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opening - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : Get 9
Interprète : Tim jensen
after dark
we kick into super funk
best stay clear
and hope it's not too bright
if a tricky situation
gets your motor motivation
that's nice

meet me after nine
hip-hopadelic delight
run rabbit conformation (synthetic application)
ain't no nine to five
if you can dig it, alright !

do what we can
won't worry tomorrow
kick in the countdown
saddled up and sanctified

get 9
get 9
save your soul
better make up your mind
save your soul
or you're gonna get do time
cuz we're hot
too cool
so tight
so fine
hyper cyberdelic and gold
get nine

meet me after nine
get groovadelic tonight
run rabbit situation (poetic vindication)
think it's time to ride
you bought your ticket, goodbye

do what we can
we'll get you tomorrow
begin da meltdown
bad enough and justified

get 9
get 9
let it go
gotta make up your mind
let it go
or you're gonna get time
cuz we're hot
too cool
so tight
so fine
it's time you be thinkin' "what for?"

get 9 (get 9)
get 9
save your soul
better make up your mind
save your soul
or you're gonna do time
cuz we're hot
too cold
so tight
so fine
hyper cyberdelic and go
get nine

do what we can
won't worry tomorrow
kick in the countdown
saddled up and sanctified

get 9
get 9
let it go
gotta make up your mind
let it go
or you're gonna get time
cuz we're hot
too cool
so tight
so fine
it's time you be thinkin' "what for?"

get 9 (get 9)
get 9
save your soul
better make up your mind
save your soul
or you're gonna do time
cuz we're hot
too cold
so tight
so fine
hyper cyberdelic and go
get nine
ending - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : Lithium Flower
Interprète : Scott Matthew
she's so cold and human
it's something humans do
she stays so golden solo
she's so number nine
she's incredible math
just incredible math

and is she really human?
she's just so something new
a waking lithium flower
just about to bloom
I smell lithium now
smelling lithium now

how is she when she doesn't surf?
how is she when she doesn't surf?
how is she when she doesn't surf?
I wonder what she does when she wakes up?
when she wakes up

so matador
so calm
so oil on a fire
she's so good
she's so goddess lithium flower
so sonic wave
yeah, she's so groove, yeah
she's so groove

wow, where did she learn how to surf?
wow, where did she learn how to surf?
wow, where did she learn how to surf?
you know I've never seen the girl wipe out

how does she so perfectly surf?
how does she so perfectly surf?
how does she so perfectly surf?
I wonder what she does when she wakes up?

I wanna go surfing with her
I wanna go surfing with her
I wanna go surfing with her
I wanna go surfing with her
1er ending - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : Titre non renseigné
Interprète : Interprète non renseigné
She's so cold and human
It's something humans do
She stays so golden solo
She's so number nine
She's incredible math
just incredible math

And is she really human?
She's just so something new
a waking lithium flower
just about to bloom
I smell lithium now
Smelling lithium now

How is she when she doesn't surf?
How is she when she doesn't surf?
How is she when she doesn't surf?
I wonder what she does when she wakes up?
When she wakes up


So matador
So calm
So oil on a fire
She's so good
She's so good
She's so goddess lithium flower
So sonic wave
She's so groove, yeah
She's so groove, yeah

Wow, where did she learn how to surf?
Wow, where did she learn how to surf?
Wow, where did she learn how to surf?
You know I've never seen the girl wipe out

How does she so perfectly surf?
How does she so perfectly surf?
How does she so perfectly surf?
I wonder what she does when she wakes up?

I wanna go surfing with her
I wanna go surfing with her
I wanna go surfing with her
I wanna go surfing with her
2ème ending - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : Titre non renseigné
Interprète : Interprète non renseigné
Roaming inbetween the worlds of sleep and awake
Seems so far away from where I've been and untrue but unafraid
My soul
I know I must be taken to see the world that is
Not so far from now

Imaginations come and sweep the shores of my mind
Letting it be, visions pass, and emotions arise
Letting them go, and beyond are doors
I've never seen, opening one by one

(Wake up and show the light, wake up the time is right)
I hear a voice, hear a voice calling out to me
Look inside, see the light now ever holding you
All the truth is all you need to make of your reality, its right here
Look deep within your shell

Finding out a galaxy of planets and stars within me
Listening to each of them singing the same silent melody
I've never seen such beauty in possibility
No speck of doubt or fear

(Wake up and show the light, wake up the time is right)
I hear a voice, hear a voice calling out to me
I see inside, see the light now ever holding me
All the truth, all I need to make of this reality it's
Beauty within the shell

(Wake up and show the light, wake up the time is right)
I hear a voice, hear a voice calling out to me
I see inside, see the light now ever holding me
All the truth, all I need to make of this reality, it's inside
Right here within this shell

The sandglass starts for another time's beginning from within
Cotton fields, mama's arms are gently unfolding me into the new...

(Wake up and show the light, wake up the time is right)
Here from behind my sight, my thoughts my mind
Show from the light
The time is right
And from the depth within show the balance
Of outer and inner harmony
Mind and heart, soul and spirit undivided
Here's where teh true strength and beauty lies
We'll see this before us with our own eyes
We'll see, with our own eyes... LOVE

(Wake up and show the light, wake up the time is right)
I hear a voice, hear a voice calling out to me
I see inside, see the light now ever holding me
All the truth, all I need to make of this reality it's
Beauty within the shell

(Wake up and show the light, wake up the time is right)
I hear a voice, hear a voice calling out to me
I see inside, see the light now ever holding me
All the truth, all I need to make of this reality it's
Beauty within the shell
1er opening - Japonais Japonais Titre : Inner universe
Interprète : Origa
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Angely i demony kruzhili nado mnoj
Razbivali ternii i zvyozdnye puti*
Ne znaet schast'ya tol'ko tot,
Kto ego zova ponyat' ne smog...

I am Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling
Soboj ostat'sya dol'she...
Calling Calling, in the depth of longing
Soboj ostat'sya dol'she...

Stand alone... Where was life when it had a meaning...
Stand alone... Nothing's real anymore and...

...Beskonechnyj beg...
Poka zhiva ya mogu starat'sya na letu ne upast',
Ne razuchit'sya mechtat'...lyubit'...
...Beskonechnyj beg...

Calling Calling, For the place of knowing
There's more that what can be linked
Calling Calling, Never will I look away
For what life has left for me
Yearning Yearning, for what's left of loving

Soboj ostat'sya dol'she...
Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling
Soboj ostat'sya dol'she...
Calling Calling, in the depth of longing
Soboj ostat'sya dol'she...
2ème opening - Japonais Japonais Titre : Rise
Interprète : Origa
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I'm a soldier, znachit ya
I otvyetchik i sud'ya
Ya stoyu na dvukh kontsakh ognya
Ogibaya virazhi, obgonyaya smyert' i zhizn'
Ya byegu srazit'sya s tyen'yu lzhi
skol'ko b nityey nye plyol obman
pokazhyet lik svyeta istina

Save your tears
for the day
when our pain is far behind
on your feet
come with me
we are soldiers stand or die
Save your fears
take your place
save them for the judgement day
fast and free
follow me
time to make the sacrifice
we rise or fall

I'm a soldier, born to stand
in this waking hell I am
witnessing more than I can compute
pray myself we don't forget
lies, betrayed and the oppressed
please give me the strength to be the truth

people facing the fire together
if we don't, we'll lose all we have found

Save your tears
for the day
when our pain is far behind
on your feet
come with me
we are soldiers stand or die
Save your fears
take your place
save them for the judgement day
fast and free
follow me
time to make the sacrifice
we rise or fall

Za myechtoyu nakray propasti
Lish' tol'ko tak mozhno mir spasti
Ty nye plach',
Slyozy spryach',
Ved' nastanyet novyy den'
Tvoy ogon'
Budyet tysyachi syerdets
A syeychas podnimis'
Spryach' podal'shye bol' i strakh
Pobyedit tot, kto prav
Znay, chto vsyo v tvoikh rukakh

Save your tears
for the day
when our pain is far behind
on your feet
come with me
we are soldiers stand or die
Save your fears
take your place
save them for the judgement day
fast and free
follow me
time to make the sacrifice
we rise or fall


6 membres possèdent cette série 6 membres possèdent cette série


Sweat à capuche - Papillons
Sweat à capuche - Papillons


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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