / Ai wa deban wo matte iru Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Rouge bonbon -----
Rouge éclipse Shojo Romance, Fantasy 12+ -----
Le rouge et le noir Drama -----
Le rouge et le noir Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Suspense 16+ -----
Rouge Himba, carnet d'amitié avec les éleveurs nomades... BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Rouge passé BD-Comics History, Biography 10+ -----
Rouge passion 16+ -----
Le rouge sur les lčvres Yaoi-Yuri History, Romance 14+ -----
Rough Shonen Sport, Romance 12+ -----
Roujin Z Fantasy, Science f... 12+ -----
Rouletabille BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Route 66 BD-Comics Adventure, Humor 10+ -----
Route 78 BD-Comics Slices of life 14+ -----
La route de l'acide BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
La route de la vie BD-Comics History 10+ -----
La route de tibilissi BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Route end Shonen Policeman, Suspense 14+ -----
Le roux BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Rover Red Charlie BD-Comics Action, Adventure 10+ -----
Rox et rouky Anime Adventure, Youth 6+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Royal 17 -----
Royal city BD-Comics 10+ -----
Royal gentlemen club BD-Comics Erotic 18+ -----
Royal seventeen -----
Royal space force -----
Le royaume de Bâ BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Le royaume de blanche-fleur BD-Comics Humor, Youth 6+ -----
Le royaume des chats Anime Action, Fantasy 8+ 3.20/53.20/53.20/53.20/53.20/5
Le royaume des couleurs -----
Le royaume du vide BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Les royaumes carnivores Seinen Slices of life, An... 14+ -----
Les royaumes du nord BD-Comics Adventure -----
Le roy des Ribauds BD-Comics Adventure, Thriller 10+ -----
Rozen maiden Seinen Fantasy, Suspense 14+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Rozen maiden (2013) 12+ -----
Rozen maiden : ouvertüre Fantasy, Suspense 12+ -----
Rozen maiden - saison 2 Seinen Fantasy 12+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Rozen maiden : träumend Fantasy, Suspense 12+ -----
Rozen maiden - zurückspulen 12+ -----
Rua sésamo Youth -----
Le ruban de moebius Anime Science fiction, A... 10+ -----
Rubine BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Rubis & sa clique BD-Comics Fantasy, Youth 8+ -----
Rubrique-ŕ-brac BD-Comics Humor 12+ -----
Ruchomy zamek hauru Anime Fantasy, Adventure 10+ 4.75/54.75/54.75/54.75/54.75/5
Rudolf Turkey Seinen History, Action 14+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Rue de la gare BD-Comics 10+ -----
Les rues de Lyon BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Le rugby des barbares BD-Comics Sport, Humor 10+ -----
Les rugbymen BD-Comics Sport, Humor 10+ -----
Rui, el pequeńo cid Anime History, Action 8+ -----
Ruines BD-Comics Super-hero 10+ -----
Les ruines écarlates Shojo Fantasy, Horror 12+ -----
Ruin explorers -----
Ruki-san Josei Comedy, Slices of ... 14+ -----
Rules Yaoi-Yuri 16+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Rumble BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
Rumble fish Shonen Science fiction, A... 12+ -----
Rumbling hearts Romance, Drama 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Rumbling squadron boukenger -----
Rumic world - 1 or W Seinen Comedy, Slices of ... 12+ -----
Rumiko takahashi anthologie Comedy, Romance 12+ -----
Rumspringa no jôkei Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Runaways BD-Comics Super-hero 10+ -----
Run day burst Adventure 12+ -----
Run=dim -----
Rune soldier Comedy, Heroic-fan... 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Les runners BD-Comics Sport 10+ -----
Running girl, ma course vers les paralympiques Josei Sport, Slices of l... 12+ -----
Runway de waratte Shonen Romance, Slices of... 12+ -----
Runway no koibito Shojo Romance -----
Runway of lovers Shojo Romance -----
Rupan sansei Comedy, Action -----
Rupan sansei episode : 0 'first contact' 3+ -----
Rural ! BD-Comics Policeman, Social 10+ -----
Rure Sunjung Fantasy, Adventure 10+ -----
Ruri ruri 18+ -----
Ruroni kenshin - meiji kenkaku romantan seisohen Anime Action, Heroic-fan... 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Rurouni kenshin Shonen Adventure, Samurai 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Rurouni kenshin : ishin shishi no chinkonka [Requiem] Anime Action, Heroic-fan... 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Rurouni kenshin : meiji kenkaku romantan Shonen Adventure, Samurai 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Rurouni kenshin - meiji kenkaku romantan - tsuioku hen Anime Action, Heroic-fan... 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Rurouni kenshin - tokuhitsuban Shonen Adventure, Samurai 12+ -----
Rurouni kenshin : tsuioku hen Anime Action, Heroic-fan... 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Ruse -----
Russell Chase BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Russian olive to red king BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
R.U.S.T BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
Ruule -----
Ruy, il piccolo cid Anime History, Action 8+ -----
Rycerze zodiaku Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 10+ 4.83/54.83/54.83/54.83/54.83/5
Rycerz mike -----
Ryle & Louis Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Ryofuko-chan -----
Ryoko's case file -----
Ryoma Shonen Adventure, Martial... 12+ -----
Ryota du mandala Seinen Action, Slices of ... 16+ -----
Ryouken tantei 14+ -----
Ryouri danshi no kakushi aji Yaoi-Yuri Romance 16+ -----
Ryousanpaku to shukueidai 14+ -----
Ryu, il ragazzo delle caverne -----
Ryűi no luca Seinen Heroic-fantasy, Sl... 14+ -----
Ryuko Seinen Suspense, Thriller 16+ -----
Ryű no michi Fantasy 12+ -----
Ryuseiki gakusaver -----
Ryūsei no Rockman -----
Ryūsei no rockman tribe -----
Ryusei sentai musumet 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Ryűshika ryűshika Shonen Comedy, Slices of ... 12+ -----
Ryuugoroshi no brunhild Essay-Novel Fantasy, Adventure 14+ -----
Ryuu no haisha Anime Action, Fantasy 12+ -----
Ryuu seiki Shonen Action, Heroic-fan... 10+ -----


Tasse bicolore - Hauru
Tasse bicolore - Hauru


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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