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All (1266)
JapaneseJapanese (291)
American / EnglishAmerican / English (276)
FrenchFrench (192)
ItalianItalian (151)
SpanishSpanish (132)
GermanGerman (119)
PortuguesePortuguese (31)
RussianRussian (28)
PolishPolish (17)
DutchDutch (9)
BrazilianBrazilian (6)
FinnishFinnish (5)
HungarianHungarian (4)
UkrainianUkrainian (2)
SwedishSwedish (1)
RomanianRomanian (1)
SlovakSlovak (1)
Title Episodes Origin See
La academia alice 26 American / English
La academia alice 26 Spanish
La academia alice 26 French
La academia alice 26 Italian
La academia alice 26 Japanese
La banda dei ranocchi 39 German
La banda dei ranocchi 39 French
La banda dei ranocchi 39 Japanese
La bande à dingo 78 German
La bande à dingo 78 American / English
La bande à dingo 78 French
La bande à dingo 78 Italian
La bande à dingo 68 Polish
La bande à dingo 78 Swedish
La battaglia dei pianeti 105 American / English
La battaglia dei pianeti 85 Spanish
La battaglia dei pianeti 105 French
Labirinto de fogo 2 German
Labirinto de fogo 2 American / English
Labirinto de fogo 2 Spanish
La blue girl 4 German
La blue girl 4 American / English
La blue girl 4 Japanese
Labyrinth of flames 2 German
Labyrinth of flames 2 American / English
Labyrinth of flames 2 Spanish
La carica dei 101 65 American / English
La carica dei 101 65 French
La città delle bestie incantatrici 1 French
La città incantata 1 Japanese
La confederazione delle piume cineree 13 German
La confederazione delle piume cineree 13 American / English
La confederazione delle piume cineree 13 Spanish
La confederazione delle piume cineree 13 French
La confederazione delle piume cineree 13 Italian
La confederazione delle piume cineree 13 Japanese
La confederazione delle piume cineree 13 Russian
La coppa dei dragoni 39 Japanese
La corazzata spaziale yamato 26 American / English
La corazzata spaziale yamato 26 Italian
La corazzata spaziale yamato 26 Japanese
La corazzata spaziale yamato II 26 American / English
La corazzata spaziale yamato II 26 Italian
La corazzata spaziale yamato II 26 Japanese
La corazzata spaziale yamato III 25 American / English
La corazzata spaziale yamato III 25 Italian
La corazzata spaziale yamato III 25 Japanese
La corda d'oro - primo passo 25 American / English
La corda d'oro - primo passo 25 French
La corda d'oro - primo passo 25 Italian
La corda d'oro - primo passo 25 Japanese
La corda d'oro - secondo passo 2 American / English
La corda d'oro - secondo passo 2 Italian
La corda d'oro - secondo passo 2 Japanese
Ladies versus butlers ! 12 American / English
Ladies versus butlers ! 12 Spanish
Ladies versus butlers ! 12 Japanese
Ladies vs butlers ! 12 American / English
Ladies vs butlers ! 12 Spanish
Ladies vs butlers ! 12 Japanese
L'adorabile lily 74 American / English
L'adorabile lily 74 Japanese
L'adorabile lily - OAV 3 American / English
L'adorabile lily - OAV 3 Japanese
Lady georgie 45 German
Lady georgie 45 American / English
Lady georgie 45 Spanish
Lady georgie 45 French
Lady georgie 45 Italian
Lady georgie 45 Japanese
Lady gwendoline 36 American / English
Lady gwendoline 57 French
Lady gwendoline 36 Japanese
Lady, lady ! 36 American / English
Lady, lady ! 57 French
Lady, lady ! 36 Japanese
Lady lovely locks and the pixietails 20 American / English
Lady lovely locks and the pixietails 12 French
Lady oscar 40 German
Lady oscar 40 American / English
Lady oscar 40 Spanish
Lady oscar 40 French
Lady oscar 40 Italian
Lady oscar 40 Japanese
Lady oscar, la rosa di versailles 40 German
Lady oscar, la rosa di versailles 40 American / English
Lady oscar, la rosa di versailles 40 Spanish
Lady oscar, la rosa di versailles 40 French
Lady oscar, la rosa di versailles 40 Italian
Lady oscar, la rosa di versailles 40 Japanese
La espada del inmortal 13 American / English
La espada del inmortal 13 Spanish
La espada del inmortal 13 French
La espada del inmortal 13 Japanese
La espada del inmortal 13 Ukrainian
La espada laser 45 American / English
La espada laser 45 Japanese
La familia bionica 65 American / English
La familia bionica 26 French
La familia crece 76 American / English
La familia crece 76 Spanish
La familia crece 76 French
La familia crece 76 Italian
La familia crece 76 Japanese
La familia robinson 50 German
La familia robinson 50 American / English
La familia robinson 50 Spanish
La familia robinson 50 French
La familia robinson 50 Dutch
La familia robinson 50 Italian
La familia robinson 50 Japanese
La famille pierrafeu 166 American / English
La famille pierrafeu 166 Polish
La fiebre del fútbol 51 American / English
La fiebre del fútbol 52 French
La fiebre del fútbol 51 Japanese
La foresta delle sirene 13 German
La foresta delle sirene 13 American / English
La foresta delle sirene 13 Italian
La foresta delle sirene 13 Japanese
Lagrange - the flower of rin-ne 12 American / English
Lagrange - the flower of rin-ne 12 Japanese
Lagrange - the flower of rin-ne 2 12 American / English
Lagrange - the flower of rin-ne 2 12 Japanese
Lag-rin 12 American / English
Lag-rin 12 Japanese
Lahn al hayah - music of life 40 German
Lahn al hayah - music of life 40 American / English
Lahn al hayah - music of life 40 Spanish
Lahn al hayah - music of life 40 French
Lahn al hayah - music of life 40 Italian
Lahn al hayah - music of life 40 Japanese
Lahn al hayah - music of life 40 Portuguese
Lain 13 American / English
Lain 13 Spanish
Lain 13 French
Lain 13 Japanese
Lain 13 Russian
La invencible nuku-nuku 6 American / English
La isla del tesoro 26 German
La isla del tesoro 26 American / English
La isla del tesoro 26 French
La isla del tesoro 26 Japanese
Lalabel 49 American / English
Lalabel 49 French
Lalabel 49 Italian
Lalabel 49 Japanese
Lalabel, la niña mágica 49 American / English
Lalabel, la niña mágica 49 French
Lalabel, la niña mágica 49 Italian
Lalabel, la niña mágica 49 Japanese
Lalabel the magic girl 49 American / English
Lalabel the magic girl 49 French
Lalabel the magic girl 49 Italian
Lalabel the magic girl 49 Japanese
La leyenda de ellcia 4 French
La leyenda de ellcia 4 Japanese
La liga del dragón 39 Japanese
L'allegro mondo di talpilandia 26 German
La macchina del tempo 2 American / English
La macchina del tempo 2 Japanese
La maga chappy 39 American / English
La maga chappy 39 French
La maga chappy 39 Italian
La maga chappy 39 Japanese
La magia de emi 38 Spanish
La magia de emi 38 French
La magia de emi 38 Italian
La magia de emi 38 Japanese
La magia de titila 50 American / English
La magia de titila 50 French
La magia de titila 50 Italian
La magia de titila 50 Japanese
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya 14 German
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya 14 American / English
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya 14 Spanish
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya 14 French
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya 14 Dutch
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya 14 Italian
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya 14 Japanese
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya 14 Portuguese
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya 14 Russian
La máquina del tiempo 2 American / English
La máquina del tiempo 2 Japanese
La maschera di vetro 3 American / English
La maschera di vetro 3 Japanese
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi 14 German
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi 14 American / English
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi 14 Spanish
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi 14 French
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi 14 Dutch
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi 14 Italian
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi 14 Japanese
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi 14 Portuguese
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi 14 Russian
Les lamentations de l'agneau 4 German
Les lamentations de l'agneau 4 American / English
Lament of the lamb 4 German
Lament of the lamb 4 American / English
La mia amica sandy bell 47 Spanish
La mia amica sandy bell 47 French
La mia amica sandy bell 47 Italian
La mia amica sandy bell 47 Japanese
Lamu 195 American / English
Lamu 195 Spanish
Lamu 195 French
Lamu 195 Italian
Lamu 195 Japanese
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio 195 American / English
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio 195 Spanish
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio 195 French
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio 195 Italian
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio 195 Japanese
Lamune 12 German
Lamune 12 American / English
Lamune 12 Spanish
Lamune 12 French
Lamune 12 Japanese
Landet för längesedan 26 German
Landet för längesedan 26 American / English
Landet för längesedan 26 French
Landet för längesedan 26 Italian
Landet för längesedan 26 Polish
Landet för längesedan 26 Russian
Landlock 2 American / English
Landlock 2 Japanese
Landlock - władca wiatru 2 American / English
Landlock - władca wiatru 2 Japanese
La novicia rebelde 40 German
La novicia rebelde 40 American / English
La novicia rebelde 40 Spanish
La novicia rebelde 40 French
La novicia rebelde 40 Italian
La novicia rebelde 40 Japanese
La novicia rebelde 40 Portuguese
La panda de julia 101 German
La panda de julia 104 Spanish
La panda de julia 104 French
La panda de julia 104 Italian
La panda de julia 104 Japanese
La pantera rosa 124 American / English
La pantera rosa 124 French
L'ape magà 65 German
L'ape magà 26 French
L'ape magà 65 Italian
L'apemaia 104 German
L'apemaia 104 Spanish
L'apemaia 52 French
L'apemaia 104 Italian
L'apemaia 104 Japanese
L'apemaia 104 Polish
La pequeña lulú 26 Japanese
La pequeña memole 50 American / English
La pequeña memole 50 French
La pequeña memole 50 Italian
La pequeña memole 50 Japanese
La piccola maga meg 72 American / English
La piccola maga meg 72 Spanish
La piccola maga meg 72 French
La piccola maga meg 72 Italian
La piccola maga meg 72 Japanese
La piccola maga meg 64 Portuguese
La piccola nell 26 American / English
La piccola nell 26 French
La piccola nell 26 Italian
La piccola nell 26 Japanese
Les lapins crétins 26 French
La princesa caballero 52 German
La princesa caballero 52 American / English
La princesa caballero 52 Spanish
La princesa caballero 52 French
La princesa caballero 52 Japanese
La princesa mononoke 1 American / English
La princesa mononoke 1 French
La princesa mononoke 1 Japanese
La princesa sara 46 German
La princesa sara 46 American / English
La princesa sara 46 French
La princesa sara 46 Italian
La princesa sara 46 Japanese
Laputa - castle in the sky 1 French
Laputa - il castello nel cielo 1 French
La ragazza maiale del coraggio e dell'amore, buurin volante ! 51 German
La ragazza maiale del coraggio e dell'amore, buurin volante ! 51 Spanish
La ragazza maiale del coraggio e dell'amore, buurin volante ! 51 Japanese
La ranita demetan 39 German
La ranita demetan 39 French
La ranita demetan 39 Japanese
La rivoluzione di utena 39 German
La rivoluzione di utena 39 American / English
La rivoluzione di utena 39 Spanish
La rivoluzione di utena 39 French
La rivoluzione di utena 39 Italian
La rivoluzione di utena 39 Japanese
Larme ultime 13 German
Larme ultime 13 American / English
Larme ultime 13 Spanish
Larme ultime 13 French
Larme ultime 13 Japanese
Larme ultime 13 Russian
Las aventuras de chihiro 1 Japanese
Las aventuras de gigi 63 American / English
Las aventuras de gigi 63 Spanish
Las aventuras de gigi 63 French
Las aventuras de gigi 63 Japanese
Las aventuras de huckleberry finn 26 American / English
Las aventuras de huckleberry finn 26 French
Las aventuras de huckleberry finn 26 Italian
Las aventuras de huckleberry finn 26 Japanese
Las aventuras de huckleberry finn 26 Polish
Las aventuras de huckleberry finn 26 Portuguese
Las aventuras de kamui , el ninja desertor 26 Spanish
Las aventuras de kamui , el ninja desertor 26 Italian
Las aventuras de kamui , el ninja desertor 26 Japanese
Las aventuras de las mini-diosas 48 German
Las aventuras de las mini-diosas 48 American / English
Las aventuras de las mini-diosas 48 Spanish
Las aventuras de las mini-diosas 48 French
Las aventuras de las mini-diosas 48 Japanese
Las aventuras de las mini-diosas 48 Russian
Las aventuras de marte 51 American / English
Las aventuras de marte 52 Spanish
Las aventuras de marte 51 French
Las aventuras de marte 51 Italian
Las aventuras de marte 52 Japanese
Las aventuras de memo koala 26 French
Las aventuras de orphen 24 German
Las aventuras de orphen 24 American / English
Las aventuras de orphen 24 Spanish
Las aventuras de orphen 24 French
Las aventuras de orphen 24 Italian
Las aventuras de orphen 24 Japanese
Las aventuras de orphen 24 Russian
Las aventuras de peline 52 German
Las aventuras de peline 53 American / English
Las aventuras de peline 52 Spanish
Las aventuras de peline 53 Italian
Las aventuras de peline 53 Japanese
Las aventuras de peter pan 41 German
Las aventuras de peter pan 41 American / English
Las aventuras de peter pan 41 French
Las aventuras de peter pan 41 Japanese
Las aventuras de pinocho 52 German
Las aventuras de pinocho 52 French
Las aventuras de pinocho 52 Italian
Las aventuras de pinocho 52 Japanese
Las aventuras de saint tail 43 American / English
Las aventuras de saint tail 43 Italian
Las aventuras de saint tail 43 Japanese
Las aventuras de Tintín 39 American / English
Las aventuras de Tintín 39 French
Las aventuras de Tintín 39 Dutch
Las aventuras de tom sawyer 49 German
Las aventuras de tom sawyer 49 American / English
Las aventuras de tom sawyer 49 Spanish
Las aventuras de tom sawyer 49 French
Las aventuras de tom sawyer 49 Italian
Las aventuras de tom sawyer 49 Japanese
Las aventuras de yoko y saki 43 Italian
Las aventuras de yoko y saki 43 Japanese
Las batallas de ninja 24 Spanish
Las batallas de ninja 24 Japanese
Las cosas de el y ella 26 German
Las cosas de el y ella 26 American / English
Las cosas de el y ella 26 Spanish
Las cosas de el y ella 26 French
Las cosas de el y ella 26 Italian
Las cosas de el y ella 26 Japanese
La seine no hoshi 39 German
La seine no hoshi 39 American / English
La seine no hoshi 39 French
La seine no hoshi 39 Italian
La seine no hoshi 39 Japanese
La selva de sirenas 13 German
La selva de sirenas 13 American / English
La selva de sirenas 13 Italian
La selva de sirenas 13 Japanese
Laserion 45 American / English
Laserion 45 Japanese
Las estrellas spica 20 American / English
Las estrellas spica 20 Spanish
Las estrellas spica 20 Japanese
Las gemelas de st.claire 26 German
Las gemelas de st.claire 26 American / English
Las gemelas de st.claire 26 Spanish
Las gemelas de st.claire 26 French
Las gemelas de st.claire 26 Japanese
Las guerreras mágicas 20 American / English
Las guerreras mágicas 20 Spanish
Las guerreras mágicas 20 French
Las guerreras mágicas 20 Italian
Las guerreras mágicas 20 Japanese
Las guerreras mágicas 20 Portuguese
Las misteriosas ciudades de oro 39 German
Las misteriosas ciudades de oro 39 American / English
Las misteriosas ciudades de oro 39 Spanish
Las misteriosas ciudades de oro 39 French
Las misteriosas ciudades de oro 39 Japanese
Las misteriosas ciudades de oro 39 Polish
Las misteriosas ciudades de oro 39 Portuguese
Lassie 26 American / English
Lassie 26 Japanese
Las super muñecas de licca chan 52 American / English
Las super muñecas de licca chan 52 Japanese
Last exile 26 American / English
Last exile 26 Spanish
Last exile 26 French
Last exile 26 Japanese
Last exile 26 Portuguese
Last exile 26 Russian
La torre de druaga - la espada de uruk 12 American / English
La torre de druaga - la espada de uruk 12 Spanish
La torre de druaga - la espada de uruk 12 French
La torre de druaga - la espada de uruk 12 Japanese
La tumba de las luciernagas 1 French
Laura ou la passion du théâtre 22 American / English
Laura ou la passion du théâtre 22 French
Laura ou la passion du théâtre 23 Italian
Laura ou la passion du théâtre 22 Japanese
La venganza de orphen 23 American / English
La venganza de orphen 23 Spanish
La venganza de orphen 23 Italian
La venganza de orphen 23 Japanese
La virgen maría nos observa 13 German
La virgen maría nos observa 13 American / English
La virgen maría nos observa 13 Spanish
La virgen maría nos observa 13 French
La virgen maría nos observa 13 Italian
La virgen maría nos observa 13 Japanese
La virgen maría nos observa ~primavera~ 13 American / English
La virgen maría nos observa ~primavera~ 13 Spanish
La virgen maría nos observa ~primavera~ 13 French
La virgen maría nos observa ~primavera~ 13 Italian
La virgen maría nos observa ~primavera~ 13 Japanese
La visión de escaflowne 26 German
La visión de escaflowne 26 American / English
La visión de escaflowne 26 Spanish
La visión de escaflowne 26 French
La visión de escaflowne 26 Italian
La visión de escaflowne 26 Japanese
La visión de escaflowne 26 Russian
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog 26 German
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog 26 American / English
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog 26 Spanish
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog 26 Finnish
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog 26 French
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog 26 Hungarian
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog 26 Italian
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog 26 Japanese
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog 26 Polish
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog 26 Russian
Layzner 38 Japanese
Layzner - OAV 3 American / English
Lazerion 45 American / English
Lazerion 45 Japanese
LBX 44 American / English
LBX 44 Japanese
Leave it to piyoko ! 8 German
Leave it to piyoko ! 8 American / English
Leave it to piyoko ! 8 Japanese
Leave it to piyoko pyo ! 8 German
Leave it to piyoko pyo ! 8 American / English
Leave it to piyoko pyo ! 8 Japanese
Le avventure della dolce kati 49 German
Le avventure della dolce kati 49 American / English
Le avventure della dolce kati 49 French
Le avventure della dolce kati 49 Dutch
Le avventure della dolce kati 49 Italian
Le avventure della dolce kati 49 Japanese
Le avventure di huckleberry finn 26 American / English
Le avventure di huckleberry finn 26 French
Le avventure di huckleberry finn 26 Italian
Le avventure di huckleberry finn 26 Japanese
Le avventure di huckleberry finn 26 Polish
Le avventure di huckleberry finn 26 Portuguese
Leechers army merowlink 12 American / English
Leechers army merowlink 12 Japanese
Le favole della foresta 52 German
Le favole della foresta 52 American / English
Le favole della foresta 52 Japanese
Legendary armor samurai troopers 39 American / English
Legendary armor samurai troopers 39 Spanish
Legendary armor samurai troopers 39 French
Legendary armor samurai troopers 39 Italian
Legendary armor samurai troopers 39 Japanese
Legendary armor samurai troopers 39 Portuguese
Legendary armor samurai troopers 39 Russian
Legendary brave da garn 46 American / English
Legendary brave da garn 46 Japanese
Legendary gambler tetsuya 20 American / English
Legendary gambler tetsuya 20 Japanese
Legendary giant god ideon 39 American / English
Legendary giant god ideon 39 Italian
Legendary giant god ideon 39 Japanese
Legendary idol eriko 51 American / English
Legendary idol eriko 51 Spanish
Legendary idol eriko 51 French
Legendary idol eriko 51 Italian
Legendary idol eriko 51 Japanese
La légende de blanche neige 52 German
La légende de blanche neige 52 American / English
La légende de blanche neige 52 French
La légende de blanche neige 52 Italian
La légende de blanche neige 52 Japanese
Legend of basara 13 American / English
Legend of basara 13 Japanese
Legend of crystania 3 German
Legend of crystania 3 American / English
Legend of crystania 3 Spanish
Legend of crystania 3 French
Legend of crystania 3 Italian
Legend of crystania 3 Japanese
Legend of crystania : the chaos ring 3 German
Legend of crystania : the chaos ring 3 American / English
Legend of crystania : the chaos ring 3 Spanish
Legend of crystania : the chaos ring 3 French
Legend of crystania : the chaos ring 3 Italian
Legend of crystania : the chaos ring 3 Japanese
Legend of duo 12 German
Legend of duo 12 American / English
Legend of duo 12 French
Legend of duo 12 Italian
Legend of duo 12 Japanese
Legend of grapple cooking bistro recipe 26 American / English
Legend of grapple cooking bistro recipe 26 Japanese
Legend of heavenly sphere Shurato 38 American / English
Legend of heavenly sphere Shurato 38 French
Legend of heavenly sphere Shurato 38 Japanese
Legend of heavenly sphere Shurato 38 Portuguese
Legend of himiko 12 American / English
Legend of himiko 12 Spanish
Legend of himiko 12 Japanese
Legend of light 19 German
Legend of light 19 American / English
Legend of light 19 Spanish
Legend of light 19 French
Legend of light 19 Italian
Legend of light 19 Japanese
Legend of mahjong : akagi 26 American / English
Legend of mahjong : akagi 26 Japanese
Legend of moby dick 26 Japanese
Legend of the 4 kings 12 American / English
Legend of the 4 kings 12 Japanese
Legend of the angel of love : wedding peach 51 German
Legend of the angel of love : wedding peach 51 American / English
Legend of the angel of love : wedding peach 51 Spanish
Legend of the angel of love : wedding peach 51 Italian
Legend of the angel of love : wedding peach 51 Japanese
Legend of the condor hero 52 American / English
Legend of the dragon kings 12 American / English
Legend of the dragon kings 12 Japanese
Legend of the galactic heroes 110 American / English
Legend of the galactic heroes 110 French
Legend of the galactic heroes 110 Japanese
Legend of the galactic heroes : a hundred billion stars, a hundred billion lights 24 American / English
Legend of the galactic heroes : a hundred billion stars, a hundred billion lights 24 Japanese
Legend of the galactic heroes - gaiden 1 24 American / English
Legend of the galactic heroes - gaiden 1 24 Japanese
Legend of the galactic heroes - gaiden 2 28 American / English
Legend of the galactic heroes - gaiden 2 28 Japanese
Legend of the galactic heroes - side stories series 1 24 American / English
Legend of the galactic heroes - side stories series 1 24 Japanese
Legend of the galactic heroes - side stories series 2 28 American / English
Legend of the galactic heroes - side stories series 2 28 Japanese
Legend of the galactic heroes : spiral labyrinth 28 American / English
Legend of the galactic heroes : spiral labyrinth 28 Japanese
Legend of the mystical ninja 23 American / English
Legend of the mystical ninja 23 Japanese
Legend of the white whale 26 Japanese
Legendz 50 American / English
Legendz 50 Japanese
Legendz : tale of the dragon kings 50 American / English
Legendz : tale of the dragon kings 50 Japanese
Legendz : yomigaeru ryuuou densetsu 50 American / English
Legendz : yomigaeru ryuuou densetsu 50 Japanese
Lei, l'arma finale 13 German
Lei, l'arma finale 13 American / English
Lei, l'arma finale 13 Spanish
Lei, l'arma finale 13 French
Lei, l'arma finale 13 Japanese
Lei, l'arma finale 13 Russian
Le incredibili avventure di zorori 52 French
Le incredibili avventure di zorori 52 Japanese
Lemonade 12 German
Lemonade 12 American / English
Lemonade 12 Spanish
Lemonade 12 French
Lemonade 12 Japanese
Lemon angel project 13 American / English
Lemon angel project 13 Japanese
Lenda lunar tsukihime 12 German
Lenda lunar tsukihime 12 American / English
Lenda lunar tsukihime 12 Brazilian
Lenda lunar tsukihime 12 Spanish
Lenda lunar tsukihime 12 Finnish
Lenda lunar tsukihime 12 French
Lenda lunar tsukihime 12 Japanese
Lensman - power of the lens 25 Japanese
Le nuove avventure di pinocchio 52 German
Le nuove avventure di pinocchio 52 American / English
Le nuove avventure di pinocchio 49 Brazilian
Le nuove avventure di pinocchio 52 French
Le nuove avventure di pinocchio 52 Italian
Le nuove avventure di pinocchio 52 Japanese
Léo, roi de la jungle 52 American / English
Léo, roi de la jungle 78 French
Leo the lion 52 American / English
Leo the lion 78 French
Le recueil des faits improbables de ryoko yakushiji 13 American / English
Le recueil des faits improbables de ryoko yakushiji 13 French
Le recueil des faits improbables de ryoko yakushiji 13 Japanese
Les aventuriers du bosco 26 American / English
Les aventuriers du bosco 26 French
Les aventuriers du bosco 26 Hungarian
Les aventuriers du bosco 26 Italian
Les aventuriers du bosco 26 Japanese
Les aventuriers du bosco 26 Russian
Les diplodos 24 German
Les diplodos 24 American / English
Les diplodos 26 French
Les diplodos 24 Polish
Le situazioni di lui e lei 26 German
Le situazioni di lui e lei 26 American / English
Le situazioni di lui e lei 26 Spanish
Le situazioni di lui e lei 26 French
Le situazioni di lui e lei 26 Italian
Le situazioni di lui e lei 26 Japanese
Les muppets babies 107 American / English
Les muppets babies 99 French
Let's & go 51 American / English
Let's & go 51 Japanese
Let's & go - sulle ali di un turbo 51 American / English
Let's & go - sulle ali di un turbo 51 Japanese
Let's go ! space battleship yamamoto yohko 26 American / English
Let's go ! space battleship yamamoto yohko 26 Japanese
Let's go ! space battleship yamamoto yohko II - OAV 3 American / English
Let's go ! space battleship yamamoto yohko II - OAV 3 French
Let's go ! space battleship yamamoto yohko II - OAV 3 Japanese
Let's walk straight 4 American / English
Let's walk straight 5 French
Let's walk straight 4 Japanese
Lets y go 51 American / English
Lets y go 51 Japanese
Letter bee 25 German
Letter bee 25 American / English
Letter bee 25 Spanish
Letter bee 25 Italian
Letter bee 25 Japanese
Letter bee 25 Russian
Level E 13 American / English
Le voci della savana 40 German
Le voci della savana 40 American / English
Le voci della savana 40 French
Le voci della savana 40 Japanese
Lewd beast school 4 German
Lewd beast school 4 American / English
Lewd beast school 4 Japanese
Liaisons immorales 3 American / English
Liaisons immorales 3 Japanese
Library wars 12 American / English
Library wars 12 French
Library wars 12 Japanese
Library wars - love & war 12 American / English
Library wars - love & war 12 French
Library wars - love & war 12 Japanese
Licenced by royal 13 American / English
Licenced by royal 13 Japanese
Light-speed electro-god albegus 45 Spanish
Light-speed electro-god albegus 45 Italian
Light-speed electro-god albegus 45 Japanese
La ligue des justiciers 91 American / English
La ligue des justiciers 91 French
Liikkuva linna 1 French
Lilli un guaio tira l'altro 45 American / English
Lilli un guaio tira l'altro 45 French
Lilli un guaio tira l'altro 45 Japanese
L'imbattibile daitarn 3 40 American / English
L'imbattibile daitarn 3 40 Italian
L'imbattibile daitarn 3 40 Japanese
Lime-colored history of war 13 German
Lime-colored history of war 13 American / English
Lime-colored history of war 13 French
Lime-colored history of war 13 Japanese
Lime-iro ryuukitan x 13 Japanese
Lime-iro senkitan 13 German
Lime-iro senkitan 13 American / English
Lime-iro senkitan 13 French
Lime-iro senkitan 13 Japanese
Lime-iro senkitan : the south island dream romantic adventure 2 American / English
Lime-iro senkitan : the south island dream romantic adventure 2 Japanese
L'immortale 13 American / English
L'immortale 13 Spanish
L'immortale 13 French
L'immortale 13 Japanese
L'immortale 13 Ukrainian
L'incantevole creamy 52 American / English
L'incantevole creamy 52 Spanish
L'incantevole creamy 52 French
L'incantevole creamy 52 Italian
L'incantevole creamy 52 Japanese
Linebarrels of iron 24 American / English
Linebarrels of iron 24 Spanish
Linebarrels of iron 24 Japanese
Lingerie fighter papillon rose 6 Italian
Lingerie fighter papillon rose 6 Japanese
Lingeries 3 American / English
Lingeries 3 Japanese
Lingerie senshi papillon rose 6 Italian
Lingerie senshi papillon rose 6 Japanese
Lingerie soldier papillon rose 6 Italian
Lingerie soldier papillon rose 6 Japanese
L'invincibile dendoh 38 American / English
L'invincibile dendoh 38 Italian
L'invincibile dendoh 38 Japanese
L'invincibile ninja kamui 26 Spanish
L'invincibile ninja kamui 26 Italian
L'invincibile ninja kamui 26 Japanese
L'invincibile robot trider G7 50 Italian
L'invincibile robot trider G7 50 Japanese
L'invincibile zambot 3 23 American / English
L'invincibile zambot 3 23 Italian
L'invincibile zambot 3 23 Japanese
Lion force voltron 72 German
Lion force voltron 72 American / English
Lion force voltron 24 French
L'irresponsabile capitan tylor 26 German
L'irresponsabile capitan tylor 26 American / English
L'irresponsabile capitan tylor 26 Spanish
L'irresponsabile capitan tylor 26 French
L'irresponsabile capitan tylor 26 Italian
L'irresponsabile capitan tylor 26 Japanese
Lisa e seya, un solo cuore per lo stesso segreto 43 American / English
Lisa e seya, un solo cuore per lo stesso segreto 43 Italian
Lisa e seya, un solo cuore per lo stesso segreto 43 Japanese
Listen to me, girls. i am your father ! 12 American / English
Listen to me, girls. i am your father ! 12 Japanese
Listen to me girls, i'm your father ! 12 American / English
Listen to me girls, i'm your father ! 12 Japanese
Littl' bits 26 German
Littl' bits 26 American / English
Littl' bits 26 Spanish
Littl' bits 26 French
Littl' bits 26 Dutch
Littl' bits 26 Italian
Littl' bits 26 Japanese
Littl' bits 26 Polish
Little akane 26 Japanese
Little Battlers eXperience 44 American / English
Little Battlers eXperience 44 Japanese
Little bebil in wonderland 30 Italian
Little bebil in wonderland 30 Japanese
Little duck's big love story 52 German
Little duck's big love story 52 American / English
Little duck's big love story 52 Spanish
Little duck's big love story 52 Finnish
Little duck's big love story 52 French
Little duck's big love story 52 Dutch
Little duck's big love story 52 Italian
Little duck's big love story 52 Japanese
Little duck's big love story 52 Portuguese
Little el cid no bôken 25 American / English
Little el cid no bôken 26 Spanish
Little el cid no bôken 25 French
Little el cid no bôken 26 Italian
Little el cid no bôken 25 Japanese
Little el cid no bôken 26 Polish
Little ghosts there, here, where 50 German
Little kaibutsu 104 Italian
Little kaibutsu 188 Japanese
Little lord fauntleroy 43 French
Little lord fauntleroy 43 Italian
Little lord fauntleroy 43 Japanese
Little lulu to chicchai nakama 26 Japanese
Little memole 50 American / English
Little memole 50 French
Little memole 50 Italian
Little memole 50 Japanese
Little mimi 50 American / English
Little mimi 50 French
Little mimi 50 Italian
Little mimi 50 Japanese
Little nell 26 American / English
Little nell 26 French
Little nell 26 Italian
Little nell 26 Japanese
Little osomatsu 192 Japanese
Little prince cedie 43 French
Little prince cedie 43 Italian
Little prince cedie 43 Japanese
Little women 48 German
Little women 48 American / English
Little women 48 French
Little women 48 Japanese
Little women in love 12 American / English
Little women in love 12 Japanese
Little women's four sisters 26 French
Live on cardliver kakeru 35 Japanese
Le livre de la jungle 52 German
Le livre de la jungle 52 American / English
Le livre de la jungle 52 French
Le livre de la jungle 52 Japanese
Le livre de la jungle 52 Polish
Llegando a ti 25 American / English
Llegando a ti 25 Spanish
Llegando a ti 25 French
Llegando a ti 25 Italian
Llegando a ti 25 Japanese
Llegando a ti 25 Russian
Lodoss, la légende de crystania 3 German
Lodoss, la légende de crystania 3 American / English
Lodoss, la légende de crystania 3 Spanish
Lodoss, la légende de crystania 3 French
Lodoss, la légende de crystania 3 Italian
Lodoss, la légende de crystania 3 Japanese
Lodoss, la légende du chevalier héroïque 27 German
Lodoss, la légende du chevalier héroïque 27 American / English
Lodoss, la légende du chevalier héroïque 27 Spanish
Lodoss, la légende du chevalier héroïque 27 French
Lodoss, la légende du chevalier héroïque 27 Italian
Lodoss, la légende du chevalier héroïque 27 Japanese
Lodoss tou senki 13 German
Lodoss tou senki 13 American / English
Lodoss tou senki 13 Spanish
Lodoss tou senki 13 French
Lodoss tou senki 13 Italian
Lodoss tou senki 13 Japanese
Lodoss tou senki 13 Russian
Lodoss tou senki : eiyuu kishi den 27 German
Lodoss tou senki : eiyuu kishi den 27 American / English
Lodoss tou senki : eiyuu kishi den 27 Spanish
Lodoss tou senki : eiyuu kishi den 27 French
Lodoss tou senki : eiyuu kishi den 27 Italian
Lodoss tou senki : eiyuu kishi den 27 Japanese
Lodoss war 13 German
Lodoss war 13 American / English
Lodoss war 13 Spanish
Lodoss war 13 French
Lodoss war 13 Italian
Lodoss war 13 Japanese
Lodoss war 13 Russian
Log horizon 25 French
Log horizon 25 Japanese
La loi d'ueki 51 German
La loi d'ueki 51 American / English
La loi d'ueki 51 Spanish
La loi d'ueki 51 French
La loi d'ueki 51 Japanese
Loki, el detectiu misteriós 26 German
Loki, el detectiu misteriós 26 American / English
Loki, el detectiu misteriós 26 Spanish
Loki, el detectiu misteriós 26 Japanese
Loki el detective mitico 26 German
Loki el detective mitico 26 American / English
Loki el detective mitico 26 Spanish
Loki el detective mitico 26 Japanese
Loki, le détective mythique 26 German
Loki, le détective mythique 26 American / English
Loki, le détective mythique 26 Spanish
Loki, le détective mythique 26 Japanese
Long mao 1 French
Le long voyage de porfy 52 Japanese
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei 26 German
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei 26 American / English
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei 26 Spanish
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei 26 French
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei 26 Japanese
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei 26 Polish
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei 26 Russian
Lord of lords ryu knight : adeu's legend 13 American / English
Lord of lords ryu knight : adeu's legend 13 Japanese
Lord of lords ryu knight: adeu's legend II 3 American / English
Lord of lords ryu knight: adeu's legend II 3 Japanese
Los 5 samurais 39 American / English
Los 5 samurais 39 Spanish
Los 5 samurais 39 French
Los 5 samurais 39 Italian
Los 5 samurais 39 Japanese
Los 5 samurais 39 Portuguese
Los 5 samurais 39 Russian
Los caballeros de kodai 45 American / English
Los caballeros de kodai 45 Italian
Los caballeros de kodai 45 Japanese
Los caballeros del mundo mon 46 German
Los caballeros del mundo mon 47 American / English
Los caballeros del mundo mon 46 French
Los caballeros del zodiaco 114 American / English
Los caballeros del zodiaco 114 Brazilian
Los caballeros del zodiaco 114 Spanish
Los caballeros del zodiaco 114 French
Los caballeros del zodiaco 114 Italian
Los caballeros del zodiaco 114 Japanese
Los caballeros del zodiaco 114 Portuguese
Los caballeros del zodiaco contraatacan : la leyenda de los santos escarlata 1 American / English
Los caballeros del zodiaco contraatacan : la leyenda de los santos escarlata 1 Spanish
Los caballeros del zodiaco contraatacan : la leyenda de los santos escarlata 1 French
Los caballeros del zodiaco contraatacan : la leyenda de los santos escarlata 1 Italian
Los caballeros del zodiaco contraatacan : la leyenda de los santos escarlata 1 Japanese
Los caballeros del zodiaco contraatacan : la leyenda de los santos escarlata 1 Portuguese
Los caballeros del zodiaco contra lucifer : los guerreros de armagedón 1 American / English
Los caballeros del zodiaco contra lucifer : los guerreros de armagedón 1 Spanish
Los caballeros del zodiaco contra lucifer : los guerreros de armagedón 1 French
Los caballeros del zodiaco contra lucifer : los guerreros de armagedón 1 Italian
Los caballeros del zodiaco contra lucifer : los guerreros de armagedón 1 Japanese
Los caballeros del zodiaco contra lucifer : los guerreros de armagedón 1 Portuguese
Los caballeros del zodiaco : el guerrero de armageddon 1 American / English
Los caballeros del zodiaco : el guerrero de armageddon 1 Spanish
Los caballeros del zodiaco : el guerrero de armageddon 1 French
Los caballeros del zodiaco : el guerrero de armageddon 1 Italian
Los caballeros del zodiaco : el guerrero de armageddon 1 Japanese
Los caballeros del zodiaco : el guerrero de armageddon 1 Portuguese
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la gran batalla de los dioses 1 American / English
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la gran batalla de los dioses 1 Spanish
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la gran batalla de los dioses 1 French
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la gran batalla de los dioses 1 Italian
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la gran batalla de los dioses 1 Japanese
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la gran batalla de los dioses 1 Portuguese
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la leyenda de la manzana de oro 1 German
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la leyenda de la manzana de oro 1 American / English
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la leyenda de la manzana de oro 1 Spanish
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la leyenda de la manzana de oro 1 French
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la leyenda de la manzana de oro 1 Italian
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la leyenda de la manzana de oro 1 Japanese
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la leyenda de la manzana de oro 1 Portuguese
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la reencarnación de ellis, la diosa de la guerra 1 German
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la reencarnación de ellis, la diosa de la guerra 1 American / English
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la reencarnación de ellis, la diosa de la guerra 1 Spanish
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la reencarnación de ellis, la diosa de la guerra 1 French
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la reencarnación de ellis, la diosa de la guerra 1 Italian
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la reencarnación de ellis, la diosa de la guerra 1 Japanese
Los caballeros del zodiaco : la reencarnación de ellis, la diosa de la guerra 1 Portuguese
Los catos samurai 51 German
Los catos samurai 52 American / English
Los catos samurai 52 Spanish
Los catos samurai 52 French
Los catos samurai 54 Japanese
Los cazadores de duendes 12 American / English
Los cazadores de duendes 12 Spanish
Los cazadores de duendes 12 Japanese
Los cazadores de duendes 12 Portuguese
Los dias de midori 13 German
Los dias de midori 13 American / English
Los dias de midori 13 Spanish
Los dias de midori 13 French
Los dias de midori 13 Italian
Los dias de midori 13 Japanese
Los dias de midori 13 Portuguese
Los dias de midori 13 Russian
Los gatos samurai 51 German
Los gatos samurai 52 American / English
Los gatos samurai 52 Spanish
Los gatos samurai 52 French
Los gatos samurai 54 Japanese
Los guerreros bakugan 52 German
Los guerreros bakugan 52 American / English
Los guerreros bakugan 52 Brazilian
Los guerreros bakugan 52 Spanish
Los guerreros bakugan 51 French
Los guerreros bakugan 51 Japanese
Los guerreros bakugan 52 Portuguese
Los guerreros bakugan 52 Romanian
Los héroes del combattler 54 Italian
Los héroes del combattler 54 Japanese
Los inventos de eva 45 French
Los inventos de eva 45 Japanese
Los justicieros 26 German
Los justicieros 26 American / English
Los justicieros 26 Spanish
Los justicieros 26 French
Los justicieros 26 Japanese
Los padrinos de tokio 1 American / English
Lo specchio magico 94 Spanish
Lo specchio magico 94 Japanese
Lo spirito nel guscio 26 German
Los secretos de julie 94 Spanish
Los secretos de julie 94 Japanese
Los super campeones 128 German
Los super campeones 128 American / English
Los super campeones 128 Spanish
Los super campeones 128 French
Los super campeones 128 Italian
Los super campeones 128 Japanese
Los super campeones 128 Polish
Los super campeones 128 Portuguese
Los superonce 127 French
Los superonce 127 Italian
Los superonce 127 Japanese
Los superonce 127 Portuguese
Lo strano mondo di minù 44 German
Lo strano mondo di minù 130 Italian
Lo strano mondo di minù 130 Japanese
Lost universe 26 German
Lost universe 26 American / English
Lost universe 26 Spanish
Lost universe 26 French
Lost universe 26 Italian
Lost universe 26 Japanese
Louie, el guerrero de las runas 24 German
Louie, el guerrero de las runas 24 American / English
Louie, el guerrero de las runas 24 Spanish
Louie, el guerrero de las runas 24 French
Louie, el guerrero de las runas 24 Japanese
Louie, the rune soldier 24 German
Louie, the rune soldier 24 American / English
Louie, the rune soldier 24 Spanish
Louie, the rune soldier 24 French
Louie, the rune soldier 24 Japanese
Love angel legend wedding peach dx 4 German
Love angel legend wedding peach dx 4 American / English
Love angel legend wedding peach dx 4 Italian
Love angel legend wedding peach dx 4 Japanese
Love, chunibyo & other delusions 12 American / English
Love, chunibyo & other delusions 12 Italian
Love, chunibyo & other delusions 12 Russian
LoveCom 24 German
LoveCom 24 American / English
LoveCom 24 Spanish
LoveCom 24 French
LoveCom 24 Hungarian
LoveCom 24 Italian
LoveCom 24 Japanese
LoveCom 24 Portuguese
Lovedol ~lovely idol~ 12 American / English
Lovedol ~lovely idol~ 12 French
Lovedol ~lovely idol~ 12 Japanese
Love, election & chocolate 12 American / English
Love, election & chocolate 12 Russian
Love, elections, & chocolate 12 American / English
Love, elections, & chocolate 12 Russian
Lovege chu ~miracle seiyuu hakusho~ 25 American / English
Lovege chu ~miracle seiyuu hakusho~ 25 Japanese
Love get chu 25 American / English
Love get chu 25 Japanese
Love hina 25 German
Love hina 25 American / English
Love hina 25 Spanish
Love hina 25 French
Love hina 25 Italian
Love hina 25 Japanese
Love hina 25 Portuguese
Love hina 25 Russian
Love hina again 3 French
Love hina again 3 Japanese
Love hina again 3 Portuguese
Love in rock'n roll 42 German
Love in rock'n roll 42 American / English
Love in rock'n roll 42 Spanish
Love in rock'n roll 42 French
Love in rock'n roll 42 Italian
Love in rock'n roll 42 Japanese
Love lab 13 American / English
Love lab 13 Italian
Love lab 13 Japanese
Loveless 12 American / English
Loveless 12 Spanish
Loveless 12 French
Loveless 12 Slovak
Love love ? 13 German
Love♥Love? 13 German
Love love ? 13 American / English
Love♥Love? 13 American / English
Love love ? 13 Spanish
Love♥Love? 13 Spanish
Love love ? 9 French
Love♥Love? 9 French
Love♥Love? 13 Japanese
Love love ? 13 Japanese
Lovely complex 24 German
Lovely complex 24 American / English
Lovely complex 24 Spanish
Lovely complex 24 French
Lovely complex 24 Hungarian
Lovely complex 24 Italian
Lovely complex 24 Japanese
Lovely complex 24 Portuguese
Lovely sara 46 German
Lovely sara 46 American / English
Lovely sara 46 French
Lovely sara 46 Italian
Lovely sara 46 Japanese
Love me night 42 German
Love me night 42 American / English
Love me night 42 Spanish
Love me night 42 French
Love me night 42 Italian
Love me night 42 Japanese
Love pheromone 13 American / English
Love pheromone 13 Japanese
Love's tale of young grass 48 German
Love's tale of young grass 48 American / English
Love's tale of young grass 48 French
Love's tale of young grass 48 Japanese
Love's zephyr 13 German
Love's zephyr 13 American / English
Love's zephyr 13 Spanish
Love's zephyr 13 French
Love's zephyr 13 Italian
Love's zephyr 13 Japanese
Love trouble 26 German
Love trouble 26 American / English
Love trouble 26 Spanish
Love trouble 26 French
Love trouble 26 Italian
Love trouble 26 Japanese
Love trouble 26 Russian
Love wind 13 German
Love wind 13 American / English
Love wind 13 Spanish
Love wind 13 French
Love wind 13 Italian
Love wind 13 Japanese
Love you baby 26 German
Love you baby 26 American / English
Love you baby 26 Spanish
Love you baby 26 French
Love you baby 26 Italian
Love you baby 26 Japanese
Love you baby 26 Russian
L/R 13 American / English
L/R 13 Japanese
Lucile amour et rock'n roll 42 German
Lucile amour et rock'n roll 42 American / English
Lucile amour et rock'n roll 42 Spanish
Lucile amour et rock'n roll 42 French
Lucile amour et rock'n roll 42 Italian
Lucile amour et rock'n roll 42 Japanese
Lucky Luke 52 Spanish
Lucky Luke 52 French
Lucky star 24 German
Lucky star 24 American / English
Lucky star 24 Spanish
Lucky star 24 Italian
Lucky star 24 Japanese
Lucky star 24 Portuguese
Lucky star 24 Russian
Lucy in australien 50 German
Lucy in australien 50 American / English
Lucy in australien 50 French
Lucy in australien 50 Italian
Lucy in australien 50 Japanese
Lucy may 50 German
Lucy may 50 American / English
Lucy may 50 French
Lucy may 50 Italian
Lucy may 50 Japanese
Lucy of the southern rainbow 50 German
Lucy of the southern rainbow 50 American / English
Lucy of the southern rainbow 50 French
Lucy of the southern rainbow 50 Italian
Lucy of the southern rainbow 50 Japanese
Lui ou rien 11 American / English
Lui ou rien 11 Japanese
Luke l'intrépide 3 Japanese
Lulu, la chica de las flores 50 American / English
Lulu, la chica de las flores 50 Spanish
Lulu, la chica de las flores 50 French
Lulu, la chica de las flores 50 Italian
Lulu, la chica de las flores 50 Japanese
Lulù l'angelo tra i fiori 50 American / English
Lulù l'angelo tra i fiori 50 Spanish
Lulù l'angelo tra i fiori 50 French
Lulù l'angelo tra i fiori 50 Italian
Lulù l'angelo tra i fiori 50 Japanese
Lum 195 American / English
Lum 195 Spanish
Lum 195 French
Lum 195 Italian
Lum 195 Japanese
Lum, la chica invasora 195 American / English
Lum, la chica invasora 195 Spanish
Lum, la chica invasora 195 French
Lum, la chica invasora 195 Italian
Lum, la chica invasora 195 Japanese
Luna principessa argentata 70 American / English
Luna principessa argentata 70 French
Luna principessa argentata 70 Italian
Luna principessa argentata 70 Japanese
Lunar legend moon princess 12 German
Lunar legend moon princess 12 American / English
Lunar legend moon princess 12 Brazilian
Lunar legend moon princess 12 Spanish
Lunar legend moon princess 12 Finnish
Lunar legend moon princess 12 French
Lunar legend moon princess 12 Japanese
Lunar legend tsukihime 12 German
Lunar legend tsukihime 12 American / English
Lunar legend tsukihime 12 Brazilian
Lunar legend tsukihime 12 Spanish
Lunar legend tsukihime 12 Finnish
Lunar legend tsukihime 12 French
Lunar legend tsukihime 12 Japanese
Luna varga 4 American / English
Lunlun the flower child 50 American / English
Lunlun the flower child 50 Spanish
Lunlun the flower child 50 French
Lunlun the flower child 50 Italian
Lunlun the flower child 50 Japanese
L'uomo tigre, il campione 105 American / English
L'uomo tigre, il campione 105 Spanish
L'uomo tigre, il campione 105 Italian
L'uomo tigre, il campione 105 Japanese
L'uomo tigre, il campione 105 Polish
Lupin III 23 American / English
Lupin III 23 Spanish
Lupin III 52 French
Lupin III 23 Italian
Lupin III 23 Japanese
Lupin III la prima serie 23 American / English
Lupin III la prima serie 23 Spanish
Lupin III la prima serie 52 French
Lupin III la prima serie 23 Italian
Lupin III la prima serie 23 Japanese
Lupin III : mine fujiko to iu onna 13 American / English
Lupin III : mine fujiko to iu onna 13 Italian
Lupin III : mine fujiko to iu onna 13 Japanese
Lupin III : the woman called fujiko mine 13 American / English
Lupin III : the woman called fujiko mine 13 Italian
Lupin III : the woman called fujiko mine 13 Japanese
Lupin III - Une femme nommée Fujiko Mine 13 American / English
Lupin III - Une femme nommée Fujiko Mine 13 Italian
Lupin III - Une femme nommée Fujiko Mine 13 Japanese
Lupin the 3rd 23 American / English
Lupin the 3rd 23 Spanish
Lupin the 3rd 52 French
Lupin the 3rd 23 Italian
Lupin the 3rd 23 Japanese
Lupin the third 23 American / English
Lupin the third 23 Spanish
Lupin the third 52 French
Lupin the third 23 Italian
Lupin the third 23 Japanese
Lupin the third - la donna chiamata fujiko mine 13 American / English
Lupin the third - la donna chiamata fujiko mine 13 Italian
Lupin the third - la donna chiamata fujiko mine 13 Japanese
Lupin the third : mine fujiko to iu onna 13 American / English
Lupin the third : mine fujiko to iu onna 13 Italian
Lupin the third : mine fujiko to iu onna 13 Japanese
Lupin the third : the woman called fujiko mine 13 American / English
Lupin the third : the woman called fujiko mine 13 Italian
Lupin the third : the woman called fujiko mine 13 Japanese
Lupsakkaat luppakorvat 65 American / English
Lupsakkaat luppakorvat 65 French
Lutinette et lutinou 26 German
Lutinette et lutinou 26 American / English
Lutinette et lutinou 26 Spanish
Lutinette et lutinou 26 French
Lutinette et lutinou 26 Dutch
Lutinette et lutinou 26 Italian
Lutinette et lutinou 26 Japanese
Lutinette et lutinou 26 Polish
Les lutins de la forêt 26 German
Les lutins de la forêt 26 American / English
Les lutins de la forêt 26 Spanish
Les lutins de la forêt 26 French
Les lutins de la forêt 26 Dutch
Les lutins de la forêt 26 Italian
Les lutins de la forêt 26 Japanese
Les lutins de la forêt 26 Polish
Luv wave 3 American / English
Luv wave 3 Japanese
Les luxioles 26 American / English
Les luxioles 26 French
Lydie et la clé magique 50 American / English
Lydie et la clé magique 50 Spanish
Lydie et la clé magique 50 French
Lydie et la clé magique 50 Italian
Lydie et la clé magique 50 Japanese


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