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Final fantasy XII - OST édition limité
Date de sortie : 03/07/2006
Type : CD
Catégorie : Anime
Genres : Science-fiction
Auteur : -
Editeur : Miya Records France
Public : 12+
Code EAN : 4719314023877
Description :
Coffret de 4 cds
Prix : 50,00

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Résumé : Disc 1: 1. Loop Demo 2. Final Fantasy ~ FFXII Version ~ 3. Opening Movie (Theme of Final Fantasy XII) 4. Infiltration 5. Boss Battle 6. Auditory Hallucination 7. Secret Practice 8. A Small Happiness 9. The Royal City of Rabanastre / City Ward Upper Stratum 10. Penelo's Theme 11. The Dream to be a Sky Pirate 12. Little Rascal 13. The Dalmasca Eastersand 14. Level Up! 15. Naivety 16. Coexistence (Imeperial Version) 17. Signs of Change 18. Mission Start 19. Rabanastre Downtown 20. Mission Failed 21. Quiet Determination 22. The Dalmasca Westersand 23. Clan Headquarters 24. A Small Bargain 25. Giza Plains 26. Parting with Penelo 27. The Garamsythe Waterway 28. An Omen 29. Rebellion 30. Nalbina Fortress Town Ward Disc 2: 1. The Princess' Vision 2. Clash of Swords 3. Victory Fanfare ~ FFXII Version ~ 4. Abyss 5. Dark Clouds (Imperial Version) 6. A Promise with Balflear 7. Game Over 8. Nalbina Fortress Underground Prison 9. The Barbarians 10. Battle Drum 11. Theme of the Empire 12. Chocobo FFXII Arrange Ver. 1 13. The Barheim Passage 14. Sorrow (Liberation Army Version) 15. Basch's Remminiscence 16. Coexistence (Liberation Army Version) 17. The Skycity of Bhujerba 18. Secret of Nethicite 19. Dark Night (Imperial Version) 20. A Speechless Battle 21. The Dreadnought Leviathan Bridge 22. Challenging the Empire 23. State of Emergency 24. Upheaval (Imperial Verion) 25. The Tomb of Raithwall Disc 3: 1. The Sandsea 2. Esper Battle 3. Sorrow (Imperial Version) 4. Seeking Power 5. Deseperate Fight 6. Jahara, Land of the Garif 7. Ozmone Plain 8. The Golmore Jungle 9. Eruyt Village 10. You're Really a Child 11. Chocobo ~ FFXII Version ~ 12. An Imminent Threat 13. Clash on the Big Bridge ~ FFXII Version ~ 14. Abandoning Power 15. The Stillshrine of Miriam 16. Time for a Rest 17. White Room 18. The Salikawood 19. The Phon Coast 20. Destiny 21. The Sochen Cave Palace 22. A Moment's Rest 23. Near the Water 24. The Mosphoran Highwaste Disc 4: 1. The Cerobi Steppe 2. Esper 3. The Port of Balfonheim 4. Nap 5. The Zertinan Caverns 6. A Land of Memories 7. The Forgotten Capital 8. The Feywood 9. Ashe's Theme 10. Giruvegan's Mystery 11. To the Place of the Gods 12. The Beginning of the End 13. To the Peak 14. The Sky Fortress Bahamut 15. Shaking Bahamut 16. The Battle for Freedom 17. The End of the Battle 18. Ending Movie 19. Kiss Me Good-Bye - featured in Final Fantasy XII 20. Symphonic Poem "Hope" ~ Final Fantasy XII PV ver. ~ 21. Theme of Final Fantasy XII (Presentation Version)


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